Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

For Stanford you need a 4.0 taking AP courses, a ridiculously high SAT score plus great scores in subject tests.

Dude must be emotional a lot cause that's how he sound on every interview.

Before people call me a hater I wanted him to win :/

A 4.0 in a non rigorous high school program means nothing. Assuming he actually did have a 4.0. I feel like unless you're ambitious enough to AIM for and be qualifed for schools like Stanford you really don't know what the cutoffs for "regular" non athletes admissions are.

I do know a lot of very intelligent athletes at Stanford tho but there are definitely some who wouldn't have gotten in if they weren't top recruit athletes.
give it up bro..

No.. You don't know ANY athletes that went to Stanford. Stop making stuff up. :lol:

And being real... You prolly ain't even play football at a level what you say you did...

You mad cuz Jameis styling on you?

Yeah... He mad.
wait yall talking about a 4.0 student in HS? I thought you meant a 4.0 student FSU .. man :lol: :lol:

"he just from the south"
wait yall talking about a 4.0 student in HS? I thought you meant a 4.0 student FSU .. man

"he just from the south"
Supposedly maintaining above a 3.0 at FSU.
ill have to listen to it again, but live i didnt even think twice about his grammer, dude just won the national championship game, playing for the #1 country in the team as a freshman in college
hell yeah this dude was excited, I probably would've been babbling my lips
He has a 3.0 at FSU now.
Not too bad for a freshman that's playing the hardest position in the sport with national spotlight on him.
All whilte attending one of the biggest party schools in America, beating a fraudulent rape case, winning the hesiman, and a a national chip.
G T F O H . :lol:
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Winston is a reach example imo.

But im from south carolina and I have met black and white people and asian people whose speech probably would not compute into siri.

I personally have no issue with it.
But alot of

I speak wit alot of slang but if were to give a speech or something for example it wouldnt sound the same as if I were talking to my homeboys.

Some people cannot transition like that.

It doesn not make them any more/less intelligent in my eyes..just the way they...

Were brought up?
Not taught?...


Siri sucks though.
I'm sorry but if you grew up in this country and you don't have a better grap of the English language it is difficult for me to believe you are Stanford material. Stanford was not recruiting him for his intellect.

so you're one of those guys.. makes sense.

better grap of Englesh wud help prolly.
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I'm sorry but if you grew up in this country and you don't have a better grap of the English language it is difficult for me to believe you are Stanford material. Stanford was not recruiting him for his intellect.

And NO ONE said he was recruited by Stanford for his intellect.

It was however pointed out that Stanford does not bother to recruit an individual who would not meet their minimum academic standards regardless of athletic ability.
I'm sorry but if you grew up in this country and you don't have a better grasp of the English language it is difficult for me to believe you are Stanford material. Stanford was not recruiting him for his intellect.
Stop it b, a bunch of the top schools have a lot of Asian foreigners who'd do better than you in every class with accents a lot worse
Dude making some WILD assumptions..... :smh: Pathetic, really.
I'm telling you...

Homey is jealous cuz Winston is styling on him...

He's smarter and Better football player...

LionBlood was prolly a walkon at south Dakota state...

Talking about "I was hard hitter in college"

No you weren't.. Amd again... You don't know anyone that went Stanford. Stop lion
I'm telling you...

Homey is jealous cuz Winston is styling on him...

He's smarter and Better football player...

LionBlood was prolly a walkon at south Dakota state...

Talking about "I was hard hitter in college"

No you weren't.. Amd again... You don't know anyone that went Stanford. Stop lion

Just reeks of jealousy. :smh:
Dude making some WILD assumptions..... :smh: Pathetic, really.
I'm telling you...

Homey is jealous cuz Winston is styling on him...

He's smarter and Better football player...

LionBlood was prolly a walkon at south Dakota state...

Talking about "I was hard hitter in college"

No you weren't.. Amd again... You don't know anyone that went Stanford. Stop lion

what did he say that was incoherent? everything he said the meaning was easily understood and conveyed. This "correct english" push thats arisen over the last 10-15 years has covert racist undertones.

There is no such thing as"proper english" its a made up concept.
I'm telling you...

Homey is jealous cuz Winston is styling on him...

He's smarter and Better football player...

LionBlood was prolly a walkon at south Dakota state...

Talking about "I was hard hitter in college"

No you weren't.. Amd again... You don't know anyone that went Stanford. Stop lion

Repped for the realness.

:lol: :lol: @stop lion.
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His speech wasn't even bad tho. I understand if it was d rose or somebody, son had that adrenaline pumping and was ready to go celebrate
Lion Blood has to be Lord of Castamere with his fake @#$ upper class attitude. Rocking boy shorts and bow ties does not make you upper class
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