Dont Steal Packages From NASA Engineers


It absolutely blows my mind that some of the thieves in that video feel victimized by this, as if they didn't just steal someone's package.

Package thieves are trash and love to play victim after the fact.

A buddy of mine caught someone trying to swipe packages off his doorstep. He caught him and proceeded to beat the breaks off the package thief.

Guess what the package thief did after that? He tried to press charges. Nothing came from it, but I laughed at the nerve on that one.
the best part of the reactions are when the thief somehow feels like THEY were the one wronged lol. especially that first guy. they got off light all things considered.
Nice. Watched and enjoyed every second. I guess he didn't get more vile with the ingredients bc the criminals know where he lives.
the best part of the reactions are when the thief somehow feels like THEY were the one wronged lol. especially that first guy. they got off light all things considered.
"You are getting out of my house NOW"

as if it belonged there.

This would make a great show and deter theives. Leave packages out but full them with poop/insects/blood n guts. Basically like bait car.
Maaaaan seems like he worked on that
During company time
This where tax payer money going
Proof we ain’t landed on the moon
Instead of working on moon missions
Creating glitter and fart bombs :smh:
NASA so trash

He doesn't work for NASA anymore though :lol:
dude who stole had supreme boxers on LOLOL

lowlife i hate people who steal.. had few packages stolen off my step this year
Am I being harsh or do thieves deserve death in most cases?

Yea because we live in a country/society/culture where thieves should be put in a football stadium and tortured and beheaded for all citizens to see...
I mean there are countries like that you know?
You interested in moving to one??
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