Does it look bad to use a coupon for a first date?

Nothing wrong with it at all, if she doesnt like it she go with the next man. Y'sou know she a keeper if she gives you one to use for the dinner.
I don't know why you dudes keep using the word "special".... It's only a first date. Not s bday, not an anniversary, a first ******g date. Chances are she still getting her black blown out by someone else till the next dude comes along and you over here thinking "special".
Steezy, the use of a coupon should not take away from the date. I think that's part of the problem, you guys put these women on a pedestal. Treat these girls like you treat your homies. 90% of these broads are so tired of dudes acting like ******* you might just turn out to be a breath of fresh air for being real.


I can't tell you how many times I have been out with a woman and I have been real with her, been witty and made her laugh, and she has told me that I am a breath of fresh air because I wasn't fronting, trying to always agree with her, or being someone that I am not. Being yourself and being normal goes a long way, especially on the first date.
dude take her to Taco Bell. She'll be lowering her panties in no time.
yea, if she gets diarrhea bro
you guys are doing this all wrong...the girls should be taking yall out 
pimp.gif lobster is trash,you might as well take her to long john silvers, or captain d's.. if you live in the south..taking them out to dinner on the first date is a bad look for both of yall, i dont want to see some chick stuffing her face getting ish between her teeth having nasty onion breath or having a belly full of food while im trying to get mine shes just going to be thinking of taking a fat dump...

take her to a movie the only reason to take a girl out to eat is after you got the goods.

damn son someone in here is only getting love cuz hes quick to come out the pockets 

dudes that wear clothes that costs more than their girls are obviously insecure and self conscious about something.
I saved up for my entire wedding in 3 months, the ring didn't break my bank account either, that's how far from the truth you are.
You keep assuming its about the amount spent, when that's not even relevant, I never even had a problem with them going to problem is the time chosen to use a you gonna call someone shallow/materialistic/not down to earth because they feel it looks bad on those ocassions.
You saved up 3 months... which proves my point esp... if you make a decent amount of money... and knowing how you come across, you wanted to make it a grandiousity event. How can you say it wasnt a big deal about money etc... and you saved 3 months of wages? Thats contridictary in its self. And i cant say you broke the bank... because you as stated didnt have the money, you went beyond the bank cause you had to save up for the event. And as you said how does it look shallow/materialistic whn thats exactly what it is. If you aloow the image/perception sway your feelings thats exactly what it is. Thats like saying just because i take things that dont belong to me how you gonna call me a thief? Because by defenition that what a thief is...

If a person value, worth, and who they are as a person is judged/based/viewed on something a trivial as a usage of coupon... then that person is a shallow person that isnt down to earth. I dont see how you cant see that. And if a person is that trivial then you either accept that, and continue to maintain and uphold a perception/image staple for that person.... or you find someone who judges you on the character you are, and your intent.
Millions of people all over the world save for a wedding. No different than saving for a vacation, saving for a car, saving for a house.
Disagree with the homie if you want but let's not act like saving for a wedding is something that's unheard of.
I can't tell you how many times I have been out with a woman and I have been real with her, been witty and made her laugh, and she has told me that I am a breath of fresh air because I wasn't fronting, trying to always agree with her, or being someone that I am not. Being yourself and being normal goes a long way, especially on the first date.
yeah really, dudes giving foot rubs at foot lobster on the first date..some girls like a man that can fight for them not buy someone to fight for em..yeah i would want my girl to feel special,but only after she has shown that she will stick with me even when im broke, im not saying i treat em like dirt but i dont exactly go out of my way to make em feel like queens i let em know i like em hence why i am even talking to em and thats it..if you gotta pay extra to make your chick feel "special" then thats all she will expect out of you..and she will end up milking you for everything you got and when you're broke, kiss her goodbye.

 while you're out shopping for new leopard capris and a murse to match shes picking up some dude(in the whip you bought her) with a bus pass living on his mamas couch.
Millions of people all over the world save for a wedding. No different than saving for a vacation, saving for a car, saving for a house.
Disagree with the homie if you want but let's not act like saving for a wedding is something that's unheard of.
and millions of ppl do alot of things such as invest more money/spend on a car then their retirement fund.. millions of ppl spend more mone on a wedding etc... yet dont own a house etc... and pay a lifetime of mortgages,,, millions of ppl spend more money on materialistic things that dont get hardly used for their kids then on their future.... ala college etc... Its millions of ppl who have a purse/outfit/shoes that cost more then what they have in the bank. i could go on and on.... just because tons of ppl do it doesnt make it make sense. Its a reason why ur society is 90% followers, workers laborers for others and always behind the 8ball and pretty much barely a thin and not quite a thick. So plenty of things are heard of and tons of ppl do it. That doesnt mean its logical or make sense.

And just because you (not you specifically but mass majority of ppl) choose images/perception/ and thoughts of others and keeping a fascade over logic thats cool, and you right most ppl do and believe to an certain extent this way. The numbers etc stats show this. But why knock others who choose a different more logical approach.
From a girl's POV:

"Here’s my issue with the coupon on the first date– it says “I didn’t choose this restaurant because I like it, or I thought you’d like it, or I thought it would make a good first date; I chose it because I have a coupon, and I’m cheap.” It would be okay if it’s something we had talked about beforehand and I really believed that my date already frequented the restaurant, but otherwise I would rather just go somewhere more affordable and have them save the coupon for another date. Or they could make me dinner. That would be frugal, and not nearly as weird as the coupon."
and millions of ppl do alot of things such as invest more money/spend on a car then their retirement fund.. millions of ppl spend more mone on a wedding etc... yet dont own a house etc... and pay a lifetime of mortgages,,, millions of ppl spend more money on materialistic things that dont get hardly used for their kids then on their future.... ala college etc... Its millions of ppl who have a purse/outfit/shoes that cost more then what they have in the bank. i could go on and on.... just because tons of ppl do it doesnt make it make sense. Its a reason why ur society is 90% followers, workers laborers for others and always behind the 8ball and pretty much barely a thin and not quite a thick. So plenty of things are heard of and tons of ppl do it. That doesnt mean its logical or make sense.

And just because you (not you specifically but mass majority of ppl) choose images/perception/ and thoughts of others and keeping a fascade over logic thats cool, and you right most ppl do and believe to an certain extent this way. The numbers etc stats show this. But why knock others who choose a different more logical approach.

I'm not here to defend ksteezy. Regarding this issue (like many other topics on NT, I disagree with him)
Id have no shame pulling out a coupon on a first date. And I damn sure don't think a first date is "special" like Steezy keeps saying.

I take exception to your comments on his wedding because I was there. It was a really nice and relatively low key and humble affair. Steezy has a way of giving you guys ammo and I thought I'd chime in because I was actually there and my facts hold a lot more weight than your assumptions. That's all I'm going to speak on another mans wedding. Just thought I'd clear that up.
You guys could continue if you want to though.
From a girl's POV:
"Here’s my issue with the coupon on the first date– it says “I didn’t choose this restaurant because I like it, or I thought you’d like it, or I thought it would make a good first date; I chose it because I have a coupon, and I’m cheap.” It would be okay if it’s something we had talked about beforehand and I really believed that my date already frequented the restaurant, but otherwise I would rather just go somewhere more affordable and have them save the coupon for another date. Or they could make me dinner. That would be frugal, and not nearly as weird as the coupon."
which further proves iys about how you feel u precieved by others.... others who dont even know u, or are even concerned about u. and lets say for all intenses purposes dude is cheap.... so um ok AND? How does that change who he is as a person? So that show that it isnt the fact he is cheap.... its the fact that it is seen by others (thus why you ok with a dinner at home... cause no one is seeing you, and no one of importance etc... or view a fast food restaurant as a big deal) and how others will percieve you and think of you for being with this guy is the issue.
I'm not here to defend ksteezy. Regarding this issue (like many other topics on NT, I disagree with him)
Id have no shame pulling out a coupon on a first date. And I damn sure don't think a first date is "special" like Steezy keeps saying.
I take exception to your comments on his wedding because I was there. It was a really nice and relatively low key and humble affair. Steezy has a way of giving you guys ammo and I thought I'd chime in because I was actually there and my facts hold a lot more weight than your assumptions. That's all I'm going to speak on another mans wedding. Just thought I'd clear that up.
You guys could continue if you want to though.
I didnt specify him i said ppl in general.... and how they spend tons on anything not limited to weddings but things in general to set a precedent, a image etc... yet cheap out or not have things neccesary to live. Ala buying a kid a new car for 16th bday yet have no money in the bank for their college fund. Or ppl paying a note etc... on a wedding ring and living in an apt. Or paying tons on a one night dinner, yet lacking on the groceries in their home. Thats what im speaking on. It just came across as i was specifying him due to when my posting actually appeared. Cause i dont exactly no his situation.

But i would say it if he or anyone spent 10's of thousands on a wedding, yet aint living in a house/living in apt or at your parents home. Or spend a good amount of money on maintaining a image at work etc... yet arent making that much money.... I see it all they time dudes rocking 1,000s on watches etc.. high end clothing etc.... yet making 30,000 or some ish at a job. Or spend almost as much on a car note as their rent. Thats what i was references
I didnt specify him i said ppl in general.... and how they spend tons on anything not limited to weddings but things in general to set a precedent, a image etc... yet cheap out or not have things neccesary to live. Ala buying a kid a new car for 16th bday yet have no money in the bank for their college fund. Or ppl paying a note etc... on a wedding ring and living in an apt. Or paying tons on a one night dinner, yet lacking on the groceries in their home. Thats what im speaking on. It just came across as i was specifying him due to when my posting actually appeared. Cause i dont exactly no his situation.

But i would say it if he or anyone spent 10's of thousands on a wedding, yet aint living in a house/living in apt or at your parents home. Or spend a good amount of money on maintaining a image at work etc... yet arent making that much money.... I see it all they time dudes rocking 1,000s on watches etc.. high end clothing etc.... yet making 30,000 or some ish at a job. Or spend almost as much on a car note as their rent. Thats what i was references

Now we getting off topic with this....apparently is totally unheard of for you to be able to have a nice balance, to be able to buy your kid a car on his 16th birthday and still have money in his college fund, to hold off on using a coupon on certain ocassions and still manage your spending well, is not as black and white as you put it...some people know very well how to prioritize well without the need to cut corners and omit things that are considered luxuries...get off the high horse.

And how exactly do I come across?...first you make an assumption about how according to you my wedding was on a Kardashian level, then when Diego who was actually a guest at my wedding shuts your assumption down, it's no longer about me...stay consistent fam, stop making assumptions about me because you know very little.
From a girl's POV:
"Here’s my issue with the coupon on the first date– it says “I didn’t choose this restaurant because I like it, or I thought you’d like it, or I thought it would make a good first date; I chose it because I have a coupon, and I’m cheap.” It would be okay if it’s something we had talked about beforehand and I really believed that my date already frequented the restaurant, but otherwise I would rather just go somewhere more affordable and have them save the coupon for another date. Or they could make me dinner. That would be frugal, and not nearly as weird as the coupon."

Pretty much what I've said 100 times and dudes want to make it out to something is not, talk about being a sugar daddy and what not, pulling out a coupon on a first date is weird man, and the problem doesn't lie with the girl passing judgement but with you thinking its cool in the first place, just take responsibility for it and it'll be fine...
Since we're talking about chains in here what about The Cheesecake Factory? One of my coworkers was going there and she was making the hugest deal out of it, and honestly I was under the impression that all chain restaurants are off limits for dates early in the relationship.

Now we getting off topic with this....apparently is totally unheard of for you to be able to have a nice balance, to be able to buy your kid a car on his 16th birthday and still have money in his college fund, to hold off on using a coupon on certain ocassions and still manage your spending well, is not as black and white as you put it...some people know very well how to prioritize well without the need to cut corners and omit things that are considered luxuries...get off the high horse.
And how exactly do I come across?...first you make an assumption about how according to you my wedding was on a Kardashian level, then when Diego who was actually a guest at my wedding shuts your assumption down, it's no longer about me...stay consistent fam, stop making assumptions about me because you know very little.
but this notion of ppl having a nice balance isnt true... cause if so... a majority of ppl in society wouldnt be in debt or slightly making it, or to the point where a paycheck or two would dramatically change their lives. Ideally what you saying is true. But ideally doesnt translate into reality. And the proof is in the puddin. And as far as the coupon why hold off, for what... you still havent said anything logically to justify it outside of some emotional response... based on what you think you believe another person may or may not view you or what you did as special. What does this hold special thing mean anyways... Special would be different to do things/something treat them unique from others... The fact that you are doing the act/gesture etc... for them and not others is what makes it special.Doing something for any and everyone, but presenting it in a different isnt special... its just that different.

Its like my lady and i if we go out to a 5 star restaurant it isnt how i presented it to her, or how much it cost etc that makes it special, its the fact that i took her PERIOD... because she is being treated to something specially for her as in i dont regularly take ppl out to a 5 star restaurant is what makes it special... and the fact i did it exclusively for her. And i never said u had a kim k wedding, what i said was you said you didnt spend alot or went all out, yet spent a quarter of your salary and funds on it, which contridicts what you said in terms of didnt go all out. Cause im sure you havent did that often on any other single isolated event. Thus it is something out the norm. My only thing and i dont know your situation is that i wouldnt do this and not own a home etc,,, have a secure future things neccesary to live,,, over wants luxuries to please pacify others or maintain a social norm an image or give a perception etc for others. And you can say/justify etc... w/e to pacify yourself... in instance of a wedding but a 75 buck wedding liscence at the city doesnt valid or make a marriage a last any more or less. therefore you or any other person including myself did these things for the above reasons... My point is i hate to say living beyond your means... but doing something with no merits or rhyme or reason just cause over doing something that makes sense. I cant say i agree with and I wouldnt do it.

I mean if your argument had a bases and a logically reason as to why not to use the coupon ala you wouldnt get as much food, the coupon excluded something basic that is needed to have the meal etc... Then i could acknowledge understand your point. But to use the oh well um i have no basis no logical explanation other then i believe that it possibly could make someone feel offended is a personal belief that you have, that may or not be true. And sense me or anyone else isnt you, unless its some sort of social norm, or something ppl do just because others say its that way and they just follow what others say, then know one is going to see it from your view point, cause your thoughts feelings are just that YOURS. You cannot debate whether logically using a coupon make sense, because it simply does.

Sure there is a balance, but like i said before look at the state our society is in. for the most part ppl dont know this balance. and have own more things that depreciate, and put images perceptions etc... or what others think over needs or things of priority.
Pretty much what I've said 100 times and dudes want to make it out to something is not, talk about being a sugar daddy and what not, pulling out a coupon on a first date is weird man, and the problem doesn't lie with the girl passing judgement but with you thinking its cool in the first place, just take responsibility for it and it'll be fine...
What makes it weird? And why wouldnt it be cool, if it wasnt the coupon wouldnt even be made, and the company wouldnt have took the time to print and issue them. And how does not/using a coupon equate to how responsible a person is? We arent making it out to be anything but actual factual, it is a coupon, a coupon that was produce by a business to offer a discount on a purchase. If it isnt that and ppl are making it out to be something else then what is it then. Sounds like thats what you are doing, you are trying to justify doing something that makes no logical sense and simply doing it out of personal feelings and social norms, images and perceptions of others. If the coupon wasnt meant to be used on anniversaries/first dates etc... then it would be stated on the coupon. But it does not say that. Thats your interpretation of it, thus taking something and making it turning it into something it isnt and setting some imaginary illogical and invalid restraints and guidelines on something. If the place of business the coupon etc.... arent setting the parameters then who is? It would be you. And they would be set/based on simply how you feel others will think of you view you as what others will think of what you did and how you went about doing it? I that is something that is personal. Not something that is a across the board thing as you are making it out to be by saying if you such and such its cheap. That pertains to you and how you feel others will judge you as and place opinion on you and how you will feel about yourself based on this, or how you think the other person will think you think of them.
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but this notion of ppl having a nice balance isnt true... cause if so... a majority of ppl in society wouldnt be in debt or slightly making it, or to the point where a paycheck or two would dramatically change their lives. Ideally what you saying is true. But ideally doesnt translate into reality. And the proof is in the puddin. And as far as the coupon why hold off, for what... you still havent said anything logically to justify it outside of some emotional response... based on what you think you believe another person may or may not view you or what you did as special. What does this hold special thing mean anyways... Special would be different to do things/something treat them unique from others... The fact that you are doing the act/gesture etc... for them and not others is what makes it special.Doing something for any and everyone, but presenting it in a different isnt special... its just that different.

Its like my lady and i if we go out to a 5 star restaurant it isnt how i presented it to her, or how much it cost etc that makes it special, its the fact that i took her PERIOD... because she is being treated to something specially for her as in i dont regularly take ppl out to a 5 star restaurant is what makes it special... and the fact i did it exclusively for her. And i never said u had a kim k wedding, what i said was you said you didnt spend alot or went all out, yet spent a quarter of your salary and funds on it, which contridicts what you said in terms of didnt go all out. Cause im sure you havent did that often on any other single isolated event. Thus it is something out the norm. My only thing and i dont know your situation is that i wouldnt do this and not own a home etc,,, have a secure future things neccesary to live,,, over wants luxuries to please pacify others or maintain a social norm an image or give a perception etc for others. And you can say/justify etc... w/e to pacify yourself... in instance of a wedding but a 75 buck wedding liscence at the city doesnt valid or make a marriage a last any more or less. therefore you or any other person including myself did these things for the above reasons... My point is i hate to say living beyond your means... but doing something with no merits or rhyme or reason just cause over doing something that makes sense. I cant say i agree with and I wouldnt do it.

I mean if your argument had a bases and a logically reason as to why not to use the coupon ala you wouldnt get as much food, the coupon excluded something basic that is needed to have the meal etc... Then i could acknowledge understand your point. But to use the oh well um i have no basis no logical explanation other then i believe that it possibly could make someone feel offended is a personal belief that you have, that may or not be true. And sense me or anyone else isnt you, unless its some sort of social norm, or something ppl do just because others say its that way and they just follow what others say, then know one is going to see it from your view point, cause your thoughts feelings are just that YOURS. You cannot debate whether logically using a coupon make sense, because it simply does.

Sure there is a balance, but like i said before look at the state our society is in. for the most part ppl dont know this balance. and have own more things that depreciate, and put images perceptions etc... or what others think over needs or things of priority.

You remind me of a certain NTer who needs some sort of scientific logical explanation behind every action...

There is no logic behind holding off on a coupon, you are right, it's about perception and how you personally feel it might affect the other person, personally I take into account how my actions might affect those around me and won't deny that I do care about how those in my life perceive me....I can't waltz through life with the attitude that I'm the only one on this planet, without a care in the world how my actions might affect others, specially those close to me...if you can live that way and found a mate that is perfectly ok with that, more power to you...I'm perfectly fine leading my life the way I have and believe my priorities are on check, no different than yours I'm sure.

We just happen to be two different type of people, just cut it out with the ego talk, because that's straight BS.
What makes it weird? And why wouldnt it be cool, if it wasnt the coupon wouldnt even be made, and the company wouldnt have took the time to print and issue them. And how does not/using a coupon equate to how responsible a person is? We arent making it out to be anything but actual factual, it is a coupon, a coupon that was produce by a business to offer a discount on a purchase. If it isnt that and ppl are making it out to be something else then what is it then. Sounds like thats what you are doing, you are trying to justify doing something that makes no logical sense and simply doing it out of personal feelings and social norms, images and perceptions of others. If the coupon wasnt meant to be used on anniversaries/first dates etc... then it would be stated on the coupon. But it does not say that. Thats your interpretation of it, thus taking something and making it turning it into something it isnt and setting some imaginary illogical and invalid restraints and guidelines on something. If the place of business the coupon etc.... arent setting the parameters then who is? It would be you. And they would be set/based on simply how you feel others will think of you view you as what others will think of what you did and how you went about doing it? I that is something that is personal. Not something that is a across the board thing as you are making it out to be by saying if you such and such its cheap. That pertains to you and how you feel others will judge you as and place opinion on you and how you will feel about yourself based on this, or how you think the other person will think you think of them.

It makes it weird that is NOT a social norm, that majority of dudes out on a first date are NOT pulling out coupons, same way is not a social norm for a woman to go on a first date demanding a 400$ bottle of wine...I'm sure you'd feel a certain way towards her and can anyone blame you?...

Dudes kill me when they try so hard to go against the grain and refuse to conform to these social norms...reminds me of this chick my wife has on her IG who decided to make a 12 inch rat her pet...trying so damb hard to be different and come off as the IFGAF type.
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