Does anyone on here meditate?

Jan 2, 2005
I wanna get into it cause I've heard so many people and studies say it's good for calming and relaxing the mind. Anyone on here have any experience with meditation? How often do you do it and what exactly is your technique?
I actually want to learn as well. I need some new relaxation methods nowadays.

id love to be able to learn to turn my mind off...

...just go into a zen like state of doing...

...the only way i know how to do that is to keep myself preoccupied

...being alone with thoughts is one of the worst things for me so i always need a distraction with doing something physical, talking to someone or some sort of thing that elicits an audio-visual response
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my meditating doesn't last very long but after im done i feel alot better.

the clean up is a little messy though.
i do.

it's something i've slowly developed over the last few years out of desperation for a way to cope with my anxiety. highs were fleeting and i resented that i relied on anything other than me for my peace of mind. meditation is the best way to remain centered amongst the pressure and chaos of everyday life.

it's not exactly difficult to do but it requires you to distill your mind. for my first few times, that was my biggest challenge. i realized that my mind was a tsunami of thoughts that interfered and blocked me from reaching my center, but i promise that if you relax and let your tentative thoughts flow, you will reach a feeling of serenity.

once i get to that second stage of no interfering thoughts, i feel my spirit levitate. it's similar to the sensation of a high kicking in. i feel mentally fluid and relaxed afterwards, and it's the source of my overall calm demeanor. people ask me why i never yell or seem worried. this is why.

here's a good tutorial video:


sit, closing the eyes.
concentrate the mind and sight in between eyebrows.
keep watching there by focusing the attention.
do not repeat any mantra or name.
do not imagine anything.
do not open eyes until the duration of meditation - 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour - is over.
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I meditate but to me its how you center yourself, only you know where you are in life at the moment. breathing is a good start though

Inhale deeply as you count to five, hold your breath for five seconds, then exhale slowly, counting to five. Do this a few times to relax your muscles and nerves. As you breathe out, visualize the stress and tension leaving your body through your breath.

also somewhere in this thread, meditating has been discussed, I tried to skim through it for you but no luck, it was within this year though (another long shot)
I used to but then I stopped for no particular reason and lost my discipline. I'll begin meditating again tomorrow since I have to complete a first draft before the end of the year and meditating was a perfect lead in if you will for when I wrote.
i do.

it's something i've slowly developed over the last few years out of desperation for a way to cope with my anxiety. highs were fleeting and i resented that i relied on anything other than me for my peace of mind. meditation is the best way to remain centered amongst the pressure and chaos of everyday life.

it's not exactly difficult to do but it requires you to distill your mind. for my first few times, that was my biggest challenge. i realized that my mind was a tsunami of thoughts that interfered and blocked me from reaching my center, but i promise that if you relax and let your tentative thoughts flow, you will reach a feeling of serenity.

once i get to that second stage of no interfering thoughts, i feel my spirit levitate. it's similar to the sensation of a high kicking in. i feel mentally fluid and relaxed afterwards, and it's the source of my overall calm demeanor. people ask me why i never yell or seem worried. this is why.

here's a good tutorial video:


sit, closing the eyes.

concentrate the mind and sight in between eyebrows.

keep watching there by focusing the attention.

do not repeat any mantra or name.

do not imagine anything.

do not open eyes until the duration of meditation - 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour - is over.

Yea I have a bit of unnecersary anxiety as well and that's why I wanna get into meditation. Has meditation really toned down your anxiety? And also, can you elaborate on what you mean by: "concentrate the mind and sight in between eyebrows"?

I meditate but to me its how you center yourself, only you know where you are in life at the moment. breathing is a good start though

Inhale deeply as you count to five, hold your breath for five seconds, then exhale slowly, counting to five. Do this a few times to relax your muscles and nerves. As you breathe out, visualize the stress and tension leaving your body through your breath.

also somewhere in this thread, meditating has been discussed, I tried to skim through it for you but no luck, it was within this year though (another long shot)

I heard breathing exercises are really good for calming you down in tense situations. Psychologists say that when you do this you should try to breathe from your diaphragm and not your chest (i.e. when you inhale your stomach should expand not your chest).
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anxiety is pretty natural imo. i think everyone has it to some degree. it's a result of our inability to completely control our lives, and a response to the uncertainty that comes with every day.

meditation has certainly helped with my anxiety, as well as my mental clarity and creativity. i would really recommend watching the video in my first post. he does a great job at simplifying meditation and removing it from this esoteric fog that surrounds it for so many of us.

to focus on the space between your eyebrows, close our eyes and direct them upward and to the center. almost as if you're trying to cross your eyes but not quite as intense. try it now and see how it feels.

it's an easy gesture, but it's been pivotal in my meditation experience. at first, i would just sit still with my eyes closed and it was akin to a breathing exercise. the directing of the eyes to the center of my eyebrows enables a deeper sense of concentration, and brings about a euphoric feeling.

you should start meditating for 5 minutes a time, at first. i usually do it before bed. when you're comfortable with that, increase the time weekly in intervals (5 to 10 to 15 to 20, etc.).
Yeah, pretty simple process..

I play sounds like:

Portals of Inner Space

Tibetan Meditation

Buddha Experience

Osho Chakra Sounds


Sit lotus style with perfect posture, eye's closed, and just focus on your breathing, eventually you will forget your even breathing, then from there you can do whatever.

Some times I just clear my mind, or I just focus on certain things happening in my life, and I just think about the situation from every angle until I reach a satisfactory answer..

I sometimes just let the sounds I have playing in the background take me away... I love meditation.. It does wonders for your mental health and brain activity..
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