Donald Trump is running for president

I work with a bunch of rich old white folks and they hate Trump more than they hate Hillary.


I am ashamed to be Republican for what Donald has done to this party.

You're just NOW ashamed?? After all the put downs and insults from the Republican Party to President Obama and racial undertone comments made you're finally ashamed......piss poor champ.
You're just NOW ashamed?? After all the put downs and insults from the Republican Party to President Obama and racial undertone comments made you're finally ashamed......piss poor champ.

Right. It takes a loud-mouthed extremist like Trump for republicans to realize the awfulness of their they haven't been appealing to racists for years.
[thread="629164"]"Demilitarize local police departments"[/thread]
[thread="629164"]"Make sure the police resemble the communities"[/thread]
[thread="629164"]"time is now to recognize drug addictions and substance abuse are health issues and not criminal"[/thread]

The Peoples Champ. 

seems like the only halfway decent choice tbh
people bringing attention to trump's hate mongering is gonna give trump more numbers? seriously?

you really think there's a considerable amount of people who are/were on the fence about going with either trump or someone else?

why ain't people protesting rubio or cruz rallies? they're both extreme in the politics, but trump is on another level never seen before from a serious candidate
You're just NOW ashamed?? After all the put downs and insults from the Republican Party to President Obama and racial undertone comments made you're finally ashamed......piss poor champ.
Right. It takes a loud-mouthed extremist like Trump for republicans to realize the awfulness of their they haven't been appealing to racists for years.
very underrated post right here.
Yo when that energy is right you got to spit something 
u GOT to. u heard that clap. its the batsignal for aspiring rappers to freestyle.

on a serious note, i just finished a debate with a trump supporter on twitter. his stance was "just give trump a chance" and we went back and forth. my stance was, trump has no actual plans but you still support him. i eventually railroaded him into admitting he had no logical reason to support or believe anything trump says. he essentially admitted "yea...supporting him doesn't make sense." he then gracefully backed out of the debate.... and went right back to tweeting that the "riot" tonight is obamas fault. and the protestors were bought and sent in by sorros (whatever that is) obama and bernie sanders. also went right back to saying trump is the answer and this is just the establishment trying to resist the changes trump wants to make to fix america.

i dont get it. am i really overestimating their intelligence to this degree? you're telling me, you can realize and openly admit that you can't list a single thing worth supporting him for using logic, but still come to the conclusion that hes the man for the job? how can this be?
Yo when that energy is right you got to spit something 
u GOT to. u heard that clap. its the batsignal for aspiring rappers to freestyle.

on a serious note, i just finished a debate with a trump supporter on twitter. his stance was "just give trump a chance" and we went back and forth. my stance was, trump has no actual plans but you still support him. i eventually railroaded him into admitting he had no logical reason to support or believe anything trump says. he essentially admitted "yea...supporting him doesn't make sense." he then gracefully backed out of the debate.... and went right back to tweeting that the "riot" tonight is obamas fault. and the protestors were bought and sent in by sorros (whatever that is) obama and bernie sanders. also went right back to saying trump is the answer and this is just the establishment trying to resist the changes trump wants to make to fix america.

i dont get it. am i really overestimating their intelligence to this degree? you're telling me, you can realize and openly admit that you can't list a single thing worth supporting him for using logic, but still come to the conclusion that hes the man for the job? how can this be?
Don't try to change or challenge people's views. They'll just see you as the enemy.

It's the same with feminists. Black-knighting/trolling them works well.
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Don't try to change or challenge people's views. They'll just see you as the enemy.

It's the same with feminists. Black-knighting/trolling them works well.
but even so... ur telling me you, as an intelligent human being, can be SHOWN the undeniable proof that there is a fundamental flaw in your thinking.... and still go that route? or... is the key that im assuming everyone has some level intelligence and therefor giving too much credit
It's either willful ignorance or he wasn't being outright with you about why he's supporting Trump
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