Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

Id say Americans have a communication problem due to lack of understanding the true definition of most words we use in the English language using word association in place of actual word definition. For example most people will tell you that anarchy is synonymous with chaos which couldn't be further from the truth.

Get yourself a latin to English dictionary a Greek to English dictionary and a thesaurus for reference EVERY TIME you see a word you don't know or are unsure of the definition you'll be amazed at what some words actually mean In their etymological dirivation.

Also a blacks law dictionary to better understand terms in legalese that the system has designed to prey on your ignorance.
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I live by this.

Judging from previous threads, you both DEFINITELY care what white people think. :lol:

Nah I just correct ignorant ones like yourself who try to speak on my race but don't know a damn thing about our history

Some of y'all still carry that all knowing slave owner mentality ....them days over b and I'll check ya real quick ....can't hang me for speaking my mind anymore :D

Y'all guys run to the internet for frustration since the laws stopped protecting ya ***** :tongue:

*drinks from ya water fountain*
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As soon as the Sherman "controversy" began, I immediately thought of, and was reminded of the Winston "controversy."...:lol:

I repped those that I agree with and I'll just leave it at that.

Haters. Pure hatred. :smh:
I can't cosign the people calling him a thug. That's complete unnecessary. But he did make a fool out of himself on national tv and came across like a clown. Sherman's a smart dude though, him acting like a clown puts him in the spotlight. You rarely hear about earl tnomas or kam chancellor at all.

Why Winston would get crap to begin with is rediculous though. His Postgame speech was positive and coming from a good place. Sherman's speech was just pure negativity.
Is this going to be a thing now, though?

Every time a black athlete gives a passionate interview post-game, people are going to come out in droves and say racist things?

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