Dressing Better Vol 2.0

 this man knows.. Don't go to an interview at KPMG, GS, Deloitte etc, unless you're dressed like a Purple Label runway model. even if it's for a paper boy gig 
Trying to stand out :lol: ? Sorry I don't suffer from the need to belong guy, secondly don't GIVE me anything. When you LIVE IN NEW YORK for real you see the same people two or three times a day on the train. People have CAREERS, "odd jobs" or are "self employed", meaning they don't PUNCH THE CLOCK (which I'm sure is why there's so much confusion)

Really? Pompous? "Corner office honcho"? Ah I see what's happening people are taking offense to what being said because you haven't seen it and it's foreign to you.

There's thousands of jobs that rely heavily upon FIRST APPEARANCE. Some are in fact on Wall St, some are in Long Island. 

For instance "consultants", not the Bobs from Office Space, or Marty Kaan from House of Lies. But real life people who do belt tightening for large firms, some are psych majors, philosophy majors, some are even EX-FBI Profilers. 

They can tell who's confident and who's got their chest out just by what they are wearing, how they look in WHAT they are wearing. Little small things like the watch you wear, laces in your shoes, being able to respond correctly to questions about fashion.

Sure here on Niketalk you may feel like "K Steezy's" choice of wardrobe is "the look" you're going for and because if you're not in an INTERVIEWED you're not being interviewed.

The guys work doesn't stop at 5pm, they chop heads off ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE MAIL ROOM  and people YOU THINK DON'T MATTER.

If they're bringing in a client who purchased a BILLION dollars in fashion related textiles or clothing (yes real scenario, wait until fashion weeks comes or seasonal prep) and their presentation was air tight even told a few lies about ALL THEIR EMPLOYEES dressing the part. Then a "K Steezy" type guy strolls in with an important brief everyone was suppose to have a copy of, but the client sees he's wearing the wrong tie with his shirt, no watch, wrong belt, wrong materials. He can sub consciously thwart the prospect from signing because he looks like he DOESN'T BELONG and he's PLAYING THE PART. It happens...when a partnered firm just lost BILLIONS that could've saved them this year because of a mail clerk's wardrobe choice you think they're gonna say "It's cool man, that client was just pompous, Niketalk says we shouldn't judge people on the clothes they wear and everyone wears what they want regardless if it's in or not"

They are canning the HR who hired him, the mail room supervisor and "K Steezy" himself. 

There's MBA's on this site who know what I'm talking about, and this is just ONE example of a job that takes wardrobe seriously. Try wearing a "K Steezy" outfit around Goldman Sachs or McKinsey & Company and ATTEMPT to spout out some of this "Niketalk Manisfesto".

Sidenote: So now because you don't agree with the consensus you're "pompous"? ...what doesn't that make me if I know wrong info or contributions are being given and I don't say anything out of fear of "not being liked"?.

Come on, man. You've stated your opinion on things numerous times. We all get it. At this point you're just further derailing the thread with a pointless debate and coming off as pretty pompous and arrogant.

With all due respect, you don't have to keep checking this thread.
If they're bringing in a client who purchased a BILLION dollars in fashion related textiles or clothing (yes real scenario, wait until fashion weeks comes or seasonal prep) and their presentation was air tight even told a few lies about ALL THEIR EMPLOYEES dressing the part. Then a "K Steezy" type guy strolls in with an important brief everyone was suppose to have a copy of, but the client sees he's wearing the wrong tie with his shirt, no watch, wrong belt, wrong materials. He can sub consciously thwart the prospect from signing because he looks like he DOESN'T BELONG and he's PLAYING THE PART.
I would never have any event where wearing this would be appropriate, but so :pimp:
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Not true at all, I just hate seeing people misled that's all...it's like someone getting too comfortable rocking fakes.

K Steezy Sure you maybe be able to impress a few high school kids and some out of touch adults who's closets primarily are 90% filled with street wear tees, 501's, Toms and Foams.
Try for a job in Manhattan and the interviewer has graduated Ivy League and the job entails you bringing in investors or more business from upper echelon which is solely based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS they'd smell you a mile away...just as I do.

Wrong ties, wrong tie height, wrong shoes, wrong colors, wrong collars, wrong measurements, wrong grooming, wrong belts. Every thing you're wearing WOULDN'T get you the job, instead if they're pricks would get you laughed at after the interview K Steezy...be careful playing these "away games".

But you never posted a thing in this thread that I can remember.....we can sure appreciate yorUr level of expertise in the matter....the majority of people who come in this thread are not looking for advice on how to lock a spot in a large firm or anything like that...that's why you have designated forums for that ****, this is niketalk and this is geared towards the younger dudes trying to make a transition from kicks to something more formal....you don't like what's being offered be on your way to another place or enlighten us. You don't have the right to judge without contributing fam...****.

Btw POLOS will never be dated, if you stand by that statement you have no clue what you are talkin about....walk into ANY clothing store and you will find polos, from high to low end.
30% of at Gap for those looking for Chinos, etc.

August 9, 2012 - August 2012...I believe it works online with the code "GAPFRIENDS".
30% of at Gap for those looking for Chinos, etc.

August 9, 2012 - August 2012...I believe it works online with the code "GAPFRIENDS".

Have 3 pairs of those 1969 slim fit chinos :smokin :smokin highly recommend them for the summer/early fall
Rocking out the casual tee in Hawaii in honor of my boy Nomad....wanted to rock da polo, but dumped them all in the garbage
That's more of a semi-casual tee, step your game up.  If you can't distinguish between those, along with formal tees, you should go find a different thread or go back to polos.
Btw POLOS will never be dated, if you stand by that statement you have no clue what you are talkin about....walk into ANY clothing store and you will find polos, from high to low end.

QFT.....Polos are a casual staple and will never go anywhere.
That's more of a semi-casual tee, step your game up.  If you can't distinguish between those, along with formal tees, you should go find a different thread or go back to polos.

Semi, formal, casual tees?...a tee is a tee man

...I think you guys have it twisted, I'm not a fashion guru, Im in scrubs 80% of the time and just like clothes, you guys seem to think that because I dress fitted and post on this thread often, I'm out to be the next NiiDawg....

The funny thing is that I contribute to this thread more often than a lot of you and answer a lot of PMs regularly...I come with a positive attitude in here and some of you just love to take shots for the hell of it :lol:
Semi, formal, casual tees?...a tee is a tee man

...I think you guys have it twisted, I'm not a fashion guru, Im in scrubs 80% of the time and just like clothes, you guys seem to think that because I dress fitted and post on this thread often, I'm out to be the next NiiDawg....
The funny thing is that I contribute to this thread more often than a lot of you and answer a lot of PMs regularly...I come with a positive attitude in here and some of you just love to take shots for the hell of it :lol:
I think he was being sarcastic and was in agreeance with you.
I think he was being sarcastic and was in agreeance with you.

The second part of my portion was more of a general statement....only the first line of my post was directed to him as I also thought he might be being sarcastic..
I always thought the whole "goth ninja" stuff was dope. Not for me but it looks really cool when done properly.
Semi, formal, casual tees?...a tee is a tee man

...I think you guys have it twisted, I'm not a fashion guru, Im in scrubs 80% of the time and just like clothes, you guys seem to think that because I dress fitted and post on this thread often, I'm out to be the next NiiDawg....
The funny thing is that I contribute to this thread more often than a lot of you and answer a lot of PMs regularly...I come with a positive attitude in here and some of you just love to take shots for the hell of it
Straight over your unprofessional head.
Kanyes new fashion could be labeled as Goth ninja :lol:
A lot of kids hating Ye and Hov for rocking brands like Rick Owens because now it's going semi mainstream :lol:

I can't believe this bickering is still ongoing.
Oh yeah, to my man who asked about how to get on the second list for Aldens, you need to go to shoemart's website and call them. I would suggest asking to speak to Joe, the owner. Ask him to be put on the list for whatever size you want, and that's it.
damn Ksteezy stop getting so offended all the time; your style is extremely generic and that is fine but you do come off thinking you are some guru; serious case of vanity.

I am not hating on your style because it fits most of America and I am not sure what the dude talking about big firms is even going; I am hating on you for how you act on here. You dress like anyone guy going in and out of J.Crew, Nordstrom, etc.

People hate on you because this; you don't seem like a bad dude but it's easy to see why people come at you.
That's more of a semi-casual tee, step your game up.  If you can't distinguish between those, along with formal tees, you should go find a different thread or go back to polos.
I think what he meant by formal tees are ones that are made from superlative materials, ie silk, cashmere, etc. rather than cotton. I've seen them before, they do look nice, but the price tag is something crazy like $300 for one.
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