Dressing Better Vol 2.0

As I have stated this before, I post the pics to participate, not looking for critique.

Yes, "when you post a picture online, you're subjected to critique". Sure. Then let this thread regress back 3 years where no pictures and inspirations were posted.

Yeah, Rob...I wore that watch less than 5 times :lol: I think I got it for myself back in 2010 or something like that.

For all the advices you dish out, Flyknit...you should really post outfits yourself, my man.

Not to start any drama, but I don't see an issue with Flyknits critique. I actually went back to look at your picture again and agreed with what he was saying. Even if I didn't, he brought up a point I hadn't thought much about before. You don't seem to have an issue when people compliment your outfits, why get defensive when someone respectfully leaves a critique? You obviously have your own sense of style which is great, but it would be boring if everyone just posted pictures with no discussion. Often times when someone makes a critique, it inspires me to think more about how I integrate something (like a watch for example) into my outfits. Just my 2 cents...back to lurking :nerd:

My one critique - please buy a dress watch with a leather strap. I can't help but think your Tag sticks out like a sore thumb, and something with a slimmer profile and leather strap would look infinitely better with 99% of your outfits. I only have 1 watch and it's steel and now that I'm wearing suits and formalwear more often, I wish I had something with a leather strap for those occasions.

Just my 2 cents...
Idk what watch you have but you could just buy a leather strap for your watch and switch them out occasionally. Not necessarily buy a new dress watch alltogether.

Depending on the occasion and time of the year I switch between the steel bracelet and a black croc leather strap on my Rolex.

If you get a spring bar and learn how it works it takes just a few minutes to switch straps/bracelets and if you get a bit of variety in straps you can change the look of your watch as you see fit.
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Not to start any drama, but I don't see an issue with Flyknits critique. I actually went back to look at your picture again and agreed with what he was saying. Even if I didn't, he brought up a point I hadn't thought much about before. You don't seem to have an issue when people compliment your outfits, why get defensive when someone respectfully leaves a critique? You obviously have your own sense of style which is great, but it would be boring if everyone just posted pictures with no discussion. Often times when someone makes a critique, it inspires me to think more about how I integrate something (like a watch for example) into my outfits. Just my 2 cents...back to lurking
This. I see nothing but healthy discussion going on here. People sharing their honest thoughts and opinions in a positive manner, where is the issue? When you leave yourself open to honest criticism you leave yourself vulnerable to growth and improvement. I never saw this as a "fishing for compliments, look at me and give me props!" thread. I probably got the most value from this thread from the open debates and critiquing from each other.

Anyways, those shoes are beautiful, and the red hue looks great with the neutral color suit. I have similar color shoes but I usually pair it with navy blue, your pics giving me ideas. 
My all white Achilles lows arrived today, can't wait to wear them. Big thanks to whoever originally posted that tres bien promo. Couldn't pass for 260 shipped

If you don't want that IWC, give me a few months to finish school and find a job then I'll take it off your hands :D
As I have stated this before, I post the pics to participate, not looking for critique.

Yes, "when you post a picture online, you're subjected to critique". Sure. Then let this thread regress back 3 years where no pictures and inspirations were posted.

Yeah, Rob...I wore that watch less than 5 times
I think I got it for myself back in 2010 or something like that.

For all the advices you dish out, Flyknit...you should really post outfits yourself, my man.
If you're not looking for critiques then just ignore them. You sound really conceited.
I ordered redwings from nordstrom 3 weeks ago. It was suppose to ship today but they send me an email that it's backordered. Such bs. I want my damn boots.
I'm sure you are not the only person. Many people took advantage of that deal. At least Nordies is a place that will honor the price and ship out even if it means digging into store stock or their new shipment.
yeah same here. Maybe if they don't have enough stock they'll send out the other pair with the OG leather lol. That would be pretty sweet
yeah same here. Maybe if they don't have enough stock they'll send out the other pair with the OG leather lol. That would be pretty sweet

Ha, wishful thinking but that would be awesome. The 875 does have a nicer color, wonder if it'll go on sale anytime soon.
Can we please just get back to normalcy in here....seriously. :smh: arguing about belts and stuff different people have different styles and think certain things are a certain way. Just like there's multi millionaires rocking ferragamo belts to meetings, theres PLENTY who wear baggy suits or just wrangler jeans all day and get by fine and don't care if you have a bespoke suit on. If you like it. wear it. Don't bite back if someone else in a thread about clothing and different styles of dressing offers a dissenting opinion fellas. Cmon now. :smh:
RW just recently updated the leather on the 875 and another model to revert back to the OG leather, so looks like Nordstrom is just trying to get rid of the previous version
Can we please just get back to normalcy in here....seriously. :smh: arguing about belts and stuff different people have different styles and think certain things are a certain way. Just like there's multi millionaires rocking ferragamo belts to meetings, theres PLENTY who wear baggy suits or just wrangler jeans all day and get by fine and don't care if you have a bespoke suit on. If you like it. wear it. Don't bite back if someone else in a thread about clothing and different styles of dressing offers a dissenting opinion fellas. Cmon now. :smh:
This thread has certainly changed. The vibe of it use to be much different imo. Now there is arguments and shots fired left and right in here :smh:
Can we please just get back to normalcy in here....seriously. :smh: arguing about belts and stuff different people have different styles and think certain things are a certain way. Just like there's multi millionaires rocking ferragamo belts to meetings, theres PLENTY who wear baggy suits or just wrangler jeans all day and get by fine and don't care if you have a bespoke suit on. If you like it. wear it. Don't bite back if someone else in a thread about clothing and different styles of dressing offers a dissenting opinion fellas. Cmon now. :smh:
This thread has certainly changed. The vibe of it use to be much different imo. Now there is arguments and shots fired left and right in here :smh:
On the internet everyone is a Chief. Not many Indians. Meaning, everyone is an authority or expert. Also, tone and sense of humor are lost in text. Wis may say something that most of us know is a joke, but those who are unfamiliar may take offense.

Anyway some kid in NYC was arrested in Barneys because the security and cops didn't believe he had enough money to buy the belt even after he showed proof that he bought it, they thought he had a fake id and stolen CC :smh:. Hope he sues the pants off of them


This just angered me to read. Dude produces his ID, his debit card AND a BANK STATEMENT, and they say it's fraud? **** out of here, another explicit and blatant instance of the racism that's still evident today. I hope my man gets paid.
Can we please just get back to normalcy in here....seriously. :smh: arguing about belts and stuff different people have different styles and think certain things are a certain way. Just like there's multi millionaires rocking ferragamo belts to meetings, theres PLENTY who wear baggy suits or just wrangler jeans all day and get by fine and don't care if you have a bespoke suit on. If you like it. wear it. Don't bite back if someone else in a thread about clothing and different styles of dressing offers a dissenting opinion fellas. Cmon now. :smh:
This thread has certainly changed. The vibe of it use to be much different imo. Now there is arguments and shots fired left and right in here :smh:

Yeah recently it's been like that a bit too much....we all are in here bc we enjoy some aspect of dressing well, or even if its just a quick question about some formal event or graduation/party someone has coming up and they wanna know what style they should be going for, and the fact that we don't agree on everything is great imo bc there is no one universal style; but no need for shots just keep it constructive. The trolls get called out for disrupting us in here by bickering etc. so let's just get back on track bros :smokin I like seeing different styles and things I'm not used to and would never wear bc it can just offer a fresh perspective and even changed my mind seeing fits and things in here, I'm sure a lot of you feel similarly. There's not ubiquitous fashion out here, and broad generalizations don't apply for certain brands..just like higher end brands don't make you automatically a pretentious dbag, it damn sure doesn't make you better than someone who doesn't like, want, care about them either. Now there are certainly people who rock things just for labels and being "brandists" just like w/ cars, watches, hell houses they can't afford; hard to know that unless you know someone though.

Let's just get back to our usual vibe though
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This just angered me to read. Dude produces his ID, his debit card AND a BANK STATEMENT, and they say it's fraud? **** out of here, another explicit and blatant instance of the racism that's still evident today. I hope my man gets paid.

Yeah same here. Kid returned the belt too and said he'll never shop there again :pimp:

Anyway some kid in NYC was arrested in Barneys because the security and cops didn't believe he had enough money to buy the belt even after he showed proof that he bought it, they thought he had a fake id and stolen CC :smh:. Hope he sues the pants off of them

Well at least I know racism does not only live in the South. I hope he gets a nice settlement, pays for college, and never shops there again.
This thread has certainly changed. The vibe of it use to be much different imo. Now there is arguments and shots fired left and right in here :smh:
I guess all good things must come to an end. I tried to raise the moral of the thread by using my own money to buy stuff for internal contests. Worked well for a while too. Was glad to see this thread expand beyond clothing and was more about helping in any way a member can.

Anyway some kid in NYC was arrested in Barneys because the security and cops didn't believe he had enough money to buy the belt even after he showed proof that he bought it, they thought he had a fake id and stolen CC :smh:. Hope he sues the pants off of them


Ridiculous, just ridiculous. I'll be using this article now to talk about racism and classicism in my class, thanks!
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