Does it matter to you how many peeps your partner has been with in the past?

ideally i'd want a girl that's a virgin, but i gotta go back to what my friend told me, "man you're too picky, girls these days... you're lucky if their (list is) under 10 guys."  i guess i can handle a girl that has had maybe 2-3, but if she's at 10 then... i'll change my intentions
Me and Sorkoram had this discussion on Twitter....the %$!@ came out the woodworks...

Personally.....I could deal with 5.....if im trying to wife that is....if it's looking more at the quality of dudes if i can know it.

This chick we both know was like "I could be a totally good girl...but if i slept with a lotta guys, that makes me a !$%"....well i aint invent the game...and if it offends you that much dont live by that standard...

I also said a man could admit being a !$% more than a woman will...My homegirl said 10 is a reasonable #....then you also gotta look at age...5 at 23 isnt bad
Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

some of y'all dudes are in for a rude awakening one day. lets be real.

Yep. Some of yall saying under 3 guys
You better be under 20 and you better know that girl right now. If not she's definitely lying to you or she's ugly and fat.

I wanna know how old some of yall are saying this? they gonna tell you the truth anyways.

If you're clean who cares, cause I know I slept with my fair share I'm not gonna judge her.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by classified

its 2010, chances are its over 5+ at the LEAST.

I say its a good chance its over 10+. These girls try to supress their numbers by not including oral. For some young girls giving oral is like a handshake.
I need to introduce myself more often.
you funny man..

i am my girl's first. known each other since middle school. was too innocent to be those type of girls but is one undercover freak
Good luck when she's curious to find out what other guys feel like..
I don't want to know but I don't really care. I think what would bother me more is if I know people she's slept with.

A woman will almost always lie about this anyway..I have enough females friends to know they dont count

-sex with wack partners
-oral sex performed
-times they didnt c--
-times they were drunk/high
-one night stands

If I'm trying to wife...I'm looking at little things...sometimes you gotta pick brains and you might just get a Freudian slip...I never ask girls because i figure they'll lie anyway. If it's a JO, I'm looking at how she carries herself....the best freaks are the ones you wouldnt think are freaks...

The reality of it...and this is something that men have to accept is that...women have more %**@ on standby than you have ()....
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I also said a man could admit being a !$% more than a woman will...My homegirl said 10 is a reasonable #....then you also gotta look at age...5 at 23 isnt bad

thats rare........very rare 
 unless she had a long relationship during during HS until her fr year of college or something.......
Most girls start having sex around 15-16... Thats High School... If you meet a girl thats 21, this is college and we all know inhibitions go out the window in college, the odds of her having slept with less than 10 dudes are so low that we don't wan't to know/hear them.

But seriously think about if a girl has slept with say 12 guys by 21 and she lost her virginity at 15... on average thats 2 guys a yr. I know girls slept with 12 guys in a year, but if they never told you you would never know and you would call them wifey status just off of everything else they brought to the table from their appearance to the way they carried themselves to their intangibles.

Realistically once you hit college if you don't grab your wife to be within that 1st week, you're going to be with someone who's had atleast 7-10 penis if they were extremely selective about who they gave the merch to and faught through the temptation of wanting to be +#**+%. It doesn't make them anyless qualified to be wifed... You're kidding yourselves and setting yourself up if you think otherwise.
Some of yall dudes are unrealistic 2 - 4 is crazy unless the girl is 18-20.
yawn @ topic.

people saying 2 and 3 are being lied to....period.

or these broads are 15......
eh when i was younger maybe yeah but as long as their upfront about how many rather then saying a number at first then saying they lied and multiplying that original number by 2 and saying that was the real number.

i wouldn't want to be scrutinized for how many chicks i piped in the past like i commited the sin of all sins so i'd be willing to look past it as long as they were upfront about the number rather then saying a number that sounds right at first only to say the number was more further down the line.
i used to care...

don't really give a *%!$ now.

i'm on the same "don't ask don't tell" tip. i really don't wanna know
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So you NT'ers are telling me that every chick 18+ has had AT LEAST 6 or 7 different dudes?[/color]
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

So you NT'ers are telling me that every chick 18+ has had AT LEAST 6 or 7 different dudes?

   Are you telling me you believe these girls when they say otherwise?

in these cases...either dont ask and they wont tell...or be prepared to hear an answer you dont wanna hear.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So you NT'ers are telling me that every chick 18+ has had AT LEAST 6 or 7 different dudes?[/color]
Are you telling me you believe these girls when they say otherwise?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Son, [/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]sometimes[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] you don't even need to ask a female, judging by what they say etc you'll already know how it's going down. But, I find it a bit weird that you dudes think EVERY chick is the same [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. Like, are y'all just saying this because YOUR female in particular has 15-20 bodies? [/color]
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

So you NT'ers are telling me that every chick 18+ has had AT LEAST 6 or 7 different dudes?

While you can't say every, because there are definitely some that haven't, hell there are some virgins, but I believe its safe to say 75-80% yes.  The thing is that this isn't necessarily a bad statistic, unless she was with 1 dude then got Ran by 2-3 at a time the other penis altercations.  Females want to have sex just as much as guys do, you all do realize and understand that right? So just like when you're not in a relationship you're still trying to get off you have a few on deck, they're the same way.
most people lie, once shorty says 5 or more no one is gonna wife it.... of course it matters
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