Does anyone else hate Jersey Shore?

o yea! love the show..stop hating cause situation is going to be filthy rich end of the year
Stopped watching it midway through this season.  There never was a point but it's just not new anymore. They are stupid; I get it. 

I firmly believe the 1st season was a touchstone in (reality) television history (probably for many wrong reasons but still). Viewership increased almost 400% from the premiere to the season 1 finale. We watched an episode in my Film class last year when we were discussing Baudrillard! Constructions and perpetuations of a false reality. 

A great article on the show (and an MTV counterpart):

"American television has long stood in for American education. TV "shows" us how to live, how to survive in an office and a family, how to train our dogs and cook our food. How to successfully date, marry, and disarm nuclear devices. Cultural Gospel holds that Jersey Shore became a hit as a triumph of vulgarity. This is wrong. Jersey Shore's success has rather to do with the offering of lessons in remedial humanity and is best understood in juxtaposition to the MTV franchise it eclipsed."

Stopped watching it midway through this season.  There never was a point but it's just not new anymore. They are stupid; I get it. 

I firmly believe the 1st season was a touchstone in (reality) television history (probably for many wrong reasons but still). Viewership increased almost 400% from the premiere to the season 1 finale. We watched an episode in my Film class last year when we were discussing Baudrillard! Constructions and perpetuations of a false reality. 

A great article on the show (and an MTV counterpart):

"American television has long stood in for American education. TV "shows" us how to live, how to survive in an office and a family, how to train our dogs and cook our food. How to successfully date, marry, and disarm nuclear devices. Cultural Gospel holds that Jersey Shore became a hit as a triumph of vulgarity. This is wrong. Jersey Shore's success has rather to do with the offering of lessons in remedial humanity and is best understood in juxtaposition to the MTV franchise it eclipsed."

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

I hate the fact they make NJ cats look bad. Only one person from the whole cast is actually from NJ. I also hate when I tell people I'm from NJ, they automatic assume I fist pump
that's just dumb people.
can't blame the show for showing you how dumb people really are 
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

I hate the fact they make NJ cats look bad. Only one person from the whole cast is actually from NJ. I also hate when I tell people I'm from NJ, they automatic assume I fist pump
that's just dumb people.
can't blame the show for showing you how dumb people really are 
i dont care for the show, i dont knock anybody that watches it though
a lot of italians hate this show due to the sterotypes
i dont care for the show, i dont knock anybody that watches it though
a lot of italians hate this show due to the sterotypes
I love it because it is hilarious. Im rite by Seaside, saw the cast every week. Talked to a few of them, Ronnie felt he was gods gift when he wore Oreo VI's. Sammi is hotter in person..
I love it because it is hilarious. Im rite by Seaside, saw the cast every week. Talked to a few of them, Ronnie felt he was gods gift when he wore Oreo VI's. Sammi is hotter in person..
I need to slap myself for ever watching that show. Smh. That show should be on comedy central not MTV.
I need to slap myself for ever watching that show. Smh. That show should be on comedy central not MTV.
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