Dressing Better Vol 2.0

if they are using the term "dress to impress" you have nothing to worry about, most of NYC dudes think that their idea of that is a Uniqlo dress shirt, khaki pants and some vans
 True...but lets be clear Uniqlo has some good items, addicted to their socks. Khaki hasn't touched my skin since 2008...
It's 2012 why would you ever wanna wear a POLO? 
i like the look, i guess 
i like polos for casual wear.

am i missing something here? people not rockin them like that no more? if people aren't then I certainly won't be. thanks for the tip brethren
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WJ4, are these Aldens the one sold at JCrew? Just curious because the one at JCrew is suppose to be single leather sole but your looks thicker, like it's double leather sole.
They're from Shoemart's second list, man. Alden's MSRP prices have gone up so much, I doubt I will pay retail for them again.

For socks, I like Psycho Bunny, and Corgi. For cheaper alternates, I go with BR and J. Crew. They held up fine throughout the washes.

And fellas....polos are definitely a staple. You just need to differentiate between polo style shirt and Polo.

These look good:

Ignoring the grill, gimmicky watch, and weird belt in this one. The fit of the polo is point on:
Just finish watching INCEPTION. The swag in the movie is :smokin. Especially Joseph Gordon-Levitt's. I was loving his pieces.
A lot of great attires worn in that movie, from suits to leather jackets.

I suspect Great Gatsby will be on the same level, if not better. I also think the movie will spark an influx of younger crowd reaching for the old school suit vibe.
And fellas....polos are definitely a staple. You just need to differentiate between polo style shirt and Polo.

These look good:

Ignoring the grill, gimmicky watch, and weird belt in this one. The fit of the polo is point on:

Exactly. When I thought I was dressing better I had the Polo brand shirts with the big *** logos on the front :x but now for me I just want a slim fit and sleeves than come down to mid bicep length and no logos at all on the front if I can avoid it.

That Target article posted earlier was on point though...I bought a coupkle of their Mossimo athletic fit polos for cheap and they've lasted me a year and a half with no problems...more than I can say for my Express one that I spent more than twice as much for and lasted for about 2 months before it started fraying :smh:

Fit should reign supreme above all
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Casual tee's are hot right now though, polo's just look dated (2009-2010'ish)...

Polis can't ever be outdated...they are the happy medium between a casual tee and a formal shirt...can go good with anything from shorts to dress pants, I have no clue where you coming from saying polo shirts are out :lol:

I know I've said it a million times but Jcrew light polos have a very nice slim fit.
where you coming from saying polo shirts are out

If you're a millionaire handling biz on the golf course, sure but polos for the 18-35 median is played out. Seen your wardrobe posted on here a few times, one can see WHY you don't know where someone is coming from when they're saying polos are out.

Some one HAS to take the initiative and properly contribute to this thread, too much "hot to trot, all dressed up and NO WHERE to go" types posting in this thread sending the wrong message.

...then wonder why the "jobless frustrated" thread is doing numbers, big cats smell KITTENS a mile away. 
Imagine the countless misled people who've taken poor fashion advice from the "dressing better" thread and got turned down on interviews (because of the way they dressed and didn't know it)

REAL BUSINESSMEN take wardrobe seriously, you may THINK you're impressing them with your polos, briefcase and knee high striped socks with oxfords...really you're looking like an IDIOT that has NO BUSINESS in the corporate arena.

For those who want advice I'd be glad to help...
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If you're a millionaire handling biz on the golf course, sure but polos for the 18-35 median is played out. Seen your wardrobe posted on here a few times, one can see WHY you don't know where someone is coming from when they're saying polos are out.

Some one HAS to take the initiative and properly contribute to this thread, too much "hot to trot, all dressed up and NO WHERE to go" types posting in this thread sending the wrong message.

...then wonder why the "jobless frustrated" thread is doing numbers, big cats smell KITTENS a mile away. 

Imagine the countless misled people who've taken poor fashion advice from the "dressing better" thread and got turned down on interviews (because of the way they dressed and didn't know it)

REAL BUSINESSMEN take wardrobe seriously, you may THINK you're impressing them with your polos, briefcase and knee high striped socks with oxfords...really you're looking like an IDIOT that has NO BUSINESS in the corporate arena.

For those who want advice I'd be glad to help...
Oh, I see what you're doing now. Maybe this isn't the thread for you. You seem a little more eager to bash than to help.
Oh, I see what you're doing now. Maybe this isn't the thread for you. You seem a little more eager to bash than to help.
Not true at all, I just hate seeing people misled that's all...it's like someone getting too comfortable rocking fakes.

K Steezy Sure you maybe be able to impress a few high school kids and some out of touch adults who's closets primarily are 90% filled with street wear tees, 501's, Toms and Foams.

Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS they'd smell you a mile away...just as I do.

Wrong ties, wrong tie height, wrong shoes, wrong colors, wrong collars, wrong measurements, wrong grooming, wrong belts. Every thing you're wearing WOULDN'T get you the job, instead if they're pricks would get you laughed at after the interview K Steezy...be careful playing these "away games".
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where you coming from saying polo shirts are out :lol:


If you're a millionaire handling biz on the golf course, sure but polos for the 18-35 median is played out. Seen your wardrobe posted on here a few times, one can see WHY you don't know where someone is coming from when they're saying polos are out.

Some one HAS to take the initiative and properly contribute to this thread, too much "hot to trot, all dressed up and NO WHERE to go" types posting in this thread sending the wrong message.

...then wonder why the "jobless frustrated" thread is doing numbers, big cats smell KITTENS a mile away. 

Imagine the countless misled people who've taken poor fashion advice from the "dressing better" thread and got turned down on interviews (because of the way they dressed and didn't know it)

REAL BUSINESSMEN take wardrobe seriously, you may THINK you're impressing them with your polos, briefcase and knee high striped socks with oxfords...really you're looking like an IDIOT that has NO BUSINESS in the corporate arena.

For those who want advice I'd be glad to help...

But who would wear a polo and some chinos to an interview? Thats dumb in the first place unless the job is extremely casual....and I'm pretty sure those of us wearing polos, excentric socks, and oxfords aren't working on wall st. or if they are, wouldn't wear that type of attire as it'd be inappropriate for the workplace. This thread isn't just about what to wear to an interview, or working in the business district; it's about developing a more timeless/less trendy wardrobe and upgrading one's personal style in casual as well as professional situations....that's wear polo's, well fitting pants/jeans come into play....and we're talking about well-fitting clothes not the uge Pelle-Pelle, RocaWear circa 2002 type polos...those are played out...how you dress at work does not have to be the same as how you dress casually.

I think this thread on SF would be more suited to what you're trying to say: http://www.styleforum.net/t/230619/cbd-waywrn-an-experiment but that's not what this is about in here
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Dude calm down.

This isn't the:

"Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS"


Its the dressing better thread. A lot can be learned in this thread. If you have it all figured out....then either post something to help or just leave. Ain't that serious
^Shots fired

In previous posts questions about the best slim fit shirt came up, and my reply was that a tailored shirt is the best and only option if you want to look fresh.

Moderntailor.com is running a promotion for a tailored shirt for $19.95 in order to get you started with them. If you already have a decent fitting shirt that you would like customized you can either send it to them or provide them measurements, all while customizing every single detail of the shirt you want made.

Thank me later.
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^Shots fired

In previous posts questions about the best slim fit shirt came up, and my reply was that a tailored shirt is the best and only option if you want to look fresh.

Moderntailor.com is running a promotion for a tailored shirt for $19.95 in order to get you started with them. If you already have a decent fitting shirt that you would like customized you can either send it to them or provide them measurements, all while customizing every single detail of the shirt you want made.

Thank me later.

Have you ordered from there before, if so how's the quality? Any pics...I'm just wondering b/c a lot of the mtm shirt companies' prices are too damn high for a college kid :lol:
^Shots fired
In previous posts questions about the best slim fit shirt came up, and my reply was that a tailored shirt is the best and only option if you want to look fresh.
Moderntailor.com is running a promotion for a tailored shirt for $19.95 in order to get you started with them. If you already have a decent fitting shirt that you would like customized you can either send it to them or provide them measurements, all while customizing every single detail of the shirt you want made.
Thank me later.

Good looking. I am purchasing one now. :smokin
Have you ordered from there before, if so how's the quality? Any pics...I'm just wondering b/c a lot of the mtm shirt companies' prices are too damn high for a college kid :lol:

I have ordered from them and they are an excellent value for your money, you can choose the material you want and make the shirt as quality as you want, the key to getting a great shirt is nail your measurements and what you want your ideal shirt to fit like. I'll try to take some pics and upload for you guys.
Have you ordered from there before, if so how's the quality? Any pics...I'm just wondering b/c a lot of the mtm shirt companies' prices are too damn high for a college kid :lol:

I've been looking and reading about them for the past month. Most ppl seem to be pleased with their work.
Going to bite teh bullet soon, just gotta find the right fabric for a casual shirt
Dude calm down.
This isn't the:
"Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS"

Its the dressing better thread. A lot can be learned in this thread. If you have it all figured out....then either post something to help or just leave. Ain't that serious
I agree about posting something to help Jking0821, lets start by teach you something. It's called a "slim fit polo" or "tennis shirt" because that's whats the shirt was originally intended for by Ivy League schools and the wealthy in their time of recreation. You'll frustrate the retailer asking "lemme get dat umm tight polo b".

With dressing better, comes a new set a rules otherwise you're just a poser...can we agree we're all too old to be posers?

Have you ordered from there before, if so how's the quality? Any pics...I'm just wondering b/c a lot of the mtm shirt companies' prices are too damn high for a college kid :lol:

I have ordered from them and they are an excellent value for your money, you can choose the material you want and make the shirt as quality as you want, the key to getting a great shirt is nail your measurements and what you want your ideal shirt to fit like. I'll try to take some pics and upload for you guys.

Have you ordered from there before, if so how's the quality? Any pics...I'm just wondering b/c a lot of the mtm shirt companies' prices are too damn high for a college kid :lol:

I've been looking and reading about them for the past month. Most ppl seem to be pleased with their work.
Going to bite teh bullet soon, just gotta find the right fabric for a casual shirt

Oh ok nice, good looks fellas, I'm gonna look into getting this and try it out
^Shots fired
In previous posts questions about the best slim fit shirt came up, and my reply was that a tailored shirt is the best and only option if you want to look fresh.
Moderntailor.com is running a promotion for a tailored shirt for $19.95 in order to get you started with them. If you already have a decent fitting shirt that you would like customized you can either send it to them or provide them measurements, all while customizing every single detail of the shirt you want made.
Thank me later.
Thank you.
Not true at all, I just hate seeing people misled that's all...it's like someone getting too comfortable rocking fakes.

K Steezy Sure you maybe be able to impress a few high school kids and some out of touch adults who's closets primarily are 90% filled with street wear tees, 501's, Toms and Foams.
Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS they'd smell you a mile away...just as I do.

Wrong ties, wrong tie height, wrong shoes, wrong colors, wrong collars, wrong measurements, wrong grooming, wrong belts. Every thing you're wearing WOULDN'T get you the job, instead if they're pricks would get you laughed at after the interview K Steezy...be careful playing these "away games".

but KSteezy was't going for an interview in any of those fits.
from what i remember:
sister's graduation, wedding (photographer work), wedding (photographer work)
weekend, weekend, weekend

why come at his neck, b?>D
2012 wearing ralph lauren polo sure. But good fitting high end polo's would never die
Agreed, while casual tees are seen more (here in New York) polo's may still be in demand in other regions. Just get kind of irritated seeing a kid waste money doing it all wrong. Seen a kid on the subway with a canary yellow polo and briefcase on his phone talking to someone about headed to a job interview.

2 hours later accused them of being racist cause they said he didn't dress appropriately (mail room job)

Its all to common I've seen this phenomenon of kids dressing wrong wearing Yves Saint Lauren after 5 wear to job interviews. 

I don't know about anyone else but when I leave a response, I do it responsibly because you don't know who's READING it or MAKING LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS based on a post you've may typed...to you it's just Niketalk, and you know the lingo, the life and some user. To someone else they may have gotten here by mistake because of meta-words typed into Google's search engine.
Dude calm down.

This isn't the:

"Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS"


Its the dressing better thread. A lot can be learned in this thread. If you have it all figured out....then either post something to help or just leave. Ain't that serious

I agree about posting something to help Jking0821, lets start by teach you something. It's called a "slim fit polo" or "tennis shirt" because that's whats the shirt was originally intended for by Ivy League schools and the wealthy in their time of recreation. You'll frustrate the retailer asking "lemme get dat umm tight polo b".

With dressing better, comes a new set a rules otherwise you're just a poser...can we agree we're all too old to be posers?


Not really trying to be "that" guy. But I don't know what your saying. The "polo" was more or less invented for tennis by Rene Lacoste. I don't know what really it has to do with Ivy league schooling other then they played tennis there?

I also don't know why I would ask "lemme get dat umm tight polo b". Not sure if you're saying I am not well spoken or taking subliminal shots
I also don't like to abide by too many strict fashion "rules". And I see a lot of fits i like and try to emulate so maybe I am a lowly poser.

But on topic to add if I can express is having a sale through Sunday $25 off $50 and $50 off $125.
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