Does anyone else agree that original 15s are heat????

the xv are way ahead of its time. we still haven't caught up. no sarcasm, tinker's lines are incredible on them. they just fit a bit wide in the forefoot. aesthetics alone, the xv and the xx are both the most outrageous and brilliant and risque design work in all the sigs imo.
the xv are way ahead of its time. we still haven't caught up. no sarcasm, tinker's lines are incredible on them. they just fit a bit wide in the forefoot. aesthetics alone, the xv and the xx are both the most outrageous and brilliant and risque design work in all the sigs imo.
Eh. Not heat to me. Buh i sure do regret givin it to my cousin in manila. Nd I only wore it once. Damnit. Mistakes mistakes. Lol its all love tho
Eh. Not heat to me. Buh i sure do regret givin it to my cousin in manila. Nd I only wore it once. Damnit. Mistakes mistakes. Lol its all love tho
They remind me of elf shoes, and I do not consider them "Heat"

To each his own of course, if you like them, that's all that really matters.

They are a bit rare to find, I think the Lows are even harder to find.
They remind me of elf shoes, and I do not consider them "Heat"

To each his own of course, if you like them, that's all that really matters.

They are a bit rare to find, I think the Lows are even harder to find.
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