Do you really care if white ppl use the "N-Word"

Thank you glad you keeping it real and not coming with Bs like "but but but they say it " or "I grew around black people"

I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.
Bruh if it doesn't affect my family, my health, or livelihood I'm not going to get up and arms about it. My white friends don't say it often at all.. but I do hear them say it sometimes. Much more to life than worrying about people saying the N word is all I'm saying.
What ??? Just except the fact that you don't have any dignity... No black person with any self respect is allowing a white person to call them the n word ..I'm not saying you have to attack the person .. A simple "chill you're outta line " will do and miss me with the it doesn't affect my family or health if someone comes up to you and spits in your face you won't say or do anything because it doesn't affect your livelihood health or family right ?
Spitting in someone's face for no reason compared to a white person saying "what's up my n word" (in which my friends rarely say this) is completely different bruh. If someone's out of line and saying it excessively, I definitely check them. My homies don't mean any harm when they say it... they don't say it often around me either. But they probably sure enough say it a lot around each other. 

Different strokes for different folks I suppose
I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.

Bro you NAILED it.

But once again, this goes in all directions.
The only white people I've heard use it are generally the 'white trash' type, who seem to think that they are black. Curiously enough I've noticed that these people I've known like this are actually the most racist.
Thank you glad you keeping it real and not coming with Bs like "but but but they say it " or "I grew around black people"
I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.
This is right on the head though. The white people I know that say it are rich as **** just saying it to be cool. 
As a white dude, there's no reason for me to ever think about using the word.  I don't give a **** how I "think" I'd be using it, it's not my place to determine what context, if any, is appropriate for that word to come out of my mouth.  

I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.

This man gets it!

In my experience...the white/Asian dudes that grew up around a lot of Black people have this same mindset, and understanding.
its always awkward when im hanging with white or asian dudes and one guy keeps using the word

like bro what are you trying to accomplish here? 
And then when you call them out on it, they want to talk about how "hood" they are?

Like, thats what you equate that word to bruh? Do you know WHY you equate that word with "hood"? :smh:
As a white dude, there's no reason for me to ever think about using the word.  I don't give a **** how I "think" I'd be using it, it's not my place to determine what context, if any, is appropriate for that word to come out of my mouth.  

Thank you glad you keeping it real and not coming with Bs like "but but but they say it " or "I grew around black people"

I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.

All of this.

As a white dude who also grew up with black folks, has had damn-near all black friends my whole life, has a black wife, and a black (mixed) daughter, my feeling is that no white person should use the word under pretty much any circumstances. Period. I don't give a **** if you're rapping along to a song. Censor yourself. It ain't that hard.

If a white person says the n-word around me under any circumstances I'm checking them. I damn-near started a riot on my dorm floor my freshman year of college because of this issue. White boys didn't want it though LOL.

As far as other non-black folks using the word, I have my feelings on it but don't necessarily feel it's my place to police other groups unless it's some blatantly inappropriate ****.
As a white dude 

White boys didn't want it though LOL.
As a white dude, there's no reason for me to ever think about using the word.  I don't give a **** how I "think" I'd be using it, it's not my place to determine what context, if any, is appropriate for that word to come out of my mouth.  

Thank you glad you keeping it real and not coming with Bs like "but but but they say it " or "I grew around black people"

I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.

All of this.

As a white dude who also grew up with black folks, has had damn-near all black friends my whole life, has a black wife, and a black (mixed) daughter, my feeling is that no white person should use the word under pretty much any circumstances. Period. I don't give a **** if you're rapping along to a song. Censor yourself. It ain't that hard.

If a white person says the n-word around me under any circumstances I'm checking them. I damn-near started a riot on my dorm floor my freshman year of college because of this issue. White boys didn't want it though LOL.

As far as other non-black folks using the word, I have my feelings on it but don't necessarily feel it's my place to police other groups unless it's some blatantly inappropriate ****.

View media item 2044727
Out here in the bay it gets thrown around real loosely. **** is cringeworthy.

VERY loosely I have yet to see ANYONE get checked. Im Filipino and I grew up around black and latino folk. I used it a lot when I was in high school but during college I realized I had no place to say it despite my upbringing. It might be a Bay thing (and by that i mean from Vallejo to SF) but because nobody really ever gets checked I look like an idiot calling Filipinos out for saying the word :rolleyes unless I was on campus and they were clearly not from the Bay.

It's funny though, you meet kids from the valley, the peninsula, or from places like Arcadia throwing around the word with reckless abandon.
Consumption of anything relating to Black and Brown people has and always will be a part of the suberb/middle & upper class experience.
Out here in the bay it gets thrown around real loosely. **** is cringeworthy.
I thought I was the only one. My cousins and friends that aren't African American look at me crazy for being bothered by it.

I hate it.
As a white dude 

White boys didn't want it though LOL.


As a white dude, there's no reason for me to ever think about using the word.  I don't give a **** how I "think" I'd be using it, it's not my place to determine what context, if any, is appropriate for that word to come out of my mouth.  

Thank you glad you keeping it real and not coming with Bs like "but but but they say it " or "I grew around black people"

I did grow up around black people, which is why I won't say it. I think a lot of white guys who throw it around and think they should be allowed to use it have limited to no interactions with other cultures, which is why they're so casual about throwing offensive words around. They've got no perception outside of the other people just like themselves they're exposed to.

All of this.

As a white dude who also grew up with black folks, has had damn-near all black friends my whole life, has a black wife, and a black (mixed) daughter, my feeling is that no white person should use the word under pretty much any circumstances. Period. I don't give a **** if you're rapping along to a song. Censor yourself. It ain't that hard.

If a white person says the n-word around me under any circumstances I'm checking them. I damn-near started a riot on my dorm floor my freshman year of college because of this issue. White boys didn't want it though LOL.

As far as other non-black folks using the word, I have my feelings on it but don't necessarily feel it's my place to police other groups unless it's some blatantly inappropriate ****.

View media item 2044727

GET OVER IT.. I guarantee some of you don't really get offended by it. Like it makes you think of the 1800s and you feel oppressed?, you just want to act hard because a white person is saying it. I'm European and live in Australia and we get called wogs by the Australians; who are considered "white" over here, like in other parts of Aus and out of the main cities they will make it blatant that they don't like ethnic people and yeah sometimes it makes me want to throw but then sometimes it makes me feel even better about myself.

I think racism is everywhere esp in America and it makes me sick when whites act black and talk black and make fun of black culture even on tv shows, **** makes me cringe, but then I see people like Steve Harvey encouraging this type of behaviour. I think a lot of whites are oblivious to the fact they are insulting black culture, some are also ignorant and some are racist. I grew up listening to nwa as an 11 year old, I really do respect black culture and myself get offended when people are racist towards blacks, I remember even playing gta when I put on an accent and pretend I was from America white boy's used to go crazy calling me a N and saying the nastiest things and I actually felt sad and offended, but I think if u didn't care as much a lot of this racism **** would disappear

Look at the way blacks purposely mispronounce and misspell words and spell sentences with words missing, I bet that makes whites feel superior. So what I mean by that is you let them, you give them that ammo to make it feel like slavery is still relevant

I think er and ah is different, I've censored myself when I'm alone and when I was miming with rza directly In front of my face at enmore theatre, I was putting my head down as I sign of respect every time, but then yeah I have said it plenty of times also, I'm not saying I get a pass because I understand things and respect black culture but like I said to some poeple it isn't a big deal.
GET OVER IT.. I guarantee some of you don't really get offended by it. Like it makes you think of the 1800s and you feel oppressed?, you just want to act hard because a white person is saying it. I'm European and live in Australia and we get called wogs by the Australians; who are considered "white" over here, like in other parts of Aus and out of the main cities they will make it blatant that they don't like ethnic people and yeah sometimes it makes me want to throw but then sometimes it makes me feel even better about myself.

I think racism is everywhere esp in America and it makes me sick when whites act black and talk black and make fun of black culture even on tv shows, **** makes me cringe, but then I see people like Steve Harvey encouraging this type of behaviour. I think a lot of whites are oblivious to the fact they are insulting black culture, some are also ignorant and some are racist. I grew up listening to nwa as an 11 year old, I really do respect black culture and myself get offended when people are racist towards blacks, I remember even playing gta when I put on an accent and pretend I was from America white boy's used to go crazy calling me a N and saying the nastiest things and I actually felt sad and offended, but I think if u didn't care as much a lot of this racism **** would disappear

Look at the way blacks purposely mispronounce and misspell words and spell sentences with words missing, I bet that makes whites feel superior. So what I mean by that is you let them, you give them that ammo to make it feel like slavery is still relevant

I think er and ah is different, I've censored myself when I'm alone and when I was miming with rza directly In front of my face at enmore theatre, I was putting my head down as I sign of respect every time, but then yeah I have said it plenty of times also, I'm not saying I get a pass because I understand things and respect black culture but like I said to some poeple it isn't a big deal.

GET OVER IT. I guarantee some of you don't really get offended by it. Like it makes you think of the 1800s and you feel oppressed?, you just want to act hard because a white person is saying it. I'm European and live in Australia and we get called wogs by the Australians; who are considered "white" over here, like in other parts of Aus and out of the main cities they will make it blatant that they don't like ethnic people and yeah sometimes it makes me want to throw but then sometimes it makes me feel even better about myself.

I think racism is everywhere esp in America and it makes me sick when whites act black and talk black and make fun of black culture even on tv shows, **** makes me cringe, but then I see people like Steve Harvey encouraging this type of behaviour. I think a lot of whites are oblivious to the fact they are insulting black culture, some are also ignorant and some are racist. I grew up listening to nwa as an 11 year old, I really do respect black culture and myself get offended when people are racist towards blacks, I remember even playing gta when I put on an accent and pretend I was from America white boy's used to go crazy calling me a N and saying the nastiest things and I actually felt sad and offended, but I think if u didn't care as much a lot of this racism **** would disappear

Look at the way blacks purposely mispronounce and misspell words and spell sentences with words missing, I bet that makes whites feel superior. So what I mean by that is you let them, you give them that ammo to make it feel like slavery is still relevant

You already started off on a wrong foot. Get over it ? Really ? :lol: It's not your place to say what we should and shouldn't feel offended by. You're not black. Now I understand a racial slur, is a racial slur, but are we seriously going to compare the history of N word with your example given? What you're saying is basically "I don't feel offended by this, so you shouldn't be offended by that"... that's ignorant and insensitive.

So according to you if we didn't get offended as much by racism it would go away ? You're not that delusional....are you ? Me shrugging off being called a monkey isn't going to end institutionalized racism in this country. It's not my job to correct it.

Also, using slang has nothing to do with anything. All races use it. So how is this "ammo" to use ? So according to you if I spoke proper English, I'm less likely to be a victim of racism ? That's imbecilic.

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You already started off on a wrong foot. Get over it ? Really ? :lol: It's not your place to say what we should and shouldn't feel offended by. You're not black. Now I understand a racial slur, is a racial slur, but are we seriously going to compare the history of N word with your example given? What you're saying is basically "I don't feel offended by this, so you shouldn't be offended by that"... that's ignorant and insensitive.

So according to you if we didn't get offended as much by racism it would go away ? You're not that delusional....are you ? Me shrugging off being called a monkey isn't going to end institutionalized racism in this country. It's not my job to correct it.

Also, using slang has nothing to do with anything. All races use it. So how is this "ammo" to use ? So according to you if I spoke proper English, I'm less likely to be a victim of racism ? That's imbecilic.

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A victim of racism? Relax buddy no one controls ur life and emotions but u
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