Does it look bad to use a coupon for a first date?

But it is a ego thing cause a coupon doesnt change what you did... Like example my girl wanted a new phone so i got her the iphone 5, i got it thru my mom free upgrade ay a discount price... whether i paid 699 or the 299 doesnt change the gesture i did... nor what i got her. Its not like the fact that i got it discounted devalued the product, nor the setiments behind it... You saying something like ur wife wanting to go to a 5 star restuarant for yall anniversary and u get a deal makes it lets special... But to who... Are you saying she would be like or feel it isnt special because you got a deal?Or saying she would say it really isnt nice cause you got a deal on the meal? No and im sure all she cares...well id least she would only care that you was thoughtful enough that you remembered tje anniversary and that you took her to said 5 star restuarant. So if she doesnt caare and it makes her no difference then who is it less special to then?

That sir would be you. If its two ppl, and if your saying it would be less special to her.. and you arent doing it for her, then the only person left is you. Thus it makes you feel it isnt special, or feel that you made the moment lets special... thus its your deal... and ego booster, or some sort of self fullfilling props atta boy, or some i am a real man, try to maintain some image or something...

If its the thought that count how can that thought your feelings or intent be changed in reference to doing soething for someone based on how much you saved on it.

It be like if your wife said i wanted to go on a cruise and u suprised her with one on yall anniversary/her bday... How would it make it any less special if you got the tickets discounted, won them, or a friend had them and couldnt go and gace them to you? Are you saying her feelings about said trip or about you would change depending on how you got the tickets and/or how much you paid for them... Would the trip have anymore/less feelings because of it? In terms of her emotions and thoughts?

but thats what im trying to tell you, that i believe she WOULD care and i cant blame her, plenty of times where we can save together, plenty of other opportunities when we would go out to eat and i have no problems telling her to treat me even....but say on a special ocassions im i gonna try to cut corners for the sake of saving a few dollars??...NO....same goes for a first date, i mean is supposed to be special, correct?...

you are going off the grid bringing up items like cars and phones and moms gift off BF.....those things donot compare to a first date....if you are the penny pinching type, thats cool...wish i was a bit more careful with my money, but unfortunately im not, i work too hard to not enjoy my money and give those around me all that i can material and otherwise...

once again is NOT about ego, its more about how they would feel as opposed to how i would feel....because at the end of it, you paying for a girls dinner will never be something outstanding, however you pulling out a coupon may in most cases, make the other person feel like you dont think they are even worthy of you paying for a full meal.

like i said if it was about an ego boost, paying for a dinner is not the way to boost ones my book is the norm on a first date, nothing ego boosting about that.
probably not cuz i'm not offering to pay for anything on a first date anyways so save as much money as you can.
I was going to say something similar to this too. Zero dollars would be coming out of her pocket so factors other than the coupon should/would be the bother if any.
you keep rewording your questions to put the coupon in the worst light possible, and hear the answer that NO ONE is giving you but the one you want to hear.
a coupon is not about feeling special or anything of the sort. a coupon saves money and thats all it does.
what the **** is this feeling special nonsense you're going with anyway.
the point of a first date is to LEARN. shouldn't matter how much you save or don't save. spend or don't spend.
what makes the date special is suppose to be the conversation and connection not even the plate in front of you.

so i ask you this.....why a dinner? you keep ignoring that the money you spend is irrelevant, is the action of pulling out a damn coupon on a first date, what is the need?...i mean is there not other times when you might be able to use that coupon??...does it have to be on a first date??...ya need to stop trying to paint it as if its the :pimp: thing to do on a FIRST DATE because is not and if thats how ya roll and no dambs are given dont have the audacity to say a chick is not down to earth because she didnt give you the best of reactions when the coupon was pulled.
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I wouldn't use the coupon for the first date. Women want to feel like they're special and that you're putting effort towards them.

Some of you are so against "simping" . . . ya gonna anti-simp ya self to dat desert **** lyfe.
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Seesh at the hate Red Lobster is getting in here! I like it

Anyway LUCKILY I didn't have to buy her dinner lol, she got out late from work and we just met up at her crib which was perfect, chatted for a little bit, almost got the yambs, but she was on the "I don't want you to think I'm a **** on the first date tip" so hopefully she shows me how much of a **** she is on the 2nd date.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I appreciate it, but now I'm going to have to look for another coupon for the 2nd date since the Red Lobster one is dead now
Anyway LUCKILY I didn't have to buy her dinner lol, she got out late from work and we just met up at her crib which was perfect, chatted for a little bit, almost got the yambs, but she was on the "I don't want you to think I'm a **** on the first date tip" so hopefully she shows me how much of a **** she is on the 2nd date.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I appreciate it, but now I'm going to have to look for another coupon for the 2nd date since the Red Lobster one is dead now :wow:

this dude trollin' hard; word to his avy lol
And also my plan was to actually laugh it off when I use it, I recently graduated with my degree in Physical Therapy and passed the state boards, so I'm looking for a job and she knows it..So at least she knows I don't have a job and I have a pretty ok degree so I don't look like too much of a bum, why go out of my means if I don't have it at the moment? No shame in that..But hey, like many said, if she can't accept that, she isn't the one for me..
Seesh at the hate Red Lobster is getting in here! I like it :frown:

Anyway LUCKILY I didn't have to buy her dinner lol, she got out late from work and we just met up at her crib which was perfect, chatted for a little bit, almost got the yambs, but she was on the "I don't want you to think I'm a **** on the first date tip" so hopefully she shows me how much of a **** she is on the 2nd date.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I appreciate it, but now I'm going to have to look for another coupon for the 2nd date since the Red Lobster one is dead now :wow:

as much as i want a daughter, i hope i get a son....i wouldnt be able to handle some little hormonal teenager talking like this about my little girl :lol:
this dude trollin' hard; word to his avy lol
Out of curiosity, wouldn't trollin be me making up a elaborate story on how I smashed and her mom and sister joined too? And not actually ADMITTING I didn't smash? Just curious, please respond.
Seesh at the hate Red Lobster is getting in here! I like it :frown:

Anyway LUCKILY I didn't have to buy her dinner lol, she got out late from work and we just met up at her crib which was perfect, chatted for a little bit, almost got the yambs, but she was on the "I don't want you to think I'm a **** on the first date tip" so hopefully she shows me how much of a **** she is on the 2nd date.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I appreciate it, but now I'm going to have to look for another coupon for the 2nd date since the Red Lobster one is dead now :wow:

as much as i want a daughter, i hope i get a son....i wouldnt be able to handle some little hormonal teenager talking like this about my little girl :lol:

i feel you on that one, but lets not act like you didnt get flagrant in your younger days too. :lol: its the circle of life, word to the lion king.
Since we're talking about chains in here what about The Cheesecake Factory? One of my coworkers was going there and she was making the hugest deal out of it, and honestly I was under the impression that all chain restaurants are off limits for dates early in the relationship.

Hood rats love Red Lobster, when i take them they think im balling cause i didn't take them to ihop. (Jump-offs get ihop) :rolleyes
Now if its a shorty thats worth the time and effort we going to that little romantic cuban spot in the village.
Use the coupon OP times are ruff and get that black friday "P" :smokin

You doing it wrong. We don't eat with jump offs.
but thats what im trying to tell you, that i believe she WOULD care and i cant blame her, plenty of times where we can save together, plenty of other opportunities when we would go out to eat and i have no problems telling her to treat me even....but say on a special ocassions im i gonna try to cut corners for the sake of saving a few dollars??...NO....same goes for a first date, i mean is supposed to be special, correct?...
you are going off the grid bringing up items like cars and phones and moms gift off BF.....those things donot compare to a first date....if you are the penny pinching type, thats cool...wish i was a bit more careful with my money, but unfortunately im not, i work too hard to not enjoy my money and give those around me all that i can material and otherwise...
once again is NOT about ego, its more about how they would feel as opposed to how i would feel....because at the end of it, you paying for a girls dinner will never be something outstanding, however you pulling out a coupon may in most cases, make the other person feel like you dont think they are even worthy of you paying for a full meal.
like i said if it was about an ego boost, paying for a dinner is not the way to boost ones my book is the norm on a first date, nothing ego boosting about that.
then id thats the case then it would be materialistic and shallow of them.... if their feelings/emotions can be swayed and alteredbased on not what you did for them but how much you spent on doing something for them. You keep using the term special occasion.... the special part should be about the feelings and the person..... not the image or thoughts of others or maintaining some status... Not to knock but i bet u went alllllllllllll out broke bank on your wedding and justified it by saying oh its because its special etc.... How big the ring/cost of the ring... etc how much you spent or how so called elegant the image of the wedding has nothing to do with how special the occasion was, nor suppose to have any bearings on the event and its intent. To unify 2 ppl, who love one another unconditionally and to express that love with each other and the close people around them

To say a wife bday/moms xmas gift etc... doesnt compare... now this i would and i hate saying it are placing p on a pedestal... How esp... in the sense your mom see it more important to impress, care more about what some random girl thinks of you over your OWN mom.

You keep saying i believe, i just feel, i think... Again like i said its your deal and your issue. How can you deny/refute this when you keep sayng its just that I feel/think etc... Again you said you think that your wife would be offended and she would feel the moment was devauled, but do you know this? Do you honestly believe your wife is shallow enough that her love/feelings about you or your intentions are not genuine and sincere based on how much it cost you? I hear you keep saying you think she would... But either 1. she truly is that way and you have set this precedence from day one and just continue to be this way. or 2. she isnt that way at all and could care less about how you paid/got something and its all about your intent and emotions and thought behind your actions..... yet you have convinced yourself or choose to tell yourself she is that way, to justify doing something based on some sort of social norm image, fascade you choose to believe/buy into.

I believe the latter of the two. Because you said something, first you said you wouldnt be that way with anyone of importance in your life, then you said oh i wouldnt because you fell that maybe your wife would look at the act as less meaningfull, less special. So if your like this with all important ppl in your life and feel everyone of importance in your life would view it as such... you either have nothing but shallow/insecure ppl who base their feelings on social norms, images, or perceptions of others, and they all feel as if feelings and intentions can be swayed based on how much you spent and not the actually act or intent behind it. Or its YOU that feel, everyone of significance and importance would feel that way, and look at you that way. Thus it is your issue. Because it isnt lmited to your wife, like you said you would do it period... regardless of who it is on a first date, and you are the same way with any significant person (although it comes across as strickly women, based on a few comments/threads you have posted in the past). So how can you say oh you wouldnt use a coupon because of how yor wife would feel, when you wouldnt use it on any woman on a special occasion?So i know all women dont feel this way cause im with one of them. So it has to be you, and how you feel about it and not specifically your wife.
so i ask you this.....why a dinner? you keep ignoring that the money you spend is irrelevant, is the action of pulling out a damn coupon on a first date, what is the need?...i mean is there not other times when you might be able to use that coupon??...does it have to be on a first date??...ya need to stop trying to paint it as if its the
thing to do on a FIRST DATE because is not and if thats how ya roll and no dambs are given dont have the audacity to say a chick is not down to earth because she didnt give you the best of reactions when the coupon was pulled.
but by her reacting that way, infact is her not being down to earth and being shallow/superfiscal. lol....If a person feelings/thoughts of you are based on how much you spent on something, or how you went about spending said money isnt materialistic/shallow then what is it? That would be like if a person said oh i want such and such, you get it and they complained about how you got it, or how you gave it to them... That indeed is not being down to earth. If they truly are thankful, genuine and wanted something etc... and/or needed it if they are appreciative they wouldnt care... the thought wouldnt even cross their minds.
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personally, i wouldnt if Im trying to impress this girl and take it further. If all you want to ultimately do is smash, ehh do watever. Also I dont bang with the red lobster.
I don't know why you dudes keep using the word "special".... It's only a first date. Not s bday, not an anniversary, a first ******g date. Chances are she still getting her black blown out by someone else till the next dude comes along and you over here thinking "special".

Steezy, the use of a coupon should not take away from the date. I think that's part of the problem, you guys put these women on a pedestal. Treat these girls like you treat your homies. 90% of these broads are so tired of dudes acting like ******* you might just turn out to be a breath of fresh air for being real.
You guys are putting women on too high of a pedestal. If you got coupons, use them. If she says anything negative. Drop her. Ain't worth the frustration down the road.
I personally would not go to a restaurant as a 1st date. I've taking girls to a hot dog stand and just sat down with her and chopped it up.

Best answer in here...

You can always slide the coupon with the card/cash in the billing folder/tray without her knowing.
I had this discussion with a girl that I smashed.. She was saying all that nonsense about how it takes away from the date and she feels less special. I never took her out and still got what I wanted, while other dudes spent money on her and got nothing. If they're into you then they won't care about stuff like this.
I had this discussion with a girl that I smashed.. She was saying all that nonsense about how it takes away from the date and she feels less special. I never took her out and still got what I wanted, while other dudes spent money on her and got nothing. If they're into you then they won't care about stuff like this.
Like i say if your sig.. other is with you based on a perception, an image, fascade, or images/appearances. Then essentialy you paid for p. Its no different then going out and getting a pro, except you limiting yourself to one piece long term, and you gotta go thru all this rigimaro just to get siad p, or have someone care for you/love you. I mean i dont knock it and if it works do you. But if the amount of the gift/event outweighs or show precedence over the intent or act itself then yea yousa trick, or tricking.

example if you took a girl iuno on a carriage ride around the town, and she places more emphases on how you got the tickets, how much it cost etc...or let the fact you got it discounted/free etc overshadow or even factor in for that matter the thought of said gesture, or the moment itself. Its thinking like this is why you see girls courtside at the lakers game, who cant name a single player on the lakers, dont even follow bball, and sit there twittering all night, and are only there because of the image fascade the fact the gesture cost alot of dough. And will look at that guy in high regards not because of the thoughts emotions behind said act but the perception and the cost of said gesture, and look down on the guy she equally enjoys company with, who is taken out to a relatively cheap date etc....
then id thats the case then it would be materialistic and shallow of them.... if their feelings/emotions can be swayed and alteredbased on not what you did for them but how much you spent on doing something for them. You keep using the term special occasion.... the special part should be about the feelings and the person..... not the image or thoughts of others or maintaining some status... Not to knock but i bet u went alllllllllllll out broke bank on your wedding and justified it by saying oh its because its special etc.... How big the ring/cost of the ring... etc how much you spent or how so called elegant the image of the wedding has nothing to do with how special the occasion was, nor suppose to have any bearings on the event and its intent. To unify 2 ppl, who love one another unconditionally and to express that love with each other and the close people around them

To say a wife bday/moms xmas gift etc... doesnt compare... now this i would and i hate saying it are placing p on a pedestal... How esp... in the sense your mom see it more important to impress, care more about what some random girl thinks of you over your OWN mom.

You keep saying i believe, i just feel, i think... Again like i said its your deal and your issue. How can you deny/refute this when you keep sayng its just that I feel/think etc... Again you said you think that your wife would be offended and she would feel the moment was devauled, but do you know this? Do you honestly believe your wife is shallow enough that her love/feelings about you or your intentions are not genuine and sincere based on how much it cost you? I hear you keep saying you think she would... But either 1. she truly is that way and you have set this precedence from day one and just continue to be this way. or 2. she isnt that way at all and could care less about how you paid/got something and its all about your intent and emotions and thought behind your actions..... yet you have convinced yourself or choose to tell yourself she is that way, to justify doing something based on some sort of social norm image, fascade you choose to believe/buy into.

I believe the latter of the two. Because you said something, first you said you wouldnt be that way with anyone of importance in your life, then you said oh i wouldnt because you fell that maybe your wife would look at the act as less meaningfull, less special. So if your like this with all important ppl in your life and feel everyone of importance in your life would view it as such... you either have nothing but shallow/insecure ppl who base their feelings on social norms, images, or perceptions of others, and they all feel as if feelings and intentions can be swayed based on how much you spent and not the actually act or intent behind it. Or its YOU that feel, everyone of significance and importance would feel that way, and look at you that way. Thus it is your issue. Because it isnt lmited to your wife, like you said you would do it period... regardless of who it is on a first date, and you are the same way with any significant person (although it comes across as strickly women, based on a few comments/threads you have posted in the past). So how can you say oh you wouldnt use a coupon because of how yor wife would feel, when you wouldnt use it on any woman on a special occasion?So i know all women dont feel this way cause im with one of them. So it has to be you, and how you feel about it and not specifically your wife.

I saved up for my entire wedding in 3 months, the ring didn't break my bank account either, that's how far from the truth you are.

You keep assuming its about the amount spent, when that's not even relevant, I never even had a problem with them going to problem is the time chosen to use a you gonna call someone shallow/materialistic/not down to earth because they feel it looks bad on those ocassions.
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