Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Where do you guys buy socks from? I'm looking for some kind of pattern but everything I've found has been quite ugly.

try topman. They currently have a sale for 5 pairs of socks for 12 dollars. Not bad if you ask me. Other pairs I also purchased from places like asos, and urban outfitters. Topman and urban outfitters have mostly funny novelty socks with starts and all that other stuff, where as asos is the opposite, but you can get both novelty and dressy socks from both. Also check out Jcrew.
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2012 wearing ralph lauren polo sure. But good fitting high end polo's would never die

Agreed, while casual tees are seen more (here in New York) polo's may still be in demand in other regions. Just get kind of irritated seeing a kid waste money doing it all wrong. Seen a kid on the subway with a canary yellow polo and briefcase on his phone talking to someone about headed to a job interview.

2 hours later accused them of being racist cause they said he didn't dress appropriately (mail room job)

Its all to common I've seen this phenomenon of kids dressing wrong wearing Yves Saint Lauren after 5 wear to job interviews. :smh:

I don't know about anyone else but when I leave a response, I do it responsibly because you don't know who's READING it or MAKING LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS based on a post you've may typed...to you it's just Niketalk, and you know the lingo, the life and some user. To someone else they may have gotten here by mistake because of meta-words typed into Google's search engine.

This thread is nothing but helpful, Steezy never said these are things I wore to my Corporate meeting with the CEO today....like Pinoy said they're wedding outfits (he was prolly the second best dressed male behind the groom too so they'd be cool). The first page has a lot of info about proper suit color/fit/tailoring that is extremely helpful when buying suits for any occasion, including the ones you continue to mention. No need to target people when they post fits, this thread is about everyone learning and developing their own style
If someone is relying solely on Niketalk for dressing for an interview then that person clearly isn't doing enough homework to secure the job anyway.

With this pointless banter, another user added to the ignore list.
It's 2012 why would you ever wanna wear a POLO? :lol:

i like the look, i guess  :\ i like polos for casual wear.

am i missing something here? people not rockin them like that no more? if people aren't then I certainly won't be. thanks for the tip brethren :smile:

Really? you rely on what one person says and what everyone else is wearing to dictate what you wear?
Dude, you're only 20? You must stand out like a sore thumb at your school :lol: (in a good way). There's some younger guys at my work who was surprised when I can talk to them about Jordans because they thought I was an old fart due to how I dress.
It's definitely a big transition from wearing Jordans everyday to suits. For me, it was a gradual step. I went from super baggy urban wear to slightly loose fitting Polo to almost normal street wear to where I'm at now. This took place from high school through grad school so it took many years.
PS to the dudes who want steals and deals. I would recommend for you guys to check into local stores, even high end ones and just try on clothes to gauge what brands fit you and what brands don't. Make a mental note or put it down on your phone or something. Browse sites like Gilt and Yoox and MrPorter and look for steals and deals.
I got the 3 shirts I ordered from Gilt in today, at $30 a pop. They're from Vince, James Perse, and Trovata. I've bought their stuff from high end stores before so I know they fit me well. The shirts fit me great, and the prices were a steal.
haha yeah man, going into my senior year next month and unfortunately, i have always been young for my grade (birthday's in december)
also, i am in the same boat as you. Underclassmen dudes i meet would be astonished when i started talking kicks with them. they take one look at my oxfords and just figure i couldn't talk jays and foams :lol:
I want a navy tux so bad!!!!

That's the dinner jacket I was talking about in the last thread.
I literally have zero reasons to own one but I want it so bad.
Not on wall st.! Word on the street is if your game isn't on point you will get laughed at!!!
Not true at all, I just hate seeing people misled that's all...it's like someone getting too comfortable rocking fakes.

K Steezy Sure you maybe be able to impress a few high school kids and some out of touch adults who's closets primarily are 90% filled with street wear tees, 501's, Toms and Foams.
Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS they'd smell you a mile away...just as I do.

Wrong ties, wrong tie height, wrong shoes, wrong colors, wrong collars, wrong measurements, wrong grooming, wrong belts. Every thing you're wearing WOULDN'T get you the job, instead if they're pricks would get you laughed at after the interview K Steezy...be careful playing these "away games".

I have to completely disagree. Most people in the corporate world, Manhattan included don't know the first thing about dressing properly. Countless times I have seen in Manhattan, more often than not, these corporate guys in suits 2-3 sizes too big, pants that are way too long with ridiculous stacking, pants that are too baggy, men with shirts with the neck too big, your typical gift set tie and the popular squared toe shoes. The unfortunate reality is that most men, regardless of employment background, educational background, etc. simply don't know what it means to dress to properly. I have seen men in Manhattan, corporate world who are very well dressed and know what it means for clothing to fit properly. However, more often than not, this isn't the case. This is not necessarily to defend Ksteezy but generally speaking, most men even in the Manhattan corporate world do not dress well, ill-fitting suits, squared toe shoes, etc.

On another note:
I highly suggest investing in a garment steamer. Not only does it make life easier removing wrinkles but saves a lot of money on dry cleaning. Most people don't realize that you don't have to have things dry cleaned with chemicals to clean clothing but that simply steaming it will remove any odor and clean the garment. There is a 20% code out there for Bed, Bath, & Beyond, picked one up yesterday for $51 out the door.

Also there is a 25% off code on Men's clearance and suiting: code is AUGUST. Picked up this American Cotton Blazer for $15. They didn't have the pants in my size may go and pick them up at another Macy's. I think they're $23 with the code.
Boy, a lot went on this morning in the thread.

I realy like where the thread is going, and how positive it is able to remain. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but fellas...let's not burn down what we've built.

Ksteezy's style is perfectly fine. He's not going for a job interview, and even if he is...he would be OK. We hire doctors all the time who come to interviews in Steve Harvey style suits and we pay them A LOT. Please don't try to take shots at anyone in the thread. Many people just assume that you have to dress a certain way when you make a lot of money or hold a degree from a certain school...that's just false.

I know a handful of folks who would be in the upper 1%, they make $500k+ a year and they dress like bums. They shop at the on sales rack from Gap, and wear old folks shoes from Rockport. They were shocked when I show them prices of shoes from Alden and the like, even though they can easily afford them.

Outside of my friends that I met on SF, I don't know anyone else who is into fashion and dressing better. I also have friends who hold degrees from Harvard, Stanford, etc. and they also wear mall brand stuff like A&F. They don't dress like Shia from Wall Street 2, my friends :lol:

A lot of the posters here would certainly outdress them, but again these guys are making a lot of money and have highly wanted jobs...so that throws out the theory that you have to dress a certain way to go with your school/pay grade.

When it comes to dress code, it gets tricky depending on the industry you work in. Example: if you're a finance advisor, you want to dress to look presentable, but don't want to peacock to the point where your clients think they are over paying you. A guy I know was told to 'tone it down' and not wear suits and such to work because he was outdoing everyone in the office. He eventually quit the job because he likes to wear suits, and found a job that allows him.
haha yeah man, going into my senior year next month and unfortunately, i have always been young for my grade (birthday's in december)
also, i am in the same boat as you. Underclassmen dudes i meet would be astonished when i started talking kicks with them. they take one look at my oxfords and just figure i couldn't talk jays and foams :lol:
Same here, bro. My bday is in November so I'm usually the youngest too. Keep doing your thing, man :lol: In the next 5 years...your style is going to swaggerfy so much :smokin
Canary Wharf completely, and utterly ***** on Manhattan and Wall St., dude really tried to come in here on some pompous know it all gig. Fug outta here.

There's no golden rule in the board room or stock exchange floor.. Every corner office honcho doesn't have to dress like Gordon Gekko or Patrick Bateman.
If you're a millionaire handling biz on the golf course, sure but polos for the 18-35 median is played out. Seen your wardrobe posted on here a few times, one can see WHY you don't know where someone is coming from when they're saying polos are out.

Some one HAS to take the initiative and properly contribute to this thread, too much "hot to trot, all dressed up and NO WHERE to go" types posting in this thread sending the wrong message.

...then wonder why the "jobless frustrated" thread is doing numbers, big cats smell KITTENS a mile away. 
Imagine the countless misled people who've taken poor fashion advice from the "dressing better" thread and got turned down on interviews (because of the way they dressed and didn't know it)

REAL BUSINESSMEN take wardrobe seriously, you may THINK you're impressing them with your polos, briefcase and knee high striped socks with oxfords...really you're looking like an IDIOT that has NO BUSINESS in the corporate arena.

For those who want advice I'd be glad to help...
You just went from talking about how casual tees (as opposed to dress tees?) are hot right now to this?

And I don't think I've ever seen someone come in here asking for advice on what to wear to an interview (in the corporate arena with REAL BUSINESSMEN) and responses indicated polos, oxfords.

You're trying too hard to stand out without any real direction in your initiative to properly contribute.
Seen a kid on the subway with a canary yellow polo and briefcase on his phone talking to someone about headed to a job interview.

2 hours later accused them of being racist cause they said he didn't dress appropriately (mail room job)
Did you follow him to thr interview or just happened to bump into him two hours later, following the interview that you heard him discussing on the subway and then conveniently, he's talking about racism because he didn't get the mail room job.


I'll give you this, you're a creative dude.  You must come up with some impeccable outfits.
Wit all this talk of what is and isn't appropriate to wear to work,interviews,etc.. I have always wondered what a census of the Dressing Better thread would look like.....
You just went from talking about how casual tees (as opposed to dress tees?) are hot right now to this?

And I don't think I've ever seen someone come in here asking for advice on what to wear to an interview (in the corporate arena with REAL BUSINESSMEN) and responses indicated polos, oxfords.

You're trying too hard to stand out without any real direction in your initiative to properly contribute.

Did you follow him to thr interview or just happened to bump into him two hours later, following the interview that you heard him discussing on the subway and then conveniently, he's talking about racism because he didn't get the mail room job.


I'll give you this, you're a creative dude.  You must come up with some impeccable outfits.
Trying to stand out 
? Sorry I don't suffer from the need to belong guy, secondly don't GIVE me anything. When you LIVE IN NEW YORK for real you see the same people two or three times a day on the train. People have CAREERS, "odd jobs" or are "self employed", meaning they don't PUNCH THE CLOCK  (which I'm sure is why there's so much confusion)

Canary Wharf completely, and utterly ***** on Manhattan and Wall St., dude really tried to come in here on some pompous know it all gig. Fug outta here.

There's no golden rule in the board room or stock exchange floor.. Every corner office honcho doesn't have to dress like Gordon Gekko or Patrick Bateman.
Really? Pompous? "Corner office honcho"? Ah I see what's happening people are taking offense to what being said because you haven't seen it and it's foreign to you.
There's thousands of jobs that rely heavily upon FIRST APPEARANCE. Some are in fact on Wall St, some are in Long Island. 

For instance "consultants", not the Bobs from Office Space, or Marty Kaan from House of Lies. But real life people who do belt tightening for large firms, some are psych majors, philosophy majors, some are even EX-FBI Profilers. 

They can tell who's confident and who's got their chest out just by what they are wearing, how they look in WHAT they are wearing. Little small things like the watch you wear, laces in your shoes, being able to respond correctly to questions about fashion.

Sure here on Niketalk you may feel like "K Steezy's" choice of wardrobe is "the look" you're going for and because if you're not in an INTERVIEWED you're not being interviewed.

The guys work doesn't stop at 5pm, they chop heads off ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE MAIL ROOM  and people YOU THINK DON'T MATTER.

If they're bringing in a client who purchased a BILLION dollars in fashion related textiles or clothing (yes real scenario, wait until fashion weeks comes or seasonal prep) and their presentation was air tight even told a few lies about ALL THEIR EMPLOYEES dressing the part. Then a "K Steezy" type guy strolls in with an important brief everyone was suppose to have a copy of, but the client sees he's wearing the wrong tie with his shirt, no watch, wrong belt, wrong materials. He can sub consciously thwart the prospect from signing because he looks like he DOESN'T BELONG and he's PLAYING THE PART. It happens...when a partnered firm just lost BILLIONS that could've saved them this year because of a mail clerk's wardrobe choice you think they're gonna say "It's cool man, that client was just pompous, Niketalk says we shouldn't judge people on the clothes they wear and everyone wears what they want regardless if it's in or not"

They are canning the HR who hired him, the mail room supervisor and "K Steezy" himself. 

There's MBA's on this site who know what I'm talking about, and this is just ONE example of a job that takes wardrobe seriously. Try wearing a "K Steezy" outfit around Goldman Sachs or McKinsey & Company and ATTEMPT to spout out some of this "Niketalk Manisfesto".

Sidenote: So now because you don't agree with the consensus you're "pompous"? ...what doesn't that make me if I know wrong info or contributions are being given and I don't say anything out of fear of "not being liked"?.

I still cant believe I've seen Big 4 Accounting Partners making at least $300k+ a yr dress like ****

Black Pleated slacks, some busted shoes and dress shirts that could make another shirt with the extra fabric, etc..

Crazy how just buying clothes that FIT your body can make a world of difference.

But its all relative, they just don't care or place a big priority on it.

Start work next week, will be posting fits on the daily, hope they garner NT's approval lol :smokin
You must not realize what sterotypical accountants/CPAs are like...the majority don't care how they dress, it goes with the whole conservative mentality. In both firms I've worked at, it's been very similar in terms of the Partners and their attire.
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