Does anyone think they're going to be rich 10 years from now?

Jun 22, 2008

but I'm currently a College student studying Business Admin. (Marketing) i absolutely HATE school but really, i'm just trying to get that Carlos SlimHelú paper. imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

seriously, we've all had dreams of being "rich" when we was younger. now that all of us some of us are mature, what are yourthoughts now.
even though i'm broke now, still young, and bills are coming in like water and the school debts are racking up, it still makes me happy to know thati'm not like some folks who actually are rich and have money, but also owe $50-60,000 in debts.

BENBALLER, how did you do it?!

i know you have a couple million in the bankroll. let me hold a $20.
Im not to worried about being rich, Id rather be comfortbale, i make about 60,000 a year at 21, and i get a riase every 6 months up to 36$, So with a nicecondo or a nice little house, comfortbale works just fine for me.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

Don't worry, you won't.

And you DEFINITELY won't wasting your time e-macking trying to distinguish male from females according to avys which yo thirsty self.
Live within your means, and you'll be able to accumulate wealth. Wealth = rich.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE


but I'm currently a College student studying Business Admin. (Marketing) i absolutely HATE school but really, i'm just trying to get that Carlos Slim Helú paper. imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

seriously, we've all had dreams of being "rich" when we was younger. now that all of us some of us are mature, what are your thoughts now.
even though i'm broke now, still young, and bills are coming in like water and the school debts are racking up, it still makes me happy to know that i'm not like some folks who actually are rich and have money, but also owe $50-60,000 in debts.

BENBALLER, how did you do it?!

i know you have a couple million in the bankroll. let me hold a $20.
you arent rich if you are in debt
Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE


but I'm currently a College student studying Business Admin. (Marketing) i absolutely HATE school but really, i'm just trying to get that Carlos Slim Helú paper. imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

seriously, we've all had dreams of being "rich" when we was younger. now that all of us some of us are mature, what are your thoughts now.
even though i'm broke now, still young, and bills are coming in like water and the school debts are racking up, it still makes me happy to know that i'm not like some folks who actually are rich and have money, but also owe $50-60,000 in debts.

BENBALLER, how did you do it?!

i know you have a couple million in the bankroll. let me hold a $20.
you arent rich if you are in debt

Good point..
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

Don't worry, you won't.

And you DEFINITELY won't wasting your time e-macking trying to distinguish male from females according to avys which yo thirsty self.

Are you serious? I asked WeekendGirl was a chick, then asked if she was the chick in her avy... and i'm e-macking? I don't even have time to bedoing that !%%*

Stop playing yourself buddy. I've been registered on here for 2 more years than you, and you have almost twice as many posts as me. In fact, you justjoined this June

Combined with the fact that you pose as a 14 y/o chick with a matching avy hoping to lure dudes to PM you, then "expose" them for e-fame leads meto believe that you are indeed a _____

You can fill in the blank if you want to.

Me > you.

When I graduate, get and keep a good job or own my own and don't drop no seeds or get married. I don't see why not. I just need to start saving moreand drop this bad $%^ shoe habit. I might get there in less time, but I will get there no matter what, eventually. I'm just too determined
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

Don't worry, you won't.

And you DEFINITELY won't wasting your time e-macking trying to distinguish male from females according to avys which yo thirsty self.

Are you serious? I asked WeekendGirl was a chick, then asked if she was the chick in her avy... and i'm e-macking? I don't even have time to be doing that !%%*

Stop playing yourself buddy. I've been registered on here for 2 more years than you, and you have almost twice as many posts as me. In fact, you just joined this June

Combined with the fact that you pose as a 14 y/o chick with a matching avy hoping to lure dudes to PM you, then "expose" them for e-fame leads me to believe that you are indeed a _____

You can fill in the blank if you want to.

Me > you.



Originally Posted by iBlink

F rich, let's get wealthy.

"Who else gon' feed we?"

"If I need it , I'ma get it , However , GOD HELP ME ."


I still want to be a professional skateboarder. That have been my dream since I was like 5.

But if my dream don't turn out, I want to be an mechanic or a graphic designer.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

TheBachellor wrote:


imma be tight if i'm not rich in 10 years

Don't worry, you won't.

And you DEFINITELY won't wasting your time e-macking trying to distinguish male from females according to avys which yo thirsty self.

Are you serious? I asked WeekendGirl was a chick, then asked if she was the chick in her avy... and i'm e-macking? I don't even have time to be doing that +*+#

Stop playing yourself buddy. I've been registered on here for 2 more years than you, and you have almost twice as many posts as me. In fact, you just joined this June

Combined with the fact that you pose as a 14 y/o chick with a matching avy hoping to lure dudes to PM you, then "expose" them for e-fame leads me to believe that you are indeed a _____

You can fill in the blank if you want to.

Me > you.


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