Does it matter if your parents approve of your GF/BF?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by acidicality

My mom is extremely strict about races and real traditional, and I don't normally go for those type of girls, so I'm really fearing that there's going to be a disagreement in the future. My dad on the other hand won't care at all.

what are you and what does your mom object to?

why is she so strict?

i'm taiwanese, my mom basically wants me to marry a woman who's taiwanese as well. we had a conversation about that when i was like, 11 and i didn't care about all that. 
and even for a Chinese (from the Mainland) she'd be iffy about it, and she's even stated not to marry a Vietnamese or Japanese girl. But I don't intend on limiting myself like that, so maybe she'll understand that times have changed. Maybe not. I guess she's just into those traditional Asian family values, keeping things close to the family.
Kind of, yeah. Ideally, I'd like to be able to bring whoever I am seeing around my parents without any drama/conflict, especially if we're serious and there's a possibility of getting married and starting a family.

My parents immediately liked my current bf, and he's the only bf I've ever introduced them to.
Kind of, yeah. Ideally, I'd like to be able to bring whoever I am seeing around my parents without any drama/conflict, especially if we're serious and there's a possibility of getting married and starting a family.

My parents immediately liked my current bf, and he's the only bf I've ever introduced them to.
Not if it's over something ridiculous.  If my bf was straight disrespectful to my family, then it's a problem.  My dad wouldn't approve of my bf because of the racial difference, and in that case, his opinion doesn't matter. They never taught me to discriminate, and I like to think that they raised me well, so they should trust my judgement.
Not if it's over something ridiculous.  If my bf was straight disrespectful to my family, then it's a problem.  My dad wouldn't approve of my bf because of the racial difference, and in that case, his opinion doesn't matter. They never taught me to discriminate, and I like to think that they raised me well, so they should trust my judgement.
Nah, not at all.

I must say that I believe it's because I don't know my dad and mom's passed away when I was 12. So I really don't comprehend these types of things.
Nah, not at all.

I must say that I believe it's because I don't know my dad and mom's passed away when I was 12. So I really don't comprehend these types of things.
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