Dressing Better Vol 2.0

No hate, just curious as to why you need another man to tell you how to wear your jeans 

Eh I've been gone for a minute and just wanted to jump back into the fray. I was mostly joking that I picked up a pair of jeans I've seen the swag king Steezy post a lot on here but I'm always open to outfit ideas. No shame
Seriously. I text Adrian all the time with these sorts of questions, would do it in the thread even its kind of the point. If KSteezy didnt abandon the thread I would be throwing all sorts of questions his way.
He never sleeps. You can text him at 3am too and get a reply ASAP.
No hate, just curious as to why you need another man to tell you how to wear your jeans 

Eh I've been gone for a minute and just wanted to jump back into the fray. I was mostly joking that I picked up a pair of jeans I've seen the swag king Steezy post a lot on here but I'm always open to outfit ideas. No shame
Seriously. I text Adrian all the time with these sorts of questions, would do it in the thread even its kind of the point. If KSteezy didnt abandon the thread I would be throwing all sorts of questions his way.

Oh. So I'm da consolation prize then ?

A couple of cats and I were just talking about this. A couple of years ago popovers were not moving at all. Epaulet had some on sale forever and they sat. It seems like they caught on this year for some reason.
I wore this today and feel very meh about it. I think I could've done better on the pants/shoes. Looks a little sloppy, maybe too casual. The components are very DBNT inspired lol.

So would popovers equal man-blouses or no? Word to Prince and European aristocracy hundreds of years ago.
I wore this today and feel very meh about it. I think I could've done better on the pants/shoes. Looks a little sloppy, maybe too casual. The components are very DBNT inspired lol.


Looks ok to me, but you're right it seems casual. In fact I would say the blazer is what's out if place as the rest of the outfit would be a nice simple casual fit.
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