Do you really care if white ppl use the "N-Word"

So you're just gonna ignore the history of the word? Why do you want to use that word in the first place as a non-black person?
There's plenty of alternatives that aren't rooted in white supremacy and can be used without any sort of repercussions.

Man fall back lil momma. Dude said hes gona say it all day long and hurt you if you say it around him.

Once again, mr. Waffles wants to weigh in on things he doesnt have to deal with.
Its an ingroup-outgroup bias.

I mean you arent gonna celebrated beating cancer with other survivors and you never had cancer/been through the struggle, then get mad when they look at you funny, right?

Youve probably called your mom a B a thousand times but you dont want everyone else callinh your mom a B too and be all cool with it, right?

It happens amongst all groups, the nword is just a really popular example.
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When I went to San Fran white people used it all the time, never seen that before
This thread reminds me of a time in high school when my friend and me were having a convo and he said n****. This girl walked by and asked "what did you just say?" And he repeated the sentence he said. She proceeded to say that we're not allowed to say the word, followed up by asking how would we like it if she called us spi**s. We said we wouldn't care and just laughed further pissing her off. :lol: I grew up with many saying it around me and it's something that I'll say without even thinking about it during regular convo with my friends and even coworkers. I'll be damned if someone actually argues with me and says I can't say a certain word, welcome to America, free speech b.
So because your black its ONLY ok for YOU to say it? Da hell? Why you so hurt when some other race says it? The word THAT offensive to you? Its THAT disrespectful to you?

Well cuz of your stupid logic your gona keep gettin offended by other races sayin it you jabroni.

First of all I was personally talking to G because he has a history of saying borderline racist things on these forums. So his warnings are already out the window. That's not the approach I take with everyone else though, a simple non threatening verbal warning works and it's a non issue after that jabroni.
If you're cool with them saying then why would you care if they called you it ?.... And the fact that you made this thread let's me know all I need to know about you

Like I said, it's all about context. Lol and what do you know about me based of me making the thread? [emoji]128064[/emoji]
Free speech doesnt protect you from the consequences of saying whatever you want to say

Lame bravado sponsored by murica
You're right, but in the context that I use the word I see no consequence. I'm not saying it in a disrespectful/discriminatory tone.
All my black friends call me this and im sure its a term of endearment in that sense. Ive known sum of them all my life and i dont eem think about it at this point.

I personally tho, have and will never say it.

Growing up in the south you do hear it alot.
Wen my friends say it its nothing.

I dont have a single white friend who ever uses it.

But wen i hear a white person...or non black person say it....even to a song. just sounds not normal lol.

I mean i dont care.....maybe i would if i were black who knows.

But....the og (i dunno a better term) version is definitely racist imo.

Wen i was in middle school i had a science class and we were split into pairs for this project... I was paired with this white kid who rode my bus.....we were working and one of my black friends passed by like "wassup"

Wen he passed my white friend was like
"Why do you hang out with *******?"

First time i heard that word irl.

Wen white people say it like that it just cuts moreso than most hate filled words.
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This discussion will always make me laugh. People actually arguing for why they want to call themselves and and their friends"*****."

Even funnier thinking about the ones who don't even like "******." 

I hardly hear white people say it, it's mostly non-black minorities who I hear use it in every other sentence.
Why do Hispanics get upset when they're told they can't say it?

Dudes willing to be called on racial slur to say another?

I dont get mad if im not 'allowed' to say it, its not a dam priveledge :lol: its just the way certain dudes try to justify on why they can say it.

Theres plenty of reasons why the word shouldnt be used by anyone, even somw slang words mexicans and pordaricans use towards eachother shouldnt be used....but we do it.
and after the mole is removed (which will save me money rather than going to get it removed) ill call the police and you'll be just another statistic.

This is why it's best to just walk away from these cornballs.

They will provoke you into a confrontation and then call the cops when they get what's coming to them...
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I'll put it like this. If you call them out on it and explain why you take offense to it and they blow what you have to say off.

They likely aren't a quality person. Not worth the potential legal reprecussions that would come from putting hands on them. It's people out there who will try to bait you in reacting in a physical manner and call the cops after. You gotta outsmart them at their game.
This is why it's best to just walk away from these cornballs.

They will provoke you into a confrontation and then call the cops when they get what's coming to them...

im not going to provoke anyone over the n-word.

i actually got called out by out a friend for using it one time when EVERY single person (black, white, hawaiian, asian) was using it around the poker table. he decided to call me out. i stopped using it and actually was out of touch with him for a good couple months-year because i found it to be extremely hypocritical and petty that i got called out.

like i said, if youre going to use it freely around me in a non-negative, non-hateful context, you lose ground to come at me or anyone for using it. especially if you direct use it directed toward me.

but if you dont like anyone to use it, dont use it yourself especially around non-black people.
im not going to provoke anyone over the n-word.

i actually got called out by out a friend for using it one time when EVERY single person (black, white, hawaiian, asian) was using it around the poker table. he decided to call me out. i stopped using it and actually was out of touch with him for a good couple months-year because i found it to be extremely hypocritical and petty that i got called out.

like i said, if youre going to use it freely around me in a non-negative, non-hateful context, you lose ground to come at me or anyone for using it. especially if you direct use it directed toward me.

but if you dont like anyone to use it, dont use it yourself especially around non-black people.

Assuming you're white...

You're just gonna ignore the history of the word as it relates to whites and blacks?

The reason white people aren't "allowed" to say it around blacks is because it makes blacks question their ulterior motives...are they saying this so they can run around and say they got away with saying it around a black....are they testing me...are they low key trying to disrespect makes you feel like a lightweight c000n if you don't at least say something....

But whites are stuck on "if he can say it why can't I"
Assuming you're white...

You're just gonna ignore the history of the word as it relates to whites and blacks?

The reason white people aren't "allowed" to say it around blacks is because it makes blacks question their ulterior motives...are they saying this so they can run around and say they got away with saying it around a black....are they testing me...are they low key trying to disrespect makes you feel like a lightweight c000n if you don't at least say something....

But whites are stuck on "if he can say it why can't I"

I'm Filipino.
Assuming you're white...

You're just gonna ignore the history of the word as it relates to whites and blacks?

The reason white people aren't "allowed" to say it around blacks is because it makes blacks question their ulterior motives...are they saying this so they can run around and say they got away with saying it around a black....are they testing me...are they low key trying to disrespect makes you feel like a lightweight c000n if you don't at least say something....

But whites are stuck on "if he can say it why can't I"

I'm Filipino.
Musta? :nerd:
Anybody that has that "if they can say it, I'm gonna say it" mindset is just asking to get they *** beat one day. That's why I try not to even say it around white people cuz some of them will try to test you.

This is why it's best to just walk away from these cornballs.

They will provoke you into a confrontation and then call the cops when they get what's coming to them...

im not going to provoke anyone over the n-word.

i actually got called out by out a friend for using it one time when EVERY single person (black, white, hawaiian, asian) was using it around the poker table. he decided to call me out. i stopped using it and actually was out of touch with him for a good couple months-year because i found it to be extremely hypocritical and petty that i got called out.

like i said, if youre going to use it freely around me in a non-negative, non-hateful context, you lose ground to come at me or anyone for using it. especially if you direct use it directed toward me.

but if you dont like anyone to use it, dont use it yourself especially around non-black people.

I'll say this. Any black person that calls a non-black person that is asking for them to use it right back. But if 2 black people are using it amongst each other ain't your business how they choose to address one another. I got Mexican homies that I hang with, if they decided to call each other something that's within their culture I'm not gonna jump in like "Oh I wanna say it too!!" That's some lame ****. If people got their own way of talking to one another let them have it.
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Anybody that has that "if they can say it, I'm gonna say it" mindset is just asking to get they *** beat one day. That's why I try not to even say it around white people cuz some of them will try to test you.
I'll say this. Any black person that calls a non-black person that is asking for them to use it right back. But if 2 black people are using it amongst each other ain't your business how they choose to address one another. I got Mexican homies that I hang with, if they decided to call each other something that's within their culture I'm not gonna jump in like "Oh I wanna say it too!!" That's some lame ****. If people got their own way of talking to one another let them have it.

i can agree with you on that.

i just dont like when people get offended if they are directing the word at myself and i say it right back in the same context. thats some petty/hypocritical ****.

i remember when i was playing ball at a gym and two guys were going at it (one black and one asian) and the black guy just kept on and kept on calling him n-a and then when the asian dude said the same thing dude got super offended.

if it hurts/offends you that much when someone says it after you say it toward them, dont say it at all.

im not trying to tell black people to act, but thats just how some of us non-black people feel.
I just don't use the word amongst any of my friends regardless of race. I never hear it back either

I just don't think the word is a big deal, I don't judge black people who use it, and white folks can use it on the basis of quoting rap lyrics only. 
Yup. Being from Texas i get more annoyed by Hispanics saying it, As much as they use that word, they'll let that m-word fly quick too if they get mad.

and i hate how cats give certain people passes just because he/she grew up in a black neighborhood. Her baby daddy black etc etc. Wild corny how mfs will tell you "i'm blacker than you." just because they grew up a certain way.
I just don't think the word is a big deal, I don't judge black people who use it, and white folks can use it on the basis of quoting rap lyrics only. 
As a white person,I wouldn't even use it then,even if I'm by myself signing along with a song ,I won't.I know some white folks who will use it only in the context of signing a song but still seems wrong to me.
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