Donald Trump is running for president

Bernie sander is like 75 years old.

wat young kids are messing wit bernie sanders

Many but most of them don't vote anyway. The Ron Paul effect.

He has my vote though. Won't vote for another Clinton or Bush.
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Hmm the shortening of the early voting bills does seem odd to me. I'll have to research what the stated benefit of that is. But the others seem pretty straight up to me. I don't see how requiring a valid photo government issued ID is suppressing the minority vote. If anything it targets illegal immigrants who shouldn't be voting anyway.

The poor usually take public transportation so a good majority probably do not driver's licenses or these Govt issued IDs.

I am not sure how illegal immigrants can register to vote or even care to? If they are illegally, why in the world would they risk deportation by voting? Not sure how the registration works in other States but in CA, the secretary of state requires a CA driver’s license or ID number, last 4 digits of your Social Security number, and birth date to verify their eligibility.

Again these measures are directed to 'suppress' voters thus the equivalent of modern day Jim Crow laws. Here's a good read on a study about this.
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^^^ Yep

Yes the laws effect everyone, but they are meant to disproportionately hurt groups that vote Democrat.

And what demographic vote democrat the most?.... Blacks/African Americans
^ Facts don't hold up in their world. They still cling on to voter fraud, illegals and democrats "giving away stuff" as to the reason why they lost the past 2 elections. Mostly likely they'll lose in '16 too. They'll have another excuse too, but it's never the messages or their candidates.
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Talking about I don't want them to vote anyway :lol:

Back to my point, the votes taken isn't even accurate representation of the entire nation.
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Too be honest, Scott Walker is the one dude I hope Trump airs out tomorrow. Dude is disgusting and his record is horrible

I agree, and when he speaks publicly I'm never very impressed. He equivocates and panders all day long :lol:

Recently heard him get interviewed on a podcast, On Point with Tom Ashbrook, and he essentially said nothing.
I'm hearing poor people use public transportation so they don't have IDs. I get that fair enough. However, in this country there are more white people than any other group. Soooo wouldn't stricter ID laws make it harder for poor whitesto vote? Who by the way usually vote Republican? I'm not understanding how you've jumped to minority voter suppression.

And hell yea, I'd rather I'd uninformed people didn't bother voting at all.
I'm hearing poor people use public transportation so they don't have IDs. I get that fair enough. However, in this country there are more white people than any other group. Soooo wouldn't stricter ID laws make it harder for poor whitesto vote? Who by the way usually vote Republican? I'm not understanding how you've jumped to minority voter suppression.

And hell yea, I'd rather I'd uninformed people didn't bother voting at all.

In this instance the article points out how it is suppression of minority/democratic voters:

After the Wisconsin GOP initially passed the Photo ID voting restriction law in 2011, Scott Walker immediately moved to close as many as 10 DMV offices around the state, “with the department targeting offices for closure in Democratic areas and expanding hours for those in Republican districts.”
I'm hearing poor people use public transportation so they don't have IDs. I get that fair enough. However, in this country there are more white people than any other group. Soooo wouldn't stricter ID laws make it harder for poor whitesto vote? Who by the way usually vote Republican? I'm not understanding how you've jumped to minority voter suppression.

And hell yea, I'd rather I'd uninformed people didn't bother voting at all.

And you might want to take back that wish brah, the GOP base is many things, informed is not really one of them
Bernie not winning the winning vote. Bernie got no chance

He is too much of an idealist for his own good

Even though I agree with him on many issues, that is a red flag for me.
We get it. You're voting for za Clinton even though you agree with Bernie's politics more than Clinton's.
And Imma keep saying it whenever I like brah, so deal with it 

That voter suppression stuff is beyond ridiculous. Cannot stand the lengths these idiot republicans go to in an attempt to stay in office/power. 
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In this instance the article points out how it is suppression of minority/democratic voters:

Wow thanks. Repped. Never cared for Scott Walker.

And I'm not just talking uninformed Dems, I'm talking uninformed across the political spectrum. I'm a registered independent as of February of this year (used to be a Democrat) so I hold no patry allegiance. But uninformed voters of all stripes ruin the election process and skew coverage to the stupidest things.
Wow thanks. Repped. Never cared for Scott Walker.

And I'm not just talking uninformed Dems, I'm talking uninformed across the political spectrum. I'm a registered independent as of February of this year (used to be a Democrat) so I hold no patry allegiance. But uninformed voters of all stripes ruin the election process and skew coverage to the stupidest things.
I'm pretty sure it's become huge Super PAC money that "skews the coverage to the stupidest things."

That Super PAC **** is something else that's absolutely horrendous. That happened under Obama right? 
 Unlimited funds… cannot stand it. 
Trump is just proving that our system is flawed. Have enough money and entertain and you have the attention of the majority of the country. He's destroying the candidates who are taking this very seriously

There's no politics needed, just give the people something to watch. He's essentially turned this into a run for class president
It's all about who got the most marketing $$$.  Out of all these candidates Trump has spend the most or loss the most.. however you want to look at it.  Trump don't need the money tho so he speaks like a G.  Tomorrow he'll make everyone look like fools... everyone is prepping for him while Big Trump gonna start throwing out their social security numbers and have them scrambling.
Haha! Man please. Like I said, if Biden don't run, Hillary diddy bopping all the way to the white house.
The Bernie Sanders = Ron Paul is a great comparison. Never even thought about that.
Been saying since page 2... Clinton will win if we don't vote Trump.  Srsly Hilitary Duff as President?  Come on let's get srs now... she looks like McCain with hair.  Putin will make sure she's domesticated... Trump would build a wall around Russia.
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Wow thanks. Repped. Never cared for Scott Walker.

And I'm not just talking uninformed Dems, I'm talking uninformed across the political spectrum. I'm a registered independent as of February of this year (used to be a Democrat) so I hold no patry allegiance. But uninformed voters of all stripes ruin the election process and skew coverage to the stupidest things.

For sure, I agree that an uninformed electorate put a damper on the election process.

But I think that overall more turnout = more engagement which will hopefully lead to an overall better informed electorate.

I wish more people read books :smh:
How is someone independent, but basically has all the GOP talking points down to a tee?

Trump already has lowered his expectations in the debate, he said himself he's not a debater.
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Lmao :lol: :smh:

Deez Nuts' filed as an independent candidate for President recently so for the sake of entertainment we tested him(?) as a candidate in a three way contest with Clinton and Trump. Deez Nuts haven't had much exposure to the American public- 89% say they have no opinion about them either way. Among those few who are familiar with Deez Nuts, only 3% rate them favorably to 8% who have an unfavorable opinion. Nevertheless 8% say they would support Deez Nuts for President, to 41% for Hillary Clinton and 36% for Donald Trump. When you look at how supporters of Deez Nuts split in a head to head between Clinton and Trump 25% are for Clinton, 15% are for Trump, and 60% are undecided. So Deez Nuts are largely providing an outlet for voters to express their frustration with the other candidates.
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How is someone independent, but basically has all the GOP talking points down to a tee?

Trump already has lowered his expectations in the debate, he said himself he's not a debater.

I'm assuming that was directed at me. I'm an independent because I hold both Democrat and Republican positions and I vote based on who is more in line with what I currently find important. Right now I'm big on the economy as is most of the country and I'm for whoever is going to keep the most money in my pockets. A lot of Republicans want to reform or eliminate some entitlements, I'm for it. Maybe that might lower my taxes. They may want to privatize social security. I'm cool with that. I shouldn't have to be paying for other people's SS anyway. They want to eliminate Obamacare. Great. I shouldn't have to pay for other peoples healthcare. So if any of those things happen, I'm hoping to end up with more money in my pocket.

But as far as my Democrat views I'm prochoice. I subscribe to the Freakonomics idea that the increase in abortions lead to a decrease in crime. Women have their rights and crime drops. Two birds one stone. I'm also not really big on war and nation building, but we're already in war(s) and in my view Republicans fight them better. But if we were in peace time and keeping the peace was my hot button issue I'd vote Dem. I also think the super rich should pay more in taxes but not to just finance new entitlements or social programs but to cut my taxes. A Democrat proposes that I'd vote for them. I also believe in Global Warming. But it's not at all an important issue to me, but if it was I'd vote Dem. As long as whatever the restrictions they enact doesn't cause the price of things I want to go up.

So yea that's why I'm an independent.
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