Dont tase me bro x Harlem Shake collabo

Those kids deserved it...dont show up the police is the first thing ive ever learned..but this kid didnt..even tho he was runnin his mouth
i find it hilarious when i see people getting tasered LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dude thought he was tough than "OOowwwwww"
Annd they wonder why they get shot at on the streets...
Damn what happened to the good old days when cops just beat on young black males? It's funny how loose they are with those tasers, and people deem that acceptable, but had he went in knocking heads he'd be in the wrong. Only difference is one LOOKS less violent. 
Originally Posted by kidoopz

That last dude who got tasered who was already restrained and being escorted out, That's where I don't agree with all this. They can talk all they want, but if they don't pose a threat whats the purpose??
That one cop must be the go to taze guy. Was tazing everything in sight

I knew it was this vid, come in here to post this tho ^
Originally Posted by haiti5

Those kids deserved it...dont show up the police is the first thing ive ever learned..but this kid didnt..even tho he was runnin his mouth

this kid walked in there sounding dru down in original gangsters then became reeeeal kind after feeling that tazer.
i dont think theres anything funny about coppers taking advantage of the situation to mishandle our people. just over some words.. your ego is that big that some nonsense delinquent is going to make you want to have THAT much aggression towards them? cops dont have self control? 
@ some of you.

i also dont think theres anything funny about these dudes that want to be hard so bad that they feel like they need to prove something to police. you already in trouble my dude, just %#%* and comply.  let my people go satan.
i know some players that played in that game the school is like 25 min away from my house. heard the kids pressin charges
All that tasing was unnecessary, but so were that kids actions. Therefore I don't really feel bad for him.

That was all over some HS fight. Which was probably either over a girl, or over somebody feeling "disrespected" all HS fights. It's not that serious.

Anybody know where this was BTW?
Originally Posted by haiti5

Those kids deserved it...dont show up the police is the first thing ive ever learned..but this kid didnt..even tho he was runnin his mouth
Notice how the first cop was getting sonned and was mad quiet until his back up came.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by haiti5

Those kids deserved it...dont show up the police is the first thing ive ever learned..but this kid didnt..even tho he was runnin his mouth
Notice how the first cop was getting sonned and was mad quiet until his back up came.
Cops are all insecure losers that like wearing badges and uniform to feel important 
It's funny though how it's ok because the kid wasn't being "civil" how come every time a video like this shows up it's always a kid or someone of color? White adults run off at the mouth at cops all the time and don't get treated like this. It seems they only pull +*%! like this on people they think will let them get away with it. 
@ the 2nd video, cops be overstepping their boundaries in most cases. i've never been tased but the day i do is the day some city will be laying to rest one of their men who "protect & serve"
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Seemed a little unnecessary.

Exactly. At my HS we used to have fights at our basketball games like that and the cops didn't do anything close to that. 
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