Dog days of baseball, whose your MVP/Cy Young thus far?


and beckett has been dealing...I think Greinks has had a good year, but gotta do it in more then April and May when the records don't really matter....Joshhad a bad month when the Sox didn't really need him and he's been a monster stopper for them as of late when they really need him..i would say youcould move doc up there but only him over josh
Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Mark Teixeira hasn't even been the best first baseman in his own division this year... He is NOT the MVP. Not by a long shot.
Whose been better at first? Him and Youkillis are closeand he's been better than Pena.

I agree hes not the MVP of his own team let alone league.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Mark Teixeira hasn't even been the best first baseman in his own division this year... He is NOT the MVP. Not by a long shot.

worry about your Rangers and the AL West before you talk crazy talk. not by a longshot? really?

leave the real baseball for the big boys in the northeast
He hasn't even been as good as Kevin Youkilis this year...

If by real baseball you mean spending $200M a year on payroll and trying to buy championships, have at it... %*@%#+#...
actually by real baseball i was referring to the real passionate, knowledgable fans who know what they're talking about

if your gonna tell me Youk is having a better year cause he's above .300 im not gonna buy it, everyone whos watched this yankee team this year know he hascarried them at multiple times and has played better 1b than ive seen in a long, long time. The guy has 1 error. He's gonna finish right around .280 40 HR120 RBI on a first place team and win the gold glove. Sounds like MVP to me.

the buying players argument is played out but ive been a yankee fan my whole life, so ill play that game if you want to
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

actually by real baseball i was referring to the real passionate, knowledgable fans who know what they're talking about
You're one of those Yankee fans huh?

Youkilis is rockin an OPS nearly 50 points higher than Teixeira's and grades out as well, if not better than Teixeira on most defensive metrics so... Idon't give a god damn about Mark Teixeira 'carrying' a team that features Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, and 19 other All-Stars... I watched thatdouche whine and complain about having to take on a leadership role in Arlington and I know damn well he's not a damn leader...

Joe Mauer is running away with the MVP award as far as I'm concerned... Nobody else is close right now. Not with the numbers he's putting up at thatposition...
ok just realized why you got the texiera hate and thats fine, but dont let it blind you from the fact that he's having an MVP season

Youkilis is not in the MVP discussion this year as far as im concerned cause theres too many people ahead of him. I really think its down to Tex, Mauer,Morneau and MAYBE miggy but thats really it.

If i had the choice id give it to Mariano, but I know that wont happen. I think Texiera ends up winning it based on the NY bias (just being honest) and thegold glove he will undoubtedly win. The M&Ms very much deserve it, but until they have a solid first place team for a large chunk of the season they willcontinue to be overlooked. I don't care who else is in the lineup, baseball is an individual sport you gotta do it yourself...the "19 all stars"in the lineup does not directly lead to an MVP year. Having A-rod protect you is pretty much the same as having Nellie Cruz protect you, on any given day.You're gonna see certain pitches in certain situations, goes for every team.
[table][tr][td]NAME[/td] [td]GP[/td] [td]AB[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]H[/td] [td]2B[/td] [td]3B[/td] [td]HR[/td] [td]TB[/td] [td]RBI[/td] [td]BB[/td] [td]SO[/td] [td]SB[/td] [td]CS[/td] [td]BA[/td] [td]OBP[/td] [td]SLG[/td] [td]OPS[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]K. Youkilis[/td] [td]97[/td] [td]351[/td] [td]70[/td] [td]109[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]20[/td] [td]198[/td] [td]66[/td] [td]60[/td] [td]92[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]2[/td] [td].311[/td] [td].424[/td] [td].564[/td] [td].988[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Mark Teixeira[/td] [td]114[/td] [td]449[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]128[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]250[/td] [td]86[/td] [td]64[/td] [td]81[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]0[/td] [td].285[/td] [td].382[/td] [td].557[/td] [td].939[/td] [/tr][/table]

Just to give a better view of the head to head of this season. Pretty close IMO. Game difference is not going to make the stats look any clearer. But afterMauer, it's a toss up to me between these two, Miguel and Morneau. This year I don't see Justin stealing any of Mauer's votes though. Love Texand love him on this team, but MVP no.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

ok just realized why you got the texiera hate and thats fine, but dont let it blind you from the fact that he's having an MVP season

Youkilis is not in the MVP discussion this year as far as im concerned cause theres too many people ahead of him. I really think its down to Tex, Mauer, Morneau and MAYBE miggy but thats really it.

If i had the choice id give it to Mariano, but I know that wont happen. I think Texiera ends up winning it based on the NY bias (just being honest) and the gold glove he will undoubtedly win. The M&Ms very much deserve it, but until they have a solid first place team for a large chunk of the season they will continue to be overlooked. I don't care who else is in the lineup, baseball is an individual sport you gotta do it yourself...the "19 all stars" in the lineup does not directly lead to an MVP year. Having A-rod protect you is pretty much the same as having Nellie Cruz protect you, on any given day. You're gonna see certain pitches in certain situations, goes for every team.
Mark Teixeira is having EXACTLY the type year you'd expect him to have... He's right on par with what he always does... I don't likehim, but him being traded away might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to the Texas Rangers, so I don't hate him...

But why are there too many guys ahead of Youk? He's having a BETTER year offensively than Teixeira in a far less productive offense...

Mauer is the only guy that separated himself from the pack, IMO. Teixeira, Youkilis, Morneau, Miggy are all in that next group, but Mauer has run away fromthem right now for me... I hate the 'best player on best team' thing. I know it's usually where voters go, and when they do it'll probably beTeixeira's to lose, but I don't agree with it...

What Mariano is doing at 40...
The last two years have arguably beenthe best of his career... Insane.

Who gets the GG, Tex or Youk? That I see Tex winning it before Youk, but I don't see Youk play everyday.

Zach and Roy having such great seasons, Mo isn't getting that much recognition.
why are people putting Haren over Lincecum? Timmy has a better ERA, best in the majors actually. They have the same number of wins but Timmy has 4 less losses.Timmy leads the majors in SO. 4 complete games, 2 Shutouts. Haren leads him in BAA with .08. The only stat that Haren has over lincecum is WHIP. ( haren 0.89,Tim 1.02 ) I think it's a no brainer honestly.

NL CY- Lincecum
AL CY- Halladay
NL MVP- Pujols
AL MVP- Mauer or tex
Does Kendry Morales deserve a look for MVP? He basically carried the Angels when Vlad and Hunter went on the DL.

107 401 62 122 230 29 2 25 76 33 7 75 1 3 .304 .352 .574 .926
Originally Posted by Proshares


Who gets the GG, Tex or Youk? That I see Tex winning it before Youk, but I don't see Youk play everyday.
i think you have to go Tex for two reasons:
1) 1 error so far? crazy
2) he plays there everyday. youk spends a lot of time at third (not sure if this is a factor, but clearly it should be)
John Dewans Plus minus has Texeria at +1 (average)
UZR has Tex at -.01 (Average)

There is no credible evidence that Tex is a gold glove first baseman.
Tex is having a better year than expected when talking about all around. I think most expected 25 and 100 on this team but not 40 120. yes the ballpark helpsbut whatever live with it.

im sorry i watch alot of Youkilis and Texiera but im not ready to say Youk's year is better because his OPS is .050 better. I don't like the rest ofthe lineup argument that inflates Tex's numbers or whatever because i believe over the course of 500-600 at bats it evens out and the people having thesignificantly better years will always shine through. Tex is more valuable to his team, the team with the best record in baseball, and should be rewardedbecause of it.

Mauer is having a ridiculous year after i just looked over his numbers, but even still he comes a close 2nd. That Minnesota team really needs to put together ayear where they pull away from the rest of the AL central.
madj55 wrote:
Does Kendry Morales deserve a look for MVP? He basically carried the Angels when Vlad and Hunter went on the DL.

107 401 62 122 230 29 2 25 76 33 7 75 1 3 .304 .352 .574 .926

I think he most definitely deserves a look. Dude has been a major factor on a first place team
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

John Dewans Plus minus has Texeria at +1 (average)
UZR has Tex at -.01 (Average)

There is no credible SABERMETRIC evidence that Tex is a gold glove first baseman.
fixed for ya there. and i don't need ******ed unbalanced new age baseball statistics to tell me Tex makes a big play every game and getsnoticed for it by managers (who vote) and writers.
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