Does anybody still care about FouseyTube anymore?

isnt this the same dude who took a picture of him and some "gf" while she was texting some other dude?

yup. after he took her out to eat at chilis. he also pretended it was her bday and the restaurant bought his gig. It's a sort microscopic view of what he has done with his life in the social media aspect. He tricks people into thinking what he is saying is real because there is a camera present. But one must not get suckered into that. just my opinion.
Its crazy that Fousey is a multi millionaire now, after starting his videos on NT all those years ago.

that money is based off his "supposed" emotional break downs. Things that most people go through but of course he is a kid of the social media age where everything must be documented and uploaded for attention. He is still a pitiful person in my opinion. He might be getting a girl who a lot of people would gawk over, especially if those individuals are also laced up with the same mind frame.

To each their own. I just honestly cannot believe anything that perforates from his mouth. so take it as you will.
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No matter how lame you think his "get money on the internet" gig is, you're worse if you think anyone cares about your opinion of him or that talking trash about him online is gonna do anything other than promote him :lol:

He gets paid off it, what's your excuse...

He's not taking your $ man. There is enough money in the world for everyone who has ever logged on NT to be rich. I don't know the guy, and I don't care for his videos, but I'll always root for everyone on here to have success. It costs nothing, you should try it...
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No matter how lame you think his "get money on the internet" gig is, you're worse if you think anyone cares about your opinion of him or that talking trash about him online is gonna do anything other than promote him :lol:

He gets paid off it, what's your excuse...

He's not taking your $ man. There is enough money in the world for everyone who has ever logged on NT to be rich. I don't know the guy, and I don't care for his videos, but I'll always root for everyone on here to have success. It costs nothing, you should try it...

**** that, his vids suck
No matter how lame you think his "get money on the internet" gig is, you're worse if you think anyone cares about your opinion of him or that talking trash about him online is gonna do anything other than promote him :lol:

He gets paid off it, what's your excuse...

He's not taking your $ man. There is enough money in the world for everyone who has ever logged on NT to be rich. I don't know the guy, and I don't care for his videos, but I'll always root for everyone on here to have success. It costs nothing, you should try it...


Major props to Fousey man I don't know dude but super happy dude is succesful and is from here.

He's not hurting anyone or doing anything illegal so it's whatever.

Dudes could say how corny he is, all 6 of you on NT, but obviously there are a million + that think he's funny and doing something right or else he wouldn't be this famous.
No matter how lame you think his "get money on the internet" gig is, you're worse if you think anyone cares about your opinion of him or that talking trash about him online is gonna do anything other than promote him :lol:

He gets paid off it, what's your excuse...

He's not taking your $ man. There is enough money in the world for everyone who has ever logged on NT to be rich. I don't know the guy, and I don't care for his videos, but I'll always root for everyone on here to have success. It costs nothing, you should try it...

even if that success promotes the failure of humanity? you must be someone who validates people that money at any cost necessary right? it may not affect you directly but you are watching a reason why society is the way it is, with it's current state of idiocy.
No matter how lame you think his "get money on the internet" gig is, you're worse if you think anyone cares about your opinion of him or that talking trash about him online is gonna do anything other than promote him :lol:

He gets paid off it, what's your excuse...

He's not taking your $ man. There is enough money in the world for everyone who has ever logged on NT to be rich. I don't know the guy, and I don't care for his videos, but I'll always root for everyone on here to have success. It costs nothing, you should try it...

lets get it bro
i wake up everyday hoping he posted another vlog. its been weeks since he has :/
if i was in his position id do something similar, except with a Porsche...

except his custom hair unit...
Someone told me YouTube lost a bunch of advertisers because they had ads running on some inappropriate video and have since changed their ad policy for videos.


Days of big $$$ might be over on yt with a lot of huge advertisers leaving YT, wouldn't be surprised if more followed suit
Google has a huge issue right now with brand safety. For example, a company like P&G took all their spend away from Google because their ads would come up on terrorism videos or articles. They took their spend away through the end of the yr.

Days of big $$$ might be over on yt with a lot of huge advertisers leaving YT, wouldn't be surprised if more followed suit

Depends on your content, i agree with it, rather not see idiots filming themselves doing stupid things thinking they gonna get paid

If you don't swear much, dont mess with copywritten stuff your good.
Fouseytube is getting plugged by these Old dudes in Hollywood. He's a sugar baby. Believe that. Don't for one second think he and the majority of these dudes ain't bending over for a check.
He's a sugar baby. Believe that. Don't for one second think he and the majority of these dudes ain't bending over for a check.

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