Does NBA test its players for juicing/doping consistently?

Part of all the speculation has to do with the jealousy of reporters and onlookers. You have a lot of frustrated weekend warriors, part time athletes, who do not understand why some people look a certain way, and then can do certain things, while others cannot, then possibly may never be able to do. Some of us get it all the time while in the gym when we bench heavy, squat, or do something that others aren't able to do. The first question that is asked is, what are you taking?

It makes some of these guys feel better, if they think that someone is doing something that they are not. It can't possibly be effort and knowledge,

Athletes and people who work out, aren't really intelligent beings.

Hard work and being smart, then allowing for complete recovery is always the best method of training, but this is not to say that PED's do not give you an edge, and then are not in use by some athletes.

Believe it or not, there is plenty ignorance abound in regard to what PED's are, due to the misinformation that is put out there by professional sports, and what they consider illegal. Certain sleep aids are considered PED's, as well as some over the counter cold medicines that feature herbal properties that might enhance recovery.

It doesn't help that some of the makers of supplemental products do stupid stuff by actually adding in PED's into their product in order to generate hype for their product.

So you have an athlete hearing good things about a certain protein powder, testing it out, then finding out later that he's tested positive for a banned substance. Now, the athlete has to live the rest of his career defending himself for making an honest mistake, doing something to make himself a better and more productive athlete.

I consider myself an athlete who is in his later years. In order for me to compete on any level I must train, recover, practice, then play, recover, then do all the things necessary to make sure that I do recover, like not participating in excesses, such as drinking too much, and then drug abuse. I like the ladies, but I try and get adequate rest so that I can recover, getting the GH release during the REM phase of sleep.

It works, but if you burn the candle at both ends, as what most professional athletes do, they must look for an advantage, help, in order to get out there the next day.

However, the negative side effects of using steroids, especially for hoops, outweigh the positive. You start to get overuse injuries, as the tendons do not recover as well as the muscles themselves. With GH use, bones tend to become more fragile over time, not being able to withstand impact, as it is not the body that is producing the GH, coming from the Pituitary gland, with it coming from an outside source, your own natural production of the hormones, both testosterone and GH, tend to shut down, not protecting the body, helping it to recover when needed.

I must admit, if there is ever something that could help an athlete recover after games, without some nasty side effects, it should be allowed. It would go further, being better if it could actually help those who get concussions, as recovery is essential in regard to that sort of injury as well.
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Goddam every summer this forum turns into **** during the bball offseason

The only thing interesting going on now that there are no more pics of Kobe running through skeets in the Olympics is ACBoyz and memo battling for biggest clown in S&T

I'm gunna go hide in the Knicks offseason thread
I didn't troll my own topic. I have originally stated in the og post that the sport of baseball is a joke because of the numerous amount of doping. Why are you so mad though? That should be the new question. lol I bashed baseball because the player cheat and it's non contact. You took offense to that or what? It's really weird because you could have agree and f off instead you want to look smart by being technical.

But baseball is a contact sport, you have to make contact with the ball

I think Kobe was on it '03 season. Dude gained 15lbs of muscle in 3 months! That was also his statistically best season!
But baseball is a contact sport, you have to make contact with the ball

LOL baseball players play until they're mid 40. That's when you know it's a non contact sport that doesnt require much athleticism. Out of all the main sports. It's the easiest sport to go pro. You would have to pay me to sit down and watch a game :x 3 hours of baseball game

Golf, baseball, nascar, :x
Terrible post. PEDs would help you heal faster, stronger (longer range). The whole Bonds comment is pure Comedy it's obvious you don't watch baseball. Bonds was a HR hitter before the alleged "Steroid Use". Get your fact straight before you post.

i know he was a homerun hitter before the steroids but he was averaging like 25-35 a year when clean and 40 plus when on can't honestly tell me that 73 homerun season was without steroids
LOL baseball players play until they're mid 40. That's when you know it's a non contact sport that doesnt require much athleticism. Out of all the main sports. It's the easiest sport to go pro. You would have to pay me to sit down and watch a game
3 hours of baseball game
Golf, baseball, nascar,

You've got to be out of your mind. Before even thinking that, please go try and hit a ninety five mile an hour fastball. If you connect, then run roughly ninety feet to first base before you get thrown out.

While Baseball players may not look like the greatest athletes in the world, what they do requires much more athleticism than people like yourself realize.
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i know he was a homerun hitter before the steroids but he was averaging like 25-35 a year when clean and 40 plus when on can't honestly tell me that 73 homerun season was without steroids

93 he hit 46 HRs. He was a 35-40 HRs a year hitter.
basically from what I've read from Victor Contes twitter I think all athletes are manipulating testosterone in smaller amounts so its quick to leave the system.

Avg Test to estrogen raito for humans is 0.8-1.3 to 1. The test is only triggered to be a positive of if the ratio is over 4:1 for most professional leagues and 6:1 i think for the ncaa.

Evidently theres lotion products that players can use after the game and have it be out of their system/ lower their ratio under the threshold by the time they would even have a chance to be tested.

conte called it 'micro-dosing' , everyone still juicing just not out of their minds like they used to
I love hearing dudes talk about juice when they have no clue what juice is about.
Steroids aren't always used for the sole purpose of bulking up to look like the Hulk. Some of y'all need to read this about (briefly) how steroids work:

Legal uses

Anabolic steroids, or anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), are the synthetic (made in a lab) derivatives of the naturally produced hormone testosterone. They promote the growth of muscle (anabolic effect) and the typical male characteristics of puberty (androgenic effect).

When legally prescribed, they are an option for patients who produce abnormally low levels of testosterone or who suffer from body-wasting diseases such as cancer or AIDS. When used by athletes, the goal is to speed up the body's natural muscle-building process.

When we lift weights heavier than what we're used to, we create tiny micro-tears in muscle fibers. The body's natural repair process repairs the tear and then overcompensates by adding bigger cells to build a stronger fiber — this is called muscular hypertrophy. Over time, this repeated process of teardown and re-build will result in muscle growth.

Natural testosterone is the body's main ingredient for this process, but anabolic steroids can serve as a supplement.

Once ingested, an AAS travels through the blood stream to the muscle tissue. It is drawn into the muscle cell's receiving dock, called an androgen receptor. Once delivered to the muscle cell, the steroid can interact with the cell's DNA and stimulate the protein synthesis process that promotes cell growth.

Different variants and amounts of AAS can cause different reactions producing either massive body-building physiques or more toned athletic muscles (i.e. Barry Bonds vs. A-Rod). Athletes experiment with different combinations (called stacking) or regimens (pyramiding) in an attempt to fine-tune the final result.

Beyond bulk

While the focus in the media is on the bulked-up home run hitters, anabolic steroids can also benefit pitchers and others who need a faster turnaround from sore, overused muscles. Intense exercise also releases cortisol, known as the stress hormone, which breaks down muscle tissue, producing sore muscles.

AAS can block cortisol from binding to the muscle cell's receptor sites, which diminishes the breakdown process. Less muscle breakdown means less muscle fatigue which would allow a pitcher to recover more quickly from a nine-inning outing.

Other uses of steroids:
There are several prescribed usages for steroids. Before bone marrow transplants became common, steroids were used for patients with anemia. They have been used for patients with AIDS and other syndromes that cause muscle depletion and weight loss. Steroids can spur healing in burn patients. Some types of steroids are used to reduce inflammation. The drugs used to treat asthma attacks are a form of steroid.
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You've got to be out of your mind. Before even thinking that, please go try and hit a ninety five mile an hour fastball. If you connect, then run roughly ninety feet to first base before you get thrown out.

While Baseball players may not look like the greatest athletes in the world, what they do requires much more athleticism than people like yourself realize.

Hmm. Baseball doesn't required much of athleticism and that's true. But No where did i say you can be fat albert and still hit a ground ball and get to first base.

In term of athleticism in the three American major sports


MLB is the lowest when it come to athleticism. That's why you always see so many chubby and stocky baseball players

It's also the easiest sport to go pro out of all the three major sports.
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So Baseball is a non contact weak sport and yet its players are still finding a way to cheat. That's a slap in the face for the sport of baseball lol. What a joke
I wonder what is the NBA protocol for testing NBA players for PED and human grown hormones?
Lebron, Dwade look like they took roids behind scene. MJ also look like he probably took a few shot during his career.
How soon until the USDA start catching up on NBA players?

Of course there's supplement involved. The progress in medicine and physique of humans before and now are evidence in itself.
even if nba players were juicing whats stopping them from paying testers an insane amount of money to fudge the results?
AVG NBA Player VIces


Black players from the hood aren't trying to be brolic, if anything they pray for a wet jumper/decent handle....... Roids aint doing that.............

Get with the program fellas...................
LeBron definitely took some during his miami run...

DWIGHT HOWARD definitely had a few cycles going as well...
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