Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I hated every minute I lived there. Downtown Houston is an over sized office park. Absolutely no one out past 6pm.

I certainly have my issues with Denver but at least Denver resembles a large city were people walk, bike, use public transit AND actually live downtown, not the burbs. All of Denver's bestrestaurants, bars and breweries are all located downtown too. Houston, the complete opposite. You have to drive everywhere.

Plus, having to deal with 3 months of 100+ degree days is not for me.

Downtown Houston has grown immensely the past year or so with Market Square park, Midtown, and the heights close by.

I love this city though, so I'm biased. Born and raised, when ya'll make it down let a NT'er know brahs.
I didn't know you guys get tornados in Denver tho!

Funny enough I read that Boulder is a powerhouse for startups a couple of months ago.
Denver doesn't get tornadoes, lol. Way too close to the mountains. They do happen out in the eastern plains of CO tho.

Boulder is like Denver's San Jose. It's been a Tech startup powerhouse for the last decade or so.
Downtown Houston has grown immensely the past year or so with Market Square park, Midtown, and the heights close by.

I love this city though, so I'm biased. Born and raised, when ya'll make it down let a NT'er know brahs.
Mann, the last time I was there I landed at like 3AM and had to drive to Stafford. I didn't know it was an hour drive more or less. Lol. When I got on Sam Houston highway, I didn't know it turns into a pay road. I went to talk to the homie at the booth and he told me I had the permit on the rental, I just had to flip it down :lol

Everything is so spaced out though. It's crazy.

Denver doesn't get tornadoes, lol. Way too close to the mountains. They do happen out in the eastern plains of CO tho.

Boulder is like Denver's San Jose. It's been a Tech startup powerhouse for the last decade or so.
I took this from the Denver airport when I was there!
I took this from the Denver airport when I was there!
DIA is located 25-30 miles east of downtown Denver. It's a good 35-45 minute drive. They can have tornadoes out there.

When you fly into DIA, you're not actually in the city of Denver.
Downtown Houston has grown immensely the past year or so with Market Square park, Midtown, and the heights close by.

I love this city though, so I'm biased. Born and raised, when ya'll make it down let a NT'er know brahs.
I moved from Houston a year ago so my perspective is of a recent resident. I know there are a lot of Houston NTers here so I don't mean to disrespect anyone's hometown. I just personally enjoy a more urban existence that Houston is unable to provide. I was also there for the heat wave of 2011 and that's not something I'm willing to live through again
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Back onto the subject of shorts, how can anyone possibly ague against them? Do some of you guys really wear jeans and pants all summer long?

Just the thought of all that sweat building up down there..
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I don't sweat that much especially my legs so I can stand in the sun with jeans on during a 100 degree weather and be perfectly fine as long as I have a tee on.

I only own maybe 2 pairs of shorts that's not for working out or basketball and those gets worn only a few times. I mean I only really feel the need to wear shorts when working out (hikes, runs, basketball, outdoor training, etc...) or going to the beach so every other time I just wear jeans or sweats since going out usually means me going from an air conditioned house to an air conditioned car to an air conditioned building anyways.
I guess it's all dependent on your lifestyle. I walk, bike or use public transit as much as I can so shorts seem like a necessity at times. I assume that LA life isn't conducive to that kind of daily commuting tho.
Back onto the subject of shorts, how can anyone possibly ague against them? Do some of you guys really wear jeans and pants all summer long?

Just the thought of all that sweat building up down there.. :x
Some folks are just too nervous to wear them, like sandals.
Skinny Suits and Interviews
May 07, 2014

447 Likers


I know what happened. The guy may have been shopping at Banana Republic or J.Crew with his children. The music was blasting, the displays were cool and all the retail employees were looking good when he caught the fashion fever. So he spent hours trying on the latest trends and all agreed that he looked pretty good for his age. And, they all agreed that there is nothing like a new suit to make a good impression in that interview. This is where the judgment and discretion enter the story.

Skinny suits look good on Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling. Skinny suits look good on the guys in GQ Magazine. For the not-so-slim guy interviewing for a management job? Not so much. The suit looked uncomfortable, he looked uncomfortable and as others pointed out – the suit was not age appropriate. Fashion is important, but just because it's fashionable, doesn't mean it's flattering or comfortable. Both of which should trump fashion.

Hey, few of us weigh the same that we did when we graduated from college. It’s ok. Comfort doesn’t mean that you have no style. It means comfort.

In the converse of Mr. Skinny Suit, I interviewed a young person who was dressed like he was wearing his father’s clothes. And if so, his father might have been Winston Churchill. The clothes were ill fitting and were way out of style. It made him look old before his time, boring and out of touch. In this case the baggy out-of-style suit didn’t work. (Note: this case was not a matter of finances.)

I will not delve into what women should wear. It’s too dangerous for a guy to give counsel on that topic. Plenty of advice exists on and offline that can provide good guidelines. Comfortable and age appropriate are good places to start.

The rules about what is appropriate business attire continue to change and the lack of clarity there has clouded what works for job interviews. Is business casual defined as khaki pants and blazers or is it blue jeans and hoodies? In either case, what works for the interview? If the organization is always business casual, should one get dressed up for the interview anyway? The answer is always “It depends”. What to wear to the interview depends on geography; size of the company; age of the company; age of the people who work there; the department you are in; the weather and just about any other variable one can imagine. Just be able to use good judgment on the “it depends” rule and sin on the side of being safe.

There are lots of easy to find rules and guidelines that apply to what to wear to a job interview. You need to feel good about yourself. You need to feel comfortable in your skin, inner and outer. The easiest way to do that is to wear clothes that are comfortable, flattering, age appropriate and that fit.

via linkedin

Paying $2500 a month for a 600 sq ft apartment isn't all that great though :lol

Traffic sucks too.

People are rude in general. This is so apparent after I visited the Midwest.
I see I see. I sent you a Lin jersey yesterday btw. It was on sale at Ross. Should go well with the Sherman joint I sent earlier in the year.

You wild, living Downtown is one of the best locations to live in Houston. You can get a nice studio or loft for a rack.
You wild, living Downtown is one of the best locations to live in Houston. You can get a nice studio or loft for a rack.
What are you talking about?

The rent was in reference to the "Los Angeles>" comment jokingly made. This is where I also currently reside. The comments about people being rude and traffic are also about L.A.

I know Houston is cheaper in rent and has an economy that is booming.
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You wild, living Downtown is one of the best locations to live in Houston. You can get a nice studio or loft for a rack.
What are you talking about?

The rent was in reference to the "Los Angeles>" comment jokingly made. This is where I also currently reside. The comments about people being rude and traffic are also about L.A.

I know Houston is cheaper in rent and has an economy that is booming.

You seem like one of those rude people your self wis...


Adrian does tho...

Also jk.

I love everyone here
DIA is located 25-30 miles east of downtown Denver. It's a good 35-45 minute drive. They can have tornadoes out there.

When you fly into DIA, you're not actually in the city of Denver.

I moved from Houston a year ago so my perspective is of a recent resident. I know there are a lot of Houston NTers here so I don't mean to disrespect anyone's hometown. I just personally enjoy a more urban existence that Houston is unable to provide. I was also there for the heat wave of 2011 and that's not something I'm willing to live through again :lol :{  

Respect. Different strokes for different folks. Not getting offended. People have different opinions and that's the beauty of life.

Keep Houston Trill.
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Respect. Different strokes for different folks. Not getting offended. People have different opinions and that's the beauty of life.

Keep Houston Thrill.
When I got in the rental, first thing playing was Swangin by Stalley :hat
^Clean fit my man. You and @ReturnBama got me wanting to cop a solid brown tie. Seems pretty versatile and like I'd get a lot of wear out of it especially with dark brown shoes.

I gotta question for some of you guys... You ever get called douchey for dressing better?

So yall remember when I said I got the yambs in the whip after being complimented on "dressing better" on that first date? Well I ended up really liking that girl and making her my gf. So the other day we are just laying in bed and she tells me she's surprised I'm so nice and she thought I was going to be douchey and arrogant. I was kinda surprised and asked her why she thought that. Her response...

"Because of how you dress and carry yourself."

All the time but only by peasants
Get Em. Also stunt on them with the plate that says "MD ROB".

I guess it depends on who you hang out with. Most of my friends are established individuals so we mesh well and dress similarly.

I've never got call a douche for wearing suits. I've got called that when I was wearing Ed Hardy, TR Jeans with my BMW key fob hanging from the belt loop in undergrad though :lol

When I had my Nikes and Jordans and rocked them, some of the older ladies would ask how I go from looking smooth in suits one day to looking like a high school kid the next.
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