Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston


His speech gets a little off course. But the passion in his voice trumps everything. He just got done giving it all and I doubt he was thinking about preparing a speech while he was out there playing. Like others said, he's just country.

this of for the KG video...

What's so bad about that?

Ya'll buggin...

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this of for the KG video...

What's so bad about that?

Ya'll buggin...

i mean in terms of incoherentness, everyone knows KG is great in interviews but it shows that after just winning a championship most people are too hyped to talk like they normally do
dude is just country. tons of people down south talk the same.... of all races. its not that serious man. Always found the spell check folks just foolish
Although I did chuckle at. "The biggest....happy birthday, my cousin in the Afghanistan watching dis"
Alabama ya'll salty as hell...


Dude from the home state, that racism...

The thing that gets me about AJ McCarron's mother is that she would not be thinking about K. Webb if she wasn't a model and because K. Webb is getting so much UNNECESSARY attention, mother McCarron is living vicariously off the residual attention! SIT YO OLD WRINKLE BOOTY DOWN!

Dude is seriously just channeling Ray Lewis every time he talks. How are people not noticing this? I hear Ray Lewis talking before I hear anything else.
Dude is seriously just channeling Ray Lewis every time he talks. How are people not noticing this? I hear Ray Lewis talking before I hear anything else.

I'm not sure how you meant this but I think this is the biggest compliment you can give to a football player who's also a leader.
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