Donald Trump is running for president

Ninja, would you mind explaining to us how Trump intends to pay for his policies? Mainly his tax plan for example. How is your mans going to conjure up unprecedented economic growth to pay for it?

do you even da difference between Clinton & Trump's plan? :lol: Hillary is on da right to Trump in trade and da Veteran's affairs.

ninjahood ninjahood

Do you think women should be allowed to be president?

how is someone's genitals a barometer for being a good president again? since u wanna play da woman & all....
do you even da difference between Clinton & Trump's plan?
Hillary is on da right to Trump in trade and da Veteran's affairs.
how is someone's genitals a barometer for being a good president again? since u wanna play da woman & all....
Do you even have the ability to answer a question?
Do you even have the ability to answer a question?

sounds like you're asking me something you don't even know or care about da answer to.

like do u even know da differences between Hillary's and Trump's plan to even conjure up a question? cuz if u did you'd already know da US is ~ 20 trillion in da hole and neither is cutting entitlement programs. so da answer your ill informed question is are going to tax and spend more money and go into deeper debt or are we gonna cut regulations & let da economy breathe...i choose da latter.
btw, since most of ya contribute exactly zilch in anything substantive other than identity politics in this thread...

here's da entire Trump economy speech.
how about its completely irrelevant? :lol:

So you would be fine with a female president?

You have made statements that make it seem like you're not entirely comfortable with the idea. All I'm asking for is a yes or no...not trying to bait you into an argument
sounds like you're asking me something you don't even know or care about da answer to.

like do u even know da differences between Hillary's and Trump's plan to even conjure up a question? cuz if u did you'd already know da US is ~ 20 trillion in da hole and neither is cutting entitlement programs. so da answer your ill informed question is are going to tax and spend more money and go into deeper debt or are we gonna cut regulations & let da economy breathe...i choose da latter.
Sounds like you're deflecting because you can't answer the question.

Trump's tax policy will create a ~10 trillion dollar deficit, so I ask you how your mans intends to pay for that and if you are at all worried about the possibility that the national debt will explode if the economy doesn't grow at unprecedented rates.
So you would be fine with a female president?

You have made statements that make it seem like you're not entirely comfortable with the idea. All I'm asking for is a yes or no...not trying to bait you into an argument
I'll give you $5 if he answers your question without beating around the bushnotsrs
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^ but we'll be ok. Trump has already declared we'll default on debt and pay it back at what, 50% of its promised value?

sounds like he's got a foolproof plan in place.
So you would be fine with a female president?

You have made statements that make it seem like you're not entirely comfortable with the idea. All I'm asking for is a yes or no...not trying to bait you into an argument

i think deep down inside, he does not think a woman would make a good president.

I'm just being real.

i mean, there are people who think this. Maybe its some cultural thing, i dunno..... i know the dominican republic has never had a woman president.

but i think, even if a tiny bit, it has something to do with it.

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When it comes to exposing more of Donald's lies, shady business practices, and corruption that's less for his supporters and more for ppl who are undecided and on the fence.

His supporters alone won't win him this election. He has to rely on fooling much more ppl by lying, sensationalizing events and forturnate world events he can take advantage of.

they email issue is a totally different animal/thread that could be argued forever.

I dont think hillary clinton is "crap" ... definitely made some mistakes.

what I'm saying is, every single negative thing trump does, or has done, his supporters blindly dismiss it. they just dont acknowledge it.
His contemporaries in his party however, do.

like i said, goes both way... Hillary Clinton is being investigated for MULTIPLE felonies as we u'd still vote for her thou :nerd: so what does that say about you?
Frank Underwood > Bozo the Clown.

That's what it says about me :pimp:

how about its completely irrelevant? :lol:

So you would be fine with a female president?

You have made statements that make it seem like you're not entirely comfortable with the idea. All I'm asking for is a yes or no...not trying to bait you into an argument
He doesn't want to answer conclusively just in case he has to flip flop down the line.

Typical worm tactics.
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Ninja like a lot of Trump supporters realize they can't provide solid reasons to vote for Trump, so now it is all about deflecting onto Hillary, Bill or Obama.

says da guy that's only voting for Hillary for Supreme court picks...


I'm voting for her than more than that. Like her having social justice of her platform, or her economics proposals not being reckless and pie in the sky. But SCOTUS is a compelling reason, as is the other lower court appointments. I mean, it is a third of government, why shouldn't I care

You're voting for Trump because of the CAFE, something you have no idea if he will come through with, just to protect a category of vehicles you don't even own. :lol:

Since you're running your mouth so much this afternoon. You never explain why you were being a blatant hypocrite with poll numbers. Or are you just going to report this post too.

im voting for Trump for alot more than Cafe emission standards trust, da sad thing is that email scandal wouldn't dissuade you away from Clinton either :lol:

and polls dont matter this early, even when Trump was up his most ardent supporters would let u know this.

now if u wanna pick that bone STILL i already explained how Hillary isn't doing anything better considering Trump's terrible few weeks that have dont nothing to separate herself from da neck & neck race da race is.

You a damb liar because I posted quotes of you posting about polls when Trump was up/looking good.

And you don't care about social issues, and I already provided you if articles discussing how bad Trump is on economics. To this day you nor Trump can explain how he is going to achieve his promises.

if Trump is bad on economics, i wish i was as bad as he was... :lol:

how many jobs has Clinton created again? :nerd:

oh and those polls you're referring to..go see who people trust in da economy *pssst* its still not Hillary *psst*

I could embarrass you again with quote you previous flip flops (that is if didn't run back and edit those post). You you would ignore this

I could explain to you how overblown trump business success has been, about his dad starting him on third base, his many business failures and how bankruptcy court saved him multiple times. But you would post pics of Trump houses and cars to be dismissive

I could explain that being a business man and being an economist are different. But you deflect

I could explain the basic economics principles that show Trump's plan will be a failure. But you don't know basic Micro or Macro,and have proven not unable to pick it up.

I could then show you that "Trump being left" of Hillary on anything pretty much traces back to some sound bite but not solid policy proposal. But you would post some irrelevant article that probably contradicts you point just to quote a couple lines out of it, thinking it helps you. Or spew some more out of context talking points

I could once again make a long *** post systematically breaking down your arguments and making you look ignorant like I have done in the past. But then you would just call me names, an extremist, and take personal shots.

So I'm going to save my breathe today. I'm just not in the mood to go through the hassle of making you look foolish once again, especially when you're doing such a good job of that yourself recently.
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all them sentences, and yet Hillary is where's at cuz of slick willie... period.

rode them coat tails for decades expecting a coronation to da Presidency :lol:

Hillary a loser without her husband, straight facts.

but like i said before, until da conventions pass, this is all hot air & partisan bloviating.

ya betta hope da FBI dont hang her..da Attorney General aint gonna save her since she effed up pow wowing wit slick willie on that Jet :lol:
all them run-ons, and yet Drumpf is where's at cuz of his papa... period.

rode them coat tails for decades expecting people not laughing at his hair :lol:

Drumpf a loser without his papa's money straight facts.

but like i said before, until da election pass or NFL comes back, this is all the entertainment we got.

ya betta hope da FBI dont hang him..da gods aint gonna save him since he effed his daughter doggystyle on that Jet laugh :lol:

:nerd: just had to. good night
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all them sentences, and yet Hillary is where's at cuz of slick willie... period.

rode them coat tails for decades expecting a coronation to da Presidency :lol:

Hillary a loser without her husband, straight facts.

but like i said before, until da conventions pass, this is all hot air & partisan bloviating.

ya betta hope da FBI dont hang her..da Attorney General aint gonna save her since she effed up pow wowing wit slick willie on that Jet :lol:

This is straight nonsense. She was a success before Bill got on the National stage, and has been successful after his presidency.

And without Trump's dad setting him up for life, Donald would be nowhere.

It is like you don't even think before talking your nonsense
all them sentences, and yet Hillary is where's at cuz of slick willie... period.

rode them coat tails for decades expecting a coronation to da Presidency :lol:

Hillary a loser without her husband, straight facts.

but like i said before, until da conventions pass, this is all hot air & partisan bloviating.

ya betta hope da FBI dont hang her..da Attorney General aint gonna save her since she effed up pow wowing wit slick willie on that Jet :lol:

This is straight nonsense. She was a success before Bill got on the National stage, and has been successful after his presidency.

so being kicked off an nixon investigation
is "success"? :lol:

da broad hasn't created a single job in her whole life, :lol: and her whole career trajectory of success was solely predicated on da exploits of Bill Clinton, and now her dumbass husband just got caught cooking da books wit da Attorney general on a plane in a private meeting.
Frank Underwood > Bozo the Clown.

Claire was doing dirt all the time to help Frank cuz it helped both of them in the long run.
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When it comes to exposing more of Donald's lies, shady business practices, and corruption that's less for his supporters and more for ppl who are undecided and on the fence.

His supporters alone won't win him this election. He has to rely on fooling much more ppl by lying, sensationalizing events and forturnate world events he can take advantage of.
Frank Underwood > Bozo the Clown.

That's what it says about me :pimp:
He doesn't want to answer conclusively just in case he has to flip flop down the line.

Typical worm tactics.

Originally Posted by Master Zik View Post

I just hope the UK fails at a quicker pace before the election over here.

Give Americans a good idea of what taking your country back and making it great again looks like.

A market crash over there in October would be great.

So not only are you a despicable human being for wish such turmoil on people, you're also a raging hypocrite. Trump does not wish for bad things to happen, as you do. But when they do, he's well in his right to say "I told you so".

Just like Obama politicizing guns everytime a shooting occurs.
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Frank Underwood > Bozo the Clown.

Claire was doing dirt all the time to help Frank cuz it helped both of them in the long run.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch described her Monday meeting with Bill Clinton aboard a private plane as “primarily social,” but some Democrats are struggling to stomach the optics of the attorney general’s meeting with the former president while his wife is under federal investigation
Collusion and corruption. Pillars of the Clinton machine. And Dems are just trying to brush it under the table.

And the Lynch came out yesterday saying she would go along with whatever the FBI investigation revealed. The hell was she going to do before? Fight it? Bury it? Spin it?
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