Does height really matter?

6'1 FTW
I'm 5'6 and I'll be the first to tell you that height is a definite advantage for males (females, jobs, etc.) but some of my fellow short dudes in here make it sound life ain't worth ain't that bad. I have friends who are much taller than me yet I pull more chicks, and I know some dudes who get more than me based off height alone, so it's all relative. A lot of it is how you carry yourself.

As far as girls, I don't really care as long as they're not taller than me. 5'2-3 is my sweet spot though.
Doesn't matter to me...I'm 6'5 and one of my exes was 5'1. I think I actually prefer chicks that are average, or shorter.
when i was like 6'1 i went with a girl that was 5'8
Spoiler [+]
6'9 now, my spitting of the game is over. Still wont mess with no girl over 6'0

Im 5'8" and 19

Are there any tips for the "shorter" NTers? Even though i think im done growing, there are still many young NTers that might need the tips
I'm 6' 2" and usually dont go after girls over 5' 5" or 5' 6". My most serious relationships have been girls that are about 5' 2". Im not opposed to a taller girl at all but I just really like short girls for some reason
I'm 5'6, preference is for a dude taller than me. That said, the last guy I dated was my height, maybe a fraction smaller. *kanyeshrug*

You just have to watch out for the few short guys that have short man syndrome. Angry wee %!!$+%* they are.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Im 5'11" and I dont care about the height as long as its shorter than me

Am I the only one who sees 5'10, 5'11" as short as well? I feel short.

I wish I was 6'4"
i wish i was 6'2"

it seems like the ultimate height, its not like "wow he is freakishly tall" but its "hes pretty tall"

5'10" here
I don't think a girl's height matters. Even a ****** can get it

I never realized dudes were so insecure about their height

I'm 5'9.
Im about 6'2
wish i was 6'4 or 6'4 (im 16 btw)

hmmm as long as the girl aint taller than me then its all good
i'm 6'1 my gf is 5'4 I always tell her I can't marry you, because I need athlete children, lol. I like women a little bit on the taller side, long legs are attractive. My gf is prob about as short as I'd go.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I wish I was taller. I'm 5'11
I'm 5'11" maybe 6" and I've NEVER been insecure about my height.  Of course I wish I was taller but are some of yall worried about height sitting right around 6 foot?

One thing about tall dudes is that regardless of the !%@* that is coming out their mouths people are GONNA listen.. thats a huge advantage I do wish I had. 
Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I wish I was taller. I'm 5'11
I'm 5'11" maybe 6" and I've NEVER been insecure about my height.  Of course I wish I was taller but are some of yall worried about height sitting right around 6 foot?

One thing about tall dudes is that regardless of the !%@* that is coming out their mouths people are GONNA listen.. thats a huge advantage I do wish I had. 
i was unaware of this
cmon yall... dont try and act like height is really an issue. Unless they are abnormal tall. There is no such thing as "too short", hell I would have sex with that britney spears ****** look-a-like for dayyyyyyyyyys
DanzInRealLife wrote:
You just have to watch out for the few short guys that have short man syndrome. Angry wee %!!$+%* they are.
most of the time theyll be buff as hell and ALWAYS starting fights at parties 
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