Donald Trump is running for president

There is no refugee asylum for Mexicans , snitches really ? You are just dumb and you think you know **** just cause you work on border patrol.

I lived thru that **** and I know so many people in that struggle .. you dont want to try me badge carrying boy

The federal government has S-visas (sometimes called "snitch" visas) at its disposal to award to immigrants who provide information about crimes. See 18 U.S.C. s. 1101(a)(15).

Like I said, do the research or just be a lazy like the people I was talking about.
Its ok bruh, you and others in this thread probably feel guilty half your family is illegal :lol: both my parents are immigrants and came here legally through the process that most people with actual goals in life take. Not mooching off the system with handout and freebies.

What handout and freebies ? I'll wait ?
Yall ever think one of these years Donald would get so fed up with it all that he would step down and let his VP take over?
as much as i was opposed to trump.

i am unenthusiastically excited to see what he does when he gets into office. Serious. i WANT him to do well.

I don't want him to fail. Its a unique thing to have someone like this in office and i think it will be really interesting to see how he does.

i have always had this mindset in my life that it doesn't matter who is president. Im going to do ME. I am going to be successful regardless and I'm going to determine my future and success. I have never felt that a president could change or determine my success. ...and i still feel that way.

the path that I'm on won't change because of this decision.

its going to be a very interesting and entertaining 4 years.

and thats okay with me.
Agreed, let's see what happens.
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as much as i was opposed to trump.

i am unenthusiastically excited to see what he does when he gets into office. Serious. i WANT him to do well.

I don't want him to fail. Its a unique thing to have someone like this in office and i think it will be really interesting to see how he does.

i have always had this mindset in my life that it doesn't matter who is president. Im going to do ME. I am going to be successful regardless and I'm going to determine my future and success. I have never felt that a president could change or determine my success. ...and i still feel that way.

the path that I'm on won't change because of this decision.

its going to be a very interesting and entertaining 4 years.

and thats okay with me.
That's a good attitude to have
.I have no problem with the voting process playing out the way it did, because that's what our country is about..But having to see all this BS on social media from people wanting the rest of the country to support, pray for, and accept who won the election when those same people spent 8 yrs bashing, not supporting, wishing ill/harm, and pretty much stopping short of calling the current President the N-word is flat out infuriating to me..And I just can't stand how most of these people are too stupid to realize how hypocritical they're being..The smugness from these people is laughable..They claim to have voted for Trump cause he supports the military but yet he's a draft dodger..They say he'll make all these jobs but yet has proven time and time again to have put small businesses out of business..They say they love his stance on illegal immigrants, but yet his wife was an illegal immigrant..They say they voted for him cause they don't believe in abortion, but yet Trump is in favor of abortion in certain instances..They're people who have daughters but voted for a man who's facing sexual assault allegations in court..They say they supported him cause he's so honest and tells the truth, but is going to be the first President-elect who'll face criminal charges of fraud over Trump "University"..And they say they voted for him cause of his strong Christian beliefs are just like theirs, but yet he's been married 3 times and committed adultery on 2 of those wives..It absolutely blows my mind how a scumbag spouting buzz words has led to a man being voted into the highest office in the land..

And I think it's extremely ironic that tomorrow is Veteran's Day and a man just got elected President who is a know draft dodging coward..
Yall ever think one of these years Donald would get so fed up with it all that he would step down and let his VP take over?
As bad as Donald is Pence is worse because he has a record of crazy.
Agreed. But yet, I think Drumpf is already regretting that he won. This ************ has no idea what's in store for him. I truly don't even think dude wanted to win. Bet you he waned to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote by a slim margin, just so he could spew his rigged ****, talk about how we would have been the best president ever, etc. etc. without actually having to follow through. 
.I have no problem with the voting process playing out the way it did, because that's what our country is about..But having to see all this BS on social media from people wanting the rest of the country to support, pray for, and accept who won the election when those same people spent 8 yrs bashing, not supporting, wishing ill/harm, and pretty much stopping short of calling the current President the N-word is flat out infuriating to me..And I just can't stand how most of these people are too stupid to realize how hypocritical they're being..The smugness from these people is laughable..They claim to have voted for Trump cause he supports the military but yet he's a draft dodger..They say he'll make all these jobs but yet has proven time and time again to have put small businesses out of business..They say they love his stance on illegal immigrants, but yet his wife was an illegal immigrant..They say they voted for him cause they don't believe in abortion, but yet Trump is in favor of abortion in certain instances..They're people who have daughters but voted for a man who's facing sexual assault allegations in court..They say they supported him cause he's so honest and tells the truth, but is going to be the first President-elect who'll face criminal charges of fraud over Trump "University"..And they say they voted for him cause of his strong Christian beliefs are just like theirs, but yet he's been married 3 times and committed adultery on 2 of those wives..It absolutely blows my mind how a scumbag spouting buzz words has led to a man being voted into the highest office in the land..

And I think it's extremely ironic that tomorrow is Veteran's Day and a man just got elected President who is a know draft dodging coward..

Hypocrisy at its finest, already voiced my displeasure with the outcome via FBI, and had a former co-worker tell me if I'm so ashamed of the USA, why don't I just leave. I waneed to clap back and ask why he's been here the past 8 years if Obama was such a terrible guy but I left it. I'd rather just leave his comment up for his exposure as a person.
Agreed. But yet, I think Drumpf is already regretting that he won. This ************ has no idea what's in store for him. I truly don't even think dude wanted to win. Bet you he waned to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote by a slim margin, just so he could spew his rigged ****, talk about how we would have been the best president ever, etc. etc. without actually having to follow through. 

All of this. I think he too prideful to step down tho
Agreed. But yet, I think Drumpf is already regretting that he won. This ************ has no idea what's in store for him. I truly don't even think dude wanted to win. Bet you he waned to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote by a slim margin, just so he could spew his rigged ****, talk about how we would have been the best president ever, etc. etc. without actually having to follow through. 

This x100. Oh yeah Pence is def worse.
.I have no problem with the voting process playing out the way it did, because that's what our country is about..But having to see all this BS on social media from people wanting the rest of the country to support, pray for, and accept who won the election when those same people spent 8 yrs bashing, not supporting, wishing ill/harm, and pretty much stopping short of calling the current President the N-word is flat out infuriating to me..And I just can't stand how most of these people are too stupid to realize how hypocritical they're being..The smugness from these people is laughable..They claim to have voted for Trump cause he supports the military but yet he's a draft dodger..They say he'll make all these jobs but yet has proven time and time again to have put small businesses out of business..They say they love his stance on illegal immigrants, but yet his wife was an illegal immigrant..They say they voted for him cause they don't believe in abortion, but yet Trump is in favor of abortion in certain instances..They're people who have daughters but voted for a man who's facing sexual assault allegations in court..They say they supported him cause he's so honest and tells the truth, but is going to be the first President-elect who'll face criminal charges of fraud over Trump "University"..And they say they voted for him cause of his strong Christian beliefs are just like theirs, but yet he's been married 3 times and committed adultery on 2 of those wives..It absolutely blows my mind how a scumbag spouting buzz words has led to a man being voted into the highest office in the land..

And I think it's extremely ironic that tomorrow is Veteran's Day and a man just got elected President who is a know draft dodging coward..

For the most part this pretty much sums it up. Look, what we deal with here in politics is not truth - it's images. What comes out of these politicians mouths' are like billboards - when you are in your car and you look up and see that billboard telling you to buy something you don't see the truth behind it or the logic, you just see the image and you process that. Trump was the master at throwing up billboards, shrugging, and then letting those stick and seeing the people react accordingly. Having any truth to them did not matter one iota. Not one. Because he was covered by the media 5X more than Clinton, his "billboards" were slapped up on the TVs that much longer. No one had time to check to see if they were truthful, we have jobs and kids and lives and "our team" to cheer. We don't have time, we just have that 3 seconds to look up and see Trump's latest sound bite, packaged neatly into a nice graphic and huge font and presented to us perfectly. Followed by another, then another, then another, then Hmmmmmm "I am seeing so many things about Crooked Hilary she obviously has to be a criminal."

The media has their hands in this and they know it, we know it, and they have become stronger and stronger as each election goes on. It aint stopping any time soon and you can bet the next election will be worse and uglier. FOX News showed everyone the blueprint and off to the races we go. And everyone makes their money, everyone.

I will leave this, from Matt Taibbi:

These cable shows depend significantly on scare-tactic stories about waves of immigrants/liberals/terrorists descending upon the picket-fence America of their viewers' memories, and tearing it to shreds.

The TV network needs grandpa pissed off. Otherwise, he spends the afternoon feeding pigeons or horsing around with his grandkids instead of glued to ads for aspirin or casino vacations or home security services, in between news that the president is a Muslim born on Mars, or Acorn agents are hiding inside voting machines, or whatever.

The other possible reason for such divisive media is even more overtly political. If you want to keep any population from ever usefully focusing its energies in any direction, just keep its people geeked up on intramural hatreds and conspiracy theories. That way, they'll never get anything done.

That our political process was so easily reduced to a grotesque joke in the past year should tell us all something.

It showed that the people who run this country don't really care if we make a mess of our democratic rituals, provided we don't actually elect someone hostile to their interests.

Otherwise, mazel tov! So long as the population keeps going to work and spending money, nobody up there really cares what goes on.

If all this hatred and rancor were somehow suppressing consumption, if it caused people to stop cyber-shopping or buying crap in malls, there would be an immediate call for a national reconciliation movement.

But since all it's doing is splitting up families, undermining faith in public institutions, causing political gridlock and making Americans the laughingstock of the world, the powers that be just shrug.

Better to have us at each other's throats and making fools of ourselves than thinking about things that matter, like how wealth is divided up, who really has political influence or other such questions.

This election took 18 agonizing months to complete. It could have been done in five weeks.
There is no refugee asylum for Mexicans , snitches really ? You are just dumb and you think you know **** just cause you work on border patrol.

I lived thru that **** and I know so many people in that struggle .. you dont want to try me badge carrying boy
That clown ain't no agent....SMH

He works in an immigration detention center doing ***** work.

Those jobs are always open to bilingual hispanics with a basic HS Diploma...LMAO
There is no refugee asylum for Mexicans , snitches really ? You are just dumb and you think you know **** just cause you work on border patrol.

I lived thru that **** and I know so many people in that struggle .. you dont want to try me badge carrying boy
That clown ain't no agent....SMH

He works in an immigration detention center doing ***** work.
Those jobs are always open to bilingual hispanics with a basic HS Diploma...LMAO
View media item 1526961


Citing a confidentiality agreement, Mr. Zucker declined to describe how his clients viewed the management of the hotel by Mr. Trump’s company. But in April, he told The Toronto Star that his clients were “no longer interested in the Trump brand” and suggested that Mr. Trump’s move into politics was the reason.

“It’s more important for him to be president than run a successful business,” Mr. Zucker said then.

Another purchaser, Se Na Lee, asked how often the rooms would be filled and was told that “55 percent occupancy was a worst-case scenario because of the Trump name,” the court found.

But those figures “were merely hypotheticals dreamed up by Talon’s principal, Mr. Levitan, who, it will be recalled, had no previous experience in the hotel business,” the court said. It also said that expenses were omitted or “grossly understated” in the forecast.

When the hotel finally opened, occupancy rates were more like 19 percent to 45 percent, and costs ran 50 percent higher than promised, the court found. Instead of profits, Mr. Singh lost an average of about 4,000 dollars a month on his investment.

The appeals court canceled Mr. Singh’s contract with Talon, which means the company must repay him about 248,000 dollars, plus legal costs. Ms. Lee’s claims are to be settled in a trial court; she says she has lost nearly 1 million dollars.

The appeals court also ruled that a trial court could hear claims by buyers “based on oppression, collusion or breach of fiduciary duties,” for which Mr. Trump, Mr. Shnaider and Mr. Levitan could be held personally liable.

Mr. Zucker, Mr. Shnaider’s lawyer, disputed suggestions that Talon took advantage of naïve buyers, many with a limited command of English.

“They came into a real estate agent’s” office, he said. “I mean, we didn’t drag them in off the street. I guess they were buying into the Trump dream.
I just find it disgusting how Cuban Americans are so prejudiced and arrogant with other hispanic immigrants.

When in actuality they are the actual ones leeching off the system big time.

A relatively little-noted investigation from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports Castro is shipping Cuba's old to the U.S. in soaring numbers — because the Cuban Adjustment Act entitles them to free housing, free Medicaid, free Supplemental Social Security and even welfare. No matter if they have relatives who can care for them, a free retirement plan is theirs for the taking.

That's quite an enticement, given that Cuban old-age pensions run about $7 a month, and Cubans live in shambling misery with shortages, ration cards, broken-down transport and long lines. By contrast, the lowest SSI package is about $700 a month.

With free housing, free health care and free spending money added on, Cubans have a retirement plan unlike anything they can imagine in Cuba, all without having contributed a penny.

The Sun-Sentinel found that in Cuba, knowledge of these benefits is widespread. A surge of elderly Cubans coming to the U.S. for benefits has already begun, nearly doubling from 1,460 to 2,685 so far this year. And Castro has encouraged the emigration of the most costly.

It's part of an overall surge in migration, ever since President Obama announced normalization of relations. Customs and Border Protection data show that from October 2014 to June 2015, 27,296 Cubans entered the U.S. for residency, a 78% rise over last year.

More are coming. Cuba has the hemisphere's oldest population. The average age is 47, and nearly 24% of the population is above age 55, according to CIA data.

The Sun-Sentinel reported arrivals of Cubans over age 60 have risen fivefold since 2010, based on data from Florida's Department of Children and Families. So long as Cuba's economy  continues to fail, as socialism always does, and the U.S. welfare spigots remain turned on, the trickle may become a Europe-style flood.

It's become a convenient pressure valve for the Castro regime to rid itself of its old people, with all their costs of aging, while holding on to power.

The cost to U.S. taxpayers for this retirement plan for Castro's castoffs is likely billions. The Sun-Sentinel found welfare alone for all Cuban refugees is about $685 million, and Cubans are the No. 1 recipients.
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It's always people who receive the most welfare that complain about others receiving it (see broke white people) :lol: Selfish bastards
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It's funny because The Donald is the one who looks depressed - like it's slowly dawning on him what he's let himself in for.
it's like when you really want to **** some chick, and you put in all the work to finally get it. Then after that your like ehhhhh I'm over it. :lol:
as much as i was opposed to trump.

i am unenthusiastically excited to see what he does when he gets into office. Serious. i WANT him to do well.

I don't want him to fail. Its a unique thing to have someone like this in office and i think it will be really interesting to see how he does.

i have always had this mindset in my life that it doesn't matter who is president. Im going to do ME. I am going to be successful regardless and I'm going to determine my future and success. I have never felt that a president could change or determine my success. ...and i still feel that way.

the path that I'm on won't change because of this decision.

its going to be a very interesting and entertaining 4 years.

and thats okay with me.

Very good post. I'd feel exactly the same had I not known the possible cabinet members already. Those type of people should not have power at all

Yall ever think one of these years Donald would get so fed up with it all that he would step down and let his VP take over?

Based on the rapid rate in which a lot of his businesses have completely failed, I wouldn't be surprised.
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