Does it look bad to use a coupon for a first date?

but often times that does lead to breakups... a man does act do things and slowly stop doing them.... The he dont do this, etc... like when we first started dating. So that coin is 2 fold. Iuno your marriage situation maybe u went above beyond the call of duty the first date and just kept it going, and continue to do so. If he has no intentions of keeping something up, his best bet is to never start it. I mean u have women upset leaving dudes cause of stuff like he dont suprise me with flowers anymore... a cheap,inexpensive gesture... that a guy might of did to impress, that because he didnt keep it up ended up biting him in the butt.

so im some fake because i held back on using a coupon on a first date?.... :lol:

from this point forward she should only expect 3 course-meals or at the very least for me to always pay for her subway sandwhich.... :rofl:
Ksteezy, let's say you and some young lady walk out of Red Lobster, of course after you just paid full price while having a coupon in your wallet. There is a man outside selling flowers, he approaches you and asks if you want to buy some for the woman you are with. How would you react?

this is so golden because he will do it just for the image of the lady.

you got some guy trying to make guap and living off of people like ksteezys self consciousness .

I'd sell them joints for a grip too, might not be a bad way to make some extra paper.
Ksteezy, let's say you and some young lady walk out of Red Lobster, of course after you just paid full price while having a coupon in your wallet. There is a man outside selling flowers, he approaches you and asks if you want to buy some for the woman you are with. How would you react?

this is so golden because he will do it just for the image of the lady.

you got some guy trying to make guap and living off of people like ksteezys self consciousness .

I'd sell them joints for a grip too, might not be a bad way to make some extra paper.

I forgot to include in the question that this is for a first date. Or else he would say of course if it's his wife.
its about first impressions man, FIRST IMPRESSIONS...guarantee none of us are as equally productive in our jobs, 4 years in.....we must have set a front and lied about the type of worker our resume stated.
you guys are saying its a bad thing to hold off on using a coupon on a first date....based on what? this really setting yourself up for failure?...
Why is it a good thing to not use it other then some sort of ego boost, and/or to impress a women. put on airs... I mean you should be able to be urself/comfortable in your own skin, at work but often times u cannot... but a job is livelyhood, a women date is well just a date.. and if it stems into a relationship... one would think a mate would be someone u could be comfortable with and just be urself and not put on airs or try to impress. I also think that phase should already be established, that the ppl know each other before going out to enjoy each other company. Its kinda hard to enjoy someone if you dont know them... well i wouldnt say hard as moreso knowing someone/beng comfortable with them makes it easier
Would your wife have thought any less of you if you have used a coupon on your first date? Answer honestly...

im texting her, will let you know.....but i will think i wont be getting a second date and shes not a demanding down to earth as they come.
Why is it a good thing to not use it other then some sort of ego boost, and/or to impress a women. put on airs... I mean you should be able to be urself/comfortable in your own skin, at work but often times u cannot... but a job is livelyhood, a women date is well just a date.. and if it stems into a relationship... one would think a mate would be someone u could be comfortable with and just be urself and not put on airs or try to impress. I also think that phase should already be established, that the ppl know each other before going out to enjoy each other company. Its kinda hard to enjoy someone if you dont know them... well i wouldnt say hard as moreso knowing someone/beng comfortable with them makes it easier

its a first date bruh.....a first it that hard to comprehend?.....would you pull out a chair for her?...would you open the car door for her?...on a first date?...are you some fake because you did so on a first date but no longer do so 5 years into the relationship?
you just dont get it bro
i dont think you guys get it, let me know when ya find that carefree female that will actually be impressed after one of ya pulls a coupon out on a FIRST DATE at Red Lobster.
This. Makes you look like a cheapscake that just wouldn't pay that few extra dollars for her meal. I would never use a coupon on a date. 
so im some fake because i held back on using a coupon on a first date?....

from this point forward she should only expect 3 course-meals or at the very least for me to always pay for her subway sandwhich....
no its fake if u start somehing/be something that u truly are not solely to impress someone... then yes that is fake. Its no different then dressing a certain way u normally wouldnt/dont like to impress a chick.... if you arent being yourself and being something your not.... then if thats not fake what would u call it? Like i said its guys/ppl who live their entire lives being someone they truly arent to the point they forget who they are, or become a new person... or live a lie just for fear of losing someone etc....
I did not know the coupon was menu specific, I would def say do not use it. IF she does order then specific item I say def go ahead and use it, if you want, and as everyone said make a joke out of it. 

I honestly wouldnt use it though, not on the first date.
I forgot to include in the question that this is for a first date. Or else he would say of course if it's his wife.

i wouldnt buy them because i think thats a bit corny, but thats my personal way of handling a first date and i doubt not buying her a flower would have the same effect as not paying for her meal...

hell come to think of it i dont even buy my wife flowers i guess im no fake on a first date afterall.
all me and my girlfriend use are coupons, groupons, livingsocial deals....anything to save $$

Crank that coupon out when you get the bill bruh. Save the money and put it towards the next date.
no its fake if u start somehing/be something that u truly are not solely to impress someone... then yes that is fake. Its no different then dressing a certain way u normally wouldnt/dont like to impress a chick.... if you arent being yourself and being something your not.... then if thats not fake what would u call it? Like i said its guys/ppl who live their entire lives being someone they truly arent to the point they forget who they are, or become a new person... or live a lie just for fear of losing someone etc....

well good luck bruh, let me know when you find that special lady.
:rofl: :rofl: all me and my girlfriend use are coupons, groupons, livingsocial deals....anything to save $$

Crank that coupon out when you get the bill bruh. Save the money and put it towards the next date.

would you have used it on a first date...when you guys just met?
You guys are putting women on too high of a pedestal. If you got coupons, use them. If she says anything negative. Drop her. Ain't worth the frustration down the road.

I personally would not go to a restaurant as a 1st date. I've taking girls to a hot dog stand and just sat down with her and chopped it up.
its a first date bruh.....a first it that hard to comprehend?.....would you pull out a chair for her?...would you open the car door for her?...on a first date?...are you some fake because you did so on a first date but no longer do so 5 years into the relationship?
i been with my old lady well over a decade and im the same guy then i was now... in reference to what i do act treat etc... towards her... but the thing is i didnt do act etc... anyway to impress her then, and i dont do it now. I know plenty of guys who where one way acted a certain way/dress a certain way... did the pop up on job flowers... send the edible arrangements etc... then stopped, then they women left them because of the, oh you dont treat me etc... like u use to.. u changed etc... Like i said maybe u started all these things and continue to do them... and if thats wh u are as a person cool. but in this guys cause he isnt... so yes if he does things do things thats not him, with no intentions of keep doing them other then to get his foot in the door, he is infact being fake.

You taking who u r and the fact that thats just the kinda guy u are and me saying ur fake... im not. Im saying if you did things do things be a different person all to impress ur g/f turned wife and are still doing them despite it isnt u as a person then yes thats fake.

Like i see u often in the dress better threads... if u dressed that way... and hated it, didnt want to do it, felt uncomfortable... and was only doing it to impress ur g/f then turned wife and still do it... in spite of how u felt..., only to keep some sort of image to impress her. i would say u was not being true to who u r.
You guys are putting women on too high of a pedestal. If you got coupons, use them. If she says anything negative. Drop her. Ain't worth the frustration down the road.
I personally would not go to a restaurant as a 1st date. I've taking girls to a hot dog stand and just sat down with her and chopped it up.

exactly what im trying to say, even that would be better, pulling out a coupon in a restaurant is sort of sabotaging yourself on purpose, so many other ways you can approach a first date where you wont have to use a coupon, be able to establish a good connection without spending much, then on a 3rd or 4th date when shes already feeling you, by all means do take her to Red Lobster and be yourself on full effect, pull out the coupon if you should, but NOT ON A FIRST DATE :lol: i mean i fart in front of my girl now, would i have done so on our first date for the sake of showing how real i am?
i been with my old lady well over a decade and im the same guy then i was now... in reference to what i do act treat etc... towards her... but the thing is i didnt do act etc... anyway to impress her then, and i dont do it now. I know plenty of guys who where one way acted a certain way/dress a certain way... did the pop up on job flowers... send the edible arrangements etc... then stopped, then they women left them because of the, oh you dont treat me etc... like u use to.. u changed etc... Like i said maybe u started all these things and continue to do them... and if thats wh u are as a person cool. but in this guys cause he isnt... so yes if he does things do things thats not him, with no intentions of keep doing them other then to get his foot in the door, he is infact being fake.

You taking who u r and the fact that thats just the kinda guy u are and me saying ur fake... im not. Im saying if you did things do things be a different person all to impress ur g/f turned wife and are still doing them despite it isnt u as a person then yes thats fake.

Like i see u often in the dress better threads... if u dressed that way... and hated it, didnt want to do it, felt uncomfortable... and was only doing it to impress ur g/f then turned wife and still do it... in spite of how u felt..., only to keep some sort of image to impress her. i would say u was not being true to who u r.

but we are not talking about the extra things you once did and no longer do...we are talking about being way too real with someone you dont know, the norm in my book is you invite a woman on a first date, if a restaurant is what you chose then you cover the bill, thats the norm, pulling out a coupon is NOT the norm....alphas will argue otherwise, but that is not normal man :lol: hell if i invite my best friend to dinner for his birthday i wont even pull out a coupon then....there is a time and place to use these coupons, all im saying is a first date or when you are trying to make someone feel special is not one of those times.
but we are not talking about the extra things you once did and no longer do...we are talking about being way too real with someone you dont know, the norm in my book is you invite a woman on a first date, if a restaurant is what you chose then you cover the bill, thats the norm, pulling out a coupon is NOT the norm....alphas will argue otherwise, but that is not normal man
hell if i invite my best friend to dinner for his birthday i wont even pull out a coupon then....there is a time and place to use these coupons, all im saying is a first date or when you are trying to make someone feel special is not one of those times.
thats how we differ... yur about what others think, and impressions etc... not that its wrong, or a have anything against it... its just not me... im sure ur a pretty well liked impressionable person at work etc... where as me i knew that wasnt the type of guy i am so i started my own thing did business for myself. i mean to be honest as far as farting etc... lol first dates etc... i mean i met my girl in school and we hungout knew one another etc... cause we had a assignment together so i was just me being me... i wasnt dressed/acting impressing a certain kinda way in my house... matter fact i think our first meal was pizza hut some homemade drinks (some made up liqour drink/mix) etc... and by the time we did go out like a dinner persay i well then enough knew her. Matter fact i took her out for free. now i think about it... i got a free meal doing one of those online survey, rate/review mystery meal type of things... And i had no shame in doing it.. i even told her like look i got this free 50 buck meal, and gotta buy drinks etc. grade the servers etc...

I know mines isnt a typical meet greet go get married but hey it worked. As far as before then.. i cant recall using any coupons but i know if i had em id hav no problem using em. and id whip that bad boy out like a proud project parent does food stamps.
you are wrong, just because you put that coupon away to save 12$ on some fake lobster meat and paid the full meal ticket, doesnt mean you are hiding some crazy secret about your personality, i mean ya seriously gonna act like on every first date you are as transparent as a piece of glass? just lay everything good and bad on the table for the sake of KEEPIN IT REAL?....lettuce be cereal...
nope i would never use a coupon on a first date, specially if its someone id like to get to know further, yes i would use a coupon on a random dinner date with my girl now, we are more comfortable with eachother, we know eachother, she knows im not cheap and i know shes not materialistic, so pulling out a coupon wont have any type of reflection on my personality at that point.....on a first date everything she does or you do is a reflection of your personality, im sure if she likes you shes also trying to set a good first impression, perhaps with people she knows she devours buffalo wings, but on a first date she skipped out on it because she didnt want to come off as a slob....
btw im in a successful marriage, so your theory about failed relationships is flawed.

To answer our question, yes, I am going to be 100 percent real from the moment I meet a woman and on the first date. Using a coupon on the first date is actually setting a good impression. Again... it's not about keeping it real, it is about being myself. Whether it is lunch with my mother, dinner with my friends, on the first date or twentieth date, if I have a coupon I am going to use it. Why should any of those times be different? It is setting the impression that I am not afraid to be myself. Something like that is different that devouring wings. And if me using a coupon is the basis of her impression of me, that's not the girl I want anyway. Using a coupon on the first date with the right woman in a lot of ways will actually make her feel more comfortable with me. It would be something we can laugh about, and it would usually in turn ease up any nervousness that she may have. As long as you are charming and honest, it can actually work in your favor. I want to get to know the real woman, and not the person that most women try to portray when they first meet a man. Putting myself out there by using a coupon could bring out the REAL person a lot quicker, whether it be good or bad.

And my "theory" more times than not has come true. Most people meet and change who they are so they can be compatible with their mate. After a while one or both people in the relationship stop fronting and start to act how they normally act, causing compatibility issues. Then all of a sudden one of the people in the relationship will say, "Why have you have changed?" In reality that person didn't change, they just started to be themselves, which was incompatible with the person they were dealing with. That's why most relationships end up breaking down. Congrats on having a successful marriage and being an exception to the rule... for now. I have heard a lot about your relationship and will keep my comments about it to myself. But good luck.
Why NOT use a coupon if you can? Paying full price when you don't have to is impressive? Nah.

It should already be established anyway that we aren't going out so I can show her how much I can spend.
thats how we differ... yur about what others think, and impressions etc... not that its wrong, or a have anything against it... its just not me... im sure ur a pretty well liked impressionable person at work etc... where as me i knew that wasnt the type of guy i am so i started my own thing did business for myself. i mean to be honest as far as farting etc... lol first dates etc... i mean i met my girl in school and we hungout knew one another etc... cause we had a assignment together so i was just me being me... i wasnt dressed/acting impressing a certain kinda way in my house... matter fact i think our first meal was pizza hut some homemade drinks (some made up liqour drink/mix) etc... and by the time we did go out like a dinner persay i well then enough knew her. Matter fact i took her out for free. now i think about it... i got a free meal doing one of those online survey, rate/review mystery meal type of things... And i had no shame in doing it.. i even told her like look i got this free 50 buck meal, and gotta buy drinks etc. grade the servers etc...

I know mines isnt a typical meet greet go get married but hey it worked. As far as before then.. i cant recall using any coupons but i know if i had em id hav no problem using em. and id whip that bad boy out like a proud project parent does food stamps.

you just have to use your judgement, if my goal is to make someone feel special, i have no problems going the extra steps, why not?...does it hurt me to do so?...nope...pulling out a coupon is not my way to make someone feel special, hence id use it on a random date with my wife, why not we saving money, but would i use a groupon on our anniversary dinner or say her birthday?...NO I WOULDNT and i guess thats same principle i go by on a first date with someone i dont know but i obviously have an attraction for enough to ask guys are calling this "simping" and this is the mentality i cant rock this forum it feels like if you do anything more civil that WIO you are automatically a simp.
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