Do You Smoke and/or Drink?

I see you Ant.
Smoke dro like once or twice every two weeks.
Drink like every other weekend.
"I handle my business so I think I deserve to get throwed, throwedddd"
-Bun B
Smoke : ... Purp all day long .... Blacks to relax

Drink : All day long. Hennessy with Patron is my fav. and Bo "LEAN"
Yes and Yes. I'm trying to cut back on the bud though just cause I haven't really been getting high lately. My tolerance I guess has been maxed out.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Smoke: Yep, Cigars (every once in a while though)[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Drink: Rarely.[/color]
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Smoke : ... Purp all day long .... Blacks to relax

Drink : All day long. Hennessy with Patron is my fav. and Bo "LEAN"

HOLY CRAP i thought i was bad with my str8 patron shots...but daaaaamn...(i gotta try that...

I drink...i stopped smoking almost 4 years ago...
I quit the cancer sticks almost 2 years ago

I'll drink a few times a year

yeah yeah
Drink: Yes but ive cut back how much as of lately Smoke: Yes also. Cigs when im
or drunk but ima quit come 09.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

Smoke: have not done drugs in 7 years, and as of today I am 158 days cigarette free
Drinking: I have cut back on the frequency, but when I do lets just say I have fun!!!!
How did u handle urself w/o cigs? Im ten years deep in cigarettes and Ive tried to quit a bunch of times. Patches and the gum dont do it for me.Im about to go see my doctor and see if there is some medication for quitiing.
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