Does height really matter?

Originally Posted by Clever

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

i'm 5'8" (welllllll 5'7" + change, but you get the idea)... height is a pretty big deal
I feel you..

"Oh, he'll be a catch when he gets older and taller."  Well, got older, just never that much taller 
Story of my life
nope height doesn't matter to me. i'm 6'2'' she could be just as tall or super short and it wouldn't matter, really short chicks are
to me though
I haven't met a girl who believes it doesn't matter. As for me, I prefer a girl who is a few inches shorter than me. I wouldn't mind being with a chick who was the same height as me, though. 
I'm currently dating a 5'0 tall chick, i'm 5'10. She doesn't look like she's that short though if that makes sense. Like her body is proportioned just right(also, it's on point)

and when she has heels on, no problems whatsoever

edit: I do prefer girls that are at least 5'4 though.  But either way, her body has to be proportioned right regardless. especially her legs
I'm 5' 7" and the last three woman I've dated have been taller than me. Doesn't bother me one bit cuz I love to see them long legs up in the air........ yep.
Im 6'2 and the girl im talking to is 6'0 former bball player from a D-1 school

I've always been attracted to taller females all my life. The shortest girl I have dated was 5'5. If u are around 5'7 to 6'0 then u good in my book
Im 5'11" and I dont care about the height as long as its shorter than me

Am I the only one who sees 5'10, 5'11" as short as well? I feel short.

I wish I was 6'4"
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