Dressing Better Vol 2.0

no fighting games? 
Haven't been in this thread for a few months. Sorry I'm asking this but I went back a few pages to try and didn't see ****.

But when it comes to CP Chelsea's or Achilles I'm looking at paying retail for the most part? Won't be worth it trying to find them for a little under retail?

I'd say so at this point. CP's are dry due to November/December sale season. You may be able to find a pair for the low somewhere, but it's unlikely.

Try Grailed, eBay, HB, Retrosuperfuture, etc.
Definitely try and opt for natural lighting versus flash

Going with what was said above, framing is everything
The gravy train for Story Et Fall is leaving. Price is jumping up pretty rapidly. I paid $185 for my cropped Junipers just a couple months ago. Just ordered the gray suede joints in the regular cut and it was around $250-260.
Did you go grey sole or natty?

Perplexed why we didn't get pics of both.
If you're a skinny/lean dude, hit up Jason at Thick as Thieves (www.thickasthievesla.com). He's in Pasadena, he can measure you in person. You can pick from a plethora of cloths and all. Go with gray or navy for your first one. If you have the $500-600 to invest, it's worth it. This was my first suit from him I bought in 2010. Picture taken yesterday. Jacket is pulling a bit since my chest grew, still need to let an inch out from the jacket. Wore it to numerous interviews, and such. $500 well spent.
Thanks. I'll save up and spring for one a bit later. I have one suit to hold me down for now.
Speaking of suits, I just received the next wave of invitation emails for Articles of Style. Did anyone end up purchasing any of their "bespoke" items from the first invitation? I was wondering if it was worth the time and money. Pictures are appreciated
As much as I am a fan of Dan and his team at AoS I would highly advise to stay clear of their "bespoke" options unless you can physically meet with them in LA.

The short answer is that there is no such thing as true bespoke via an online merchant. The process of actual basted garments needs to be done in person over the course of many fittings to truly perfect the wearer's pattern. What they are doing is just a higher form of MTM. Nothing more.
im looking for a peacoat in dark grey, something slim and last long. im willing to spend $200-250. any recs?
im looking for a peacoat in dark grey, something slim and last long. im willing to spend $200-250. any recs?
I ordered a nice peacoat in dark grey from Diesel for €170 (roughly $180) on sale earlier this week. It should arrive in a few days.

I don't own that many Diesel items but I've been very satisfied with the ones I do own.

Pic in black. I don't know where you live so this jacket might not be available to you but it's worth checking out.

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