Does it look bad to use a coupon for a first date?

Using a coupon on date 1 is cheap or period is cheap?
And if it is only cheap on date 1, why is it only cheap on date 1?

because its a first date and you want to make a good impression, using a coupon when you just meet someone makes you look extremely cheap. Why not just take her out elsewhere where spending money wouldn't even be a requirement?

First impression is key in everything.
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because its a first date and you want to make a good impression, using a coupon when you just meet someone makes you look extremely cheap. Why not just take her out elsewhere where spending money wouldn't even be a requirement?
First impression is key in everything.
I agree with the underlined portion. Strong believer in this.

But my question is this. Especially for women. Is it simply the idea of, "Damn I am not even worth him paying full price for?" I don't think it is looking cheap as much as it being insulting to the value of the woman.

I don't think that would change if our meal was $30 or $100. The idea that you are using a price reducer on someone probably makes them feel insulted.
because its a first date and you want to make a good impression, using a coupon when you just meet someone makes you look extremely cheap. Why not just take her out elsewhere where spending money wouldn't even be a requirement?
First impression is key in everything.
But I personally just think it is illogical that taking someone to Red Lobster is viewed as a not-so-good first impression (barring the actual interaction while eating). I mean it is just food at the end of the day. It is about the experience. Just annoying how materialistic we are as a human race where something so trivial matters.
Order the cheddar biscuits to go and be done with it. Hell, there's a copycat recipe for it online. Get fried shrimp from Outback if you want to go to a chain or somewhere better geeze. Red Lobster is lucky it has its gimmick going for it, because it should've gone outta business awhile ago. I'll take my beloved (RIP) Bennigans over RL on any day. Seriously RL is not worth spending gas money, meal money and tip money over just to save money because its RL... f outta here! And as for a date--- IJS Red Lobster for a first date is disappointing, imo you gotta wait til your comfortable with somebody to suggest that 
But I personally just think it is illogical that taking someone to Red Lobster is viewed as a not-so-good first impression (barring the actual interaction while eating). I mean it is just food at the end of the day. It is about the experience. Just annoying how materialistic we are as a human race where something so trivial matters.

But I'd Yelp a high rated inexpensive seafood place before Red Lobster.

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It makes it weird that is NOT a social norm, that majority of dudes out on a first date are NOT pulling out coupons, same way is not a social norm for a woman to go on a first date demanding a 400$ bottle of wine...I'm sure you'd feel a certain way towards her and can anyone blame you?...
Dudes kill me when they try so hard to go against the grain and refuse to conform to these social norms...reminds me of this chick my wife has on her IG who decided to make a 12 inch rat her pet...trying so damb hard to be different and come off as the IFGAF type.
depending on the circle you are around... for some ppl a expensive drink/dinner on a first date is the norm... so now you are taking a particular group of ppl and basing it on all. Like the notion of red lobster, some ppl think you gotta work up to get a date there, while you and others are saying oh thats cheap and nasty and isnt a good place to take someone. How is your opinion etc more valid then others? Because the circle of ppl you sorround yourself say so? Or the environment you are end. Not doing something just cause i dont care what other ppl i dont know think isnt always going against the grain. Sometimes its just doing you and being you.

Its ironic considering the site we on... niketalk a brand who basically started by individuals who wore shoes etc... not to go against the grain but simple because they wanted to do it. Do you think the first cats who was walking around and decided to wear athletic shoes/gears outside of the sport did it with the mindset oh im going to wear bball shoes not cause they comfortable and i enjoy wearing them etc... or like to wear them outside of sports, but just to go against the grain? But see with you, you wouldnt do that, ud wait till it became a trend or socially excepted and ok and then do it, maybe add your twist to it, but nonetheless do it when others society etc... gave you the greenlight to say its a go. Its almost sounds like you play the str8 line on alot of things and dont deviate from it too much for fear of what others may view see you as Which is cool. But just because others dont view/live their lives that way dont mean they sole intent is to be some rebel without a cause etc....

I do alot of things in my personal life, relationships with others and everyday activities from dressing etc but im not doing it on some ill show the man. Hell earlier i had to run to the store etc... and i been out jumping on the trampoline etc... with the kids after doing yardwork. I had some old akademiks sweatpants, and shirt with rips/frayed ends around the neck etc.. and one of those homeless looking beenie caps. I ran my errands etc. And i didnt go out just to be like ill show these ppl. Im a rebel.. im so trying to break the mold. I went out cause honestly i needed some stuff for the house and was cleaning out the car/cleaning the car and since i was already outside/in the car and just cranked it up and left. I sometimes if i run outta milk for the girls breakfast i have/will go to the store in whatever i am wearing at the time. Not to prove a point. Just i see no reason to go and change clothes. You however would (and before you say you wouldnt i have seen threads with you displaying outfits etc... youve worn solely just to run a quick errand) Thats you and thats cool... hell my lady the same way (she puts on outfits just to go on a latenight drive thru run..) But its not to try to go against the grain.

And as far as the wine/liqour... it would depend and its also many variables. Would i get it for a women i didnt know as a mean to impress her.... Hell No but then again im not/dont buy things etc... to impress ppl, never had far who i am as a person has worked out just fine. Would i buy it if i wanted it/wanted to try it and she was with me....sure. But i wouldnt be doing it to set some type of image or prove a point etc... Id be doing it solely cause i wanted to try it, and she just happen to be there.

Ok ill ask this lets suppose you and your wife out to dinner anniversary etc... and its a higher end upscale place... And you was about to buy an expensive vineyard wine etc... a dessert, and your boss said no and sent a bottle to your table. Would you accept it? And if so why? Would it be because its your boss and you despite this notion of not going cheap preserving an image etc... and would throw your so called principals and perception out the window just because its your boss, and you dont want to offend him/her? Also since you said its about how your wife feels. Do you think she would feel any different because your boss covered the tab for you? Would it make the evening less special? Less meaningfull?
If she's just a bed buddy yes
If she is being added to the stable, yes
If she is just for fun, yes
If she's worth a damn, yes
If she's a stuck up hoetrain, no
why would you even take a jumpoff out in the first place lol... justsayin... If she is a cutbuddy then thats all it is. since when they put matresses in a restaurant? The only meal she should be getting is the complimentary one at the motel 6.
Personally, I don't feel like a first date has to be elaborate or special, you don't have to try so hard. Anytime it's a female you're actually interested in though, I just think most respectable females would be put off by Red Lobster and using a coupon, it's cheap.
It's not about putting the p^&%y on a pedestal either, some of you He Man Woman Hater's Club types get so stuck in this mentality. I'd like to see some of these females you're messing with. If it's a jumpoff, you're just looking to smash or whatever...why are you going on a date to begin with?
this man gets it.


Red Lobster good as hell... why y'all hatin on it??? Dem cheddar biscuits

I ain't bout dat using a coupon life. My grandma is tho
Put it to my friend and she said it wouldn't bother her, but if it's a first date she's not paying anyways.
I take women nowhere on first dates. If she gets hungry I suggest fast food. I myself do not put much into a first impression because the first date is phony as hell from both parties.Plus women are cheap. I look at it this way...if its fast food or something cheap she just might make that move to pay and that notion alone means more to me. Women don't like to pay for anything for a male she doesn't have any interest in. I use the forgot my wallet move a lot. Speaks volumes. Like others have said believe in yourself and stop putting women on a pedestal. I know thats the youth talking in most of you but remember STOP PUTTING WOMEN ON A PEDESTAL.
depending on the circle you are around... for some ppl a expensive drink/dinner on a first date is the norm... so now you are taking a particular group of ppl and basing it on all. Like the notion of red lobster, some ppl think you gotta work up to get a date there, while you and others are saying oh thats cheap and nasty and isnt a good place to take someone. How is your opinion etc more valid then others? Because the circle of ppl you sorround yourself say so? Or the environment you are end. Not doing something just cause i dont care what other ppl i dont know think isnt always going against the grain. Sometimes its just doing you and being you.

Its ironic considering the site we on... niketalk a brand who basically started by individuals who wore shoes etc... not to go against the grain but simple because they wanted to do it. Do you think the first cats who was walking around and decided to wear athletic shoes/gears outside of the sport did it with the mindset oh im going to wear bball shoes not cause they comfortable and i enjoy wearing them etc... or like to wear them outside of sports, but just to go against the grain? But see with you, you wouldnt do that, ud wait till it became a trend or socially excepted and ok and then do it, maybe add your twist to it, but nonetheless do it when others society etc... gave you the greenlight to say its a go. Its almost sounds like you play the str8 line on alot of things and dont deviate from it too much for fear of what others may view see you as Which is cool. But just because others dont view/live their lives that way dont mean they sole intent is to be some rebel without a cause etc....

I do alot of things in my personal life, relationships with others and everyday activities from dressing etc but im not doing it on some ill show the man. Hell earlier i had to run to the store etc... and i been out jumping on the trampoline etc... with the kids after doing yardwork. I had some old akademiks sweatpants, and shirt with rips/frayed ends around the neck etc.. and one of those homeless looking beenie caps. I ran my errands etc. And i didnt go out just to be like ill show these ppl. Im a rebel.. im so trying to break the mold. I went out cause honestly i needed some stuff for the house and was cleaning out the car/cleaning the car and since i was already outside/in the car and just cranked it up and left. I sometimes if i run outta milk for the girls breakfast i have/will go to the store in whatever i am wearing at the time. Not to prove a point. Just i see no reason to go and change clothes. You however would (and before you say you wouldnt i have seen threads with you displaying outfits etc... youve worn solely just to run a quick errand) Thats you and thats cool... hell my lady the same way (she puts on outfits just to go on a latenight drive thru run..) But its not to try to go against the grain.

And as far as the wine/liqour... it would depend and its also many variables. Would i get it for a women i didnt know as a mean to impress her.... Hell No but then again im not/dont buy things etc... to impress ppl, never had far who i am as a person has worked out just fine. Would i buy it if i wanted it/wanted to try it and she was with me....sure. But i wouldnt be doing it to set some type of image or prove a point etc... Id be doing it solely cause i wanted to try it, and she just happen to be there.

Ok ill ask this lets suppose you and your wife out to dinner anniversary etc... and its a higher end upscale place... And you was about to buy an expensive vineyard wine etc... a dessert, and your boss said no and sent a bottle to your table. Would you accept it? And if so why? Would it be because its your boss and you despite this notion of not going cheap preserving an image etc... and would throw your so called principals and perception out the window just because its your boss, and you dont want to offend him/her? Also since you said its about how your wife feels. Do you think she would feel any different because your boss covered the tab for you? Would it make the evening less special? Less meaningfull?

You sound a lot like putty/future except you make a hell of a bunch of assumptions about me that are all wrong...lulz @ you for thinking I dress up in a suit to go grab milk at the store...

I seriously can't keep up with this back and forth with you fam, lead your life as it makes you happy, I'll do the same with mine, you are a penny pincher and I'm a story.
Does it look bad? Yes. She is gonna tell her friends that you used a coupon. They are gonna laugh about it behind your back.
Is it a bad thing? No. This was a one time thing. Ain't like you gonna forever use coupons for every single date. Besides, women are not that shallow. It will not take anything from the experience of the date or affect it.
Bottom Line: Just Do it. I'm in college and if I'm taking a girl out, she will understand my situation and should know I'm not a baller or a simp.
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