Does anyone still wear Girbaud jeans?

Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

Yes, I see it everyday.
damn, brooklyn cats always late...glad i live uptown
It used to be a cool luxury brand.....until hoodrats gave it a bad name and start rockin the fake $@@.
Originally Posted by KeVeNMaYnE

nah some dude that posted a pic with a hole in his wall

i havent worn them in awhile now tho. dont feel like it anymore.

but i still @%%! these pair tho every blue moon.


red/white crazy8s
They were hella popular in the Bay like 2-3 years ago. But then those 7th graders who are like 4'7" and 74 lbs. started wearing size 46 Girbauds (nolie), and they effectively killed the hype. Plus with the emergence of nuthuggers (aka skinny jeans), Girbauds are past their time.
a store near me has over a hundred pair all for $15

them %+%#% was always wack, but i did have 1 pair of girbaud shorts in 5th grade that were
Originally Posted by Mrmeeh2

It used to be a cool luxury brand.....until hoodrats gave it a bad name and start rockin the fake $@@.

ya happens with everything.. like airs and jays (still has the good name though) and everything
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

They were hella popular in the Bay like 2-3 years ago. But then those 7th graders who are like 4'7" and 74 lbs. started wearing size 46 Girbauds (no lie), and they effectively killed the hype. Plus with the emergence of nuthuggers (aka skinny jeans), Girbauds are past their time.

I was rocking Girbaud in like 99-01 the couple that came w/o a billion straps
Donate Them
IMO, they've been played out since maybe 02/03. I used to hit my NY (Brooklyn) and always see them on the sale tables. Plus they're just way to baggyfor 09.
Never understood the straps but the jeans without the straps I'd rock if I came across a nice pair. Never owned a pair of Girbauds though.
i ain't gonna front though....i'd STILL rock the shuttle jean shorts in the summer time.
Originally Posted by Af1 Jordan collecterz

Strappers?? in san francisco thats what they call them

We call them jabos out here.

But yea I got like 7 pairs. 1 new that I never wore and two others I only wore once. I need to get rid of all these ASAP.
Yes, I got basic jeans. I love the fit. & one pair of all black selvage shuttles. Don't tie the strap to tight and its all good.
not as popular as a couple years back, but i still see some ppl out here in the bay wear the shuttle jeans.

i won't lie either, i had a pair too. shuttle shorts + low top af1s + white tee. my chill summer time outfit. haha.
Had a few pair use to rock with the throwbacks but when was the last time I wore a throwback .... They In the shed with the throwbacks and they ain't nevercoming out unless I gotta cut grass
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