Donald Trump is running for president

Fox News tying gang violence to this

Drumpf saying he's a unifier of races dropping the ball so heavy :rofl:

Dude on CNN kept it a buck. said there aren't enough angry white people to win a general election.
Trump and his supporters give Lil to no dambs the amount of economic and social damage his policies would cause.

But please of please think of our rally. :lol:

I'm all for people needing to hear opinions that different from their own. However that is not what Drumpf is offering.

Lil Fingers is pushing hate speech mixed in with hollow promises
I work with a bunch of rich old white folks and they hate Trump more than they hate Hillary.

Fox News tying gang violence to this

Drumpf saying he's a unifier of races dropping the ball so heavy :rofl:

Dude on CNN kept it a buck. said there aren't enough angry white people to win a general election.
I work with a bunch of rich old white folks and they hate Trump more than they hate Hillary.

Get the feeling when that general election starts if he's the republican candidate that a lot of those wealthy Rep. billionaires will shift and be backing Clinton.
I believe the POTUS is a puppet manipulated by the world banks and the rich. Doesnt matter who's in office. But i do know that Donald Trump shouldnt sniff the white house.
I am ashamed to be Republican for what Donald has done to this party.

Man, stop it. Take responsibility for the monster the Republican party has created. Trump is Fox News in human form. There were establishment Republicans who've been saying stuff very similar to Trump since Obama got in office, they just didn't have as large of an audience.

Your party was so dead set on blaming Obama for everything y'all forgot to chin check the racists that were also supporting you. Now you have the rise of Trump and are watching the ignorant individuals within the party drive the bus smooth off the cliff with Trump at the helm.
Whoever was the guy on CNN who said there aren't enough angry white people to win a general election was spot on.
Meanwhile Bernie's hosting a peaceful rally in IL right now. 
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They just lucky it wasn't the young knuckleheads that showed up to that rally.

I'm low key tired of the whole "peaceful protest" rhetoric that some people spew. U see how dude was peacefully walking out, got sucker punched and then the cops attacked him as if he did the deed. Want you to be docile while they treat you however and accept it. Been the story for too long and people are getting tired of it.

This will either help or hurt Drumpf, the powers that be will do something eventually to eliminate dude's chances of winning the presidency
Got shook from a protest yet he's supposed to protect us and destroy ISIS. Looking funnier in the light.
They just lucky it wasn't the young knuckleheads that showed up to that rally.

I'm low key tired of the whole "peaceful protest" rhetoric that some people spew. U see how dude was peacefully walking out, got sucker punched and then the cops attacked him as if he did the deed. Want you to be docile while they treat you however and accept it. Been the story for too long and people are getting tired of it.

This will either help or hurt Drumpf, the powers that be will do something eventually to eliminate dude's chances of winning the presidency
Lmao at "don't give a damn about Republican party". Dudes argues vehemently despite logic for the Republican party and it's representatives.
Putting a wall up will just make people go over, around, and under it. They gonna get in b don't be scared.
Israel constructed a wall and its working great. And ever heard of the Great Wall of china? It worked.

The White House has a wall that works.
I know this quote is old, but I still think it's hilarious.
Do you even know what fascism means?
I already explained facism to you guys last night. Shutting down opposing viewpoints is facism. That's the modern day left. First the Ben Shapiro speeches, now this.
A protest is an opposing viewpoint.  Trump supporters shut those down with violence.

Let me get this straight:   Non-violent protest = facism.   Violent "counter-protest" = Freedom of speech?    

"Look at these fascists trying to shut down Woolworth's!"  
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