Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

I have no problem with dudes speech, son just led his team to a title. 

On another note tho, i don't care who the player is, but "You think you getting scholarships cause of ya grades?"
He was literally running around the field hugging people all over the place before he did that interview.

Jameis has got some of y'all feelin' some type of way 


Yet you're in threads talking about how institutionalized education isn't really a measurement of someone's intelligence

Sounds legit
Top educational institutions on the country bruh...

There's an exception to every rule

He got into Stanford?


If he got into Stanford, I'm sure he did based on his strong academic merits.
you trying to hard. Clearly it was a typo...

And yes... Stanford isn't making concessions for athletes... Just cuz you're great doesn't mean your getting in...

I'm more than certain academic endeavors bring more money to that school than sports...
He sounds country to me. I hear people in the Midwest speak in that manner. Not all people in the south speak  in a stereotypical fashion and it isn't exclusive to any one race. To me there is no difference than the dudes on Duck Dynasty. It is dialect specific to region not race. I do believe he was high on an endorphin rush. So give that consideration to his speech. He just won the BCS Championship. Why not focus on that aspect.
LOL I'm sure Winston would get in if he didn't play football. :lol: >D  

Some of the crap people say on this forum with a straight face. Okay buddy, whatever helps you sleep well at night.
Stanford isn't Michigan, dude...

You HAVE to adhere to their academic standards first before being allowed to the school. They didn't all of a sudden start letting dumb good athletes in. They fit better coaching with Harbaugh and he turned the culture around.

You're acting so judgemental right now it's sad.

Would you say that about Andrew luck?

There are ACTUALLY smart athletes in this world bro... You make it seem like its unfathomable that he can be that talented in sports and good in the classroom.

Is it intimidating that someone can be a better athlete AND smarter than you? Keep thinking the better athlete = smaller brain.

Whatever makes you sleep at night, kinfoe
Stanford isn't Michigan, dude...

You HAVE to adhere to their academic standards first before being allowed to the school. They didn't all of a sudden start letting dumb good athletes in. They fit better coaching with Harbaugh and he turned the culture around.

You're acting so judgemental right now it's sad.

Would you say that about Andrew luck?

There are ACTUALLY smart athletes in this world bro... You make it seem like its unfathomable that he can be that talented in sports and good in the classroom.

Is it intimidating that someone can be a better athlete AND smarter than you? Keep thinking the better athlete = smaller brain.

Whatever makes you sleep at night, kinfoe

Stanford isn't Michigan but they don't hold athletes to the same academic standards as non athletes. Dude woulda probably been taking communications classes. He isn't truly Stanford material.

I'll give give him more athletic but he's def not smarter than I am.

Andrew Luck is legitimately smart and can put coherent sentences together. Winston hasn't proven any of that to me.
It is sort of a well known fact that universities generally “bend the rules” when it comes to student-athletes, particularly those in the major revenue sports like Football and Men’s Basketball. While getting hard evidence for this can be quite difficult, most people probably just assume that if a coach really wants a player, they will find their way into the university, no matter how exclusive or demanding the entrance requirements are for normal students.

Some universities are known for not making any exceptions to their high academic standings. Stanford for instance actually takes advantage of that by only recruiting athletes who would have already made it through the admissions process (or at least would have been competitive) without sports.

Stanford wont even waste their time recruiting you unless you're an A student...
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one of the problems with speech these days is that ppl, especially younger ones, tend to speak how they type... 

social media and text messages got ****** talking stupid in real life... 

but the thing that always bothered me is how "they" bash urban speech, but these rednecks get a pass.... 

you never hear anyone mocking really southern white people (Duck Dynasty, for example) ..or criticizing their butchering of the english language
So this thread started as basically "Does Jameis Winston know how to speak english?" to "who cares if he got into stanford, he probably wasn't running that high school 4.0 in AP classes!!!"

you never hear anyone mocking really southern white people (Duck Dynasty, for example) ..or criticizing their butchering of the english language
Except for the fact that the networks use subtitles for most of those redneck shows even though they're speaking english... 
Terry Bradshaw is the worst... 

wanna talk about not speaking English. 

how this man has a job on television is mind blowing. 
Lol I'm saying wth is he talking about, everyone makes fun of the way redneck white people speak. They just aren't as sensitive about it.
that's ********... 

the way rednecks talk is way more acceptable by society... people think its funny in a good way ... why do you think so many people watch Duck Dynasty? they love that ****... 

when people comment about Winston, it's malicious... there's nothing funny or accepting about it ... millions upon millions of Americans would not watch a show about a bunch of ignorant speaking blacks that had a Hot Sauce franchise.
I watched it finally and he spoke admirably. I didn't hear him stumble or speak anything remotely close to warrant this uproar.

What his post-game words did do though, is bring out the snakes that slither around posing, until that veil gets pulled back and exposes the ignorance and hatred they are eternally cursed with.

/close thread.
Stanford isn't Michigan but they don't hold athletes to the same academic standards as non athletes. Dude woulda probably been taking communications classes. He isn't truly Stanford material.

I'll give give him more athletic but he's def not smarter than I am.

Andrew Luck is legitimately smart and can put coherent sentences together. Winston hasn't proven any of that to me.
Do you sit on Stanford's admission committee?
Dudes in her talking about Jameis's intellect and prob got associate degrees from their local community college or a degree from itt tech.
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You guys should post your high school transcripts and college transcripts so we can compare them to Jameis's grades
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Stanford isn't Michigan but they don't hold athletes to the same academic standards as non athletes. Dude woulda probably been taking communications classes. He isn't truly Stanford material.

I'll give give him more athletic but he's def not smarter than I am.

Andrew Luck is legitimately smart and can put coherent sentences together. Winston hasn't proven any of that to me.

WHat makes him NOT Stanford material? Coaching staff must have thought so, because he was being recruited by the Cardinal. On top of it all, he finished high school with a GPA over 4.0

You're making assumptions and presenting your opinion as a fact.

Like I said before, I'll give him a huge pass for his grammar etc., because he was caught up in the emotion of the game and it was a spur of the moment interview when it was utter chaos on the field. Look at some of his other speeches or interviews in a more formal setting. It's a COMPLETELY different guy.
you never hear anyone mocking really southern white people (Duck Dynasty, for example) ..or criticizing their butchering of the english language
Except for the fact that the networks use subtitles for most of those redneck shows even though they're speaking english... :lol:
they do it when black ppl talking too tho, usually speaking more clearly than in those shows...
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