Dressing better

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

^^^You're fooling yourself. i'm an engineer at a fortune 500 biotech company and i wear whatever i want. shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, baseball hats. we have no dress code. the only people who have a dress code are upper management. some middle managers also depending on what areas they're managing.

so many ways to reply. I will chose this one:

Touche...you win I guess.
Originally Posted by c0nf0cal

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

^^^You're fooling yourself. i'm an engineer at a fortune 500 biotech company and i wear whatever i want. shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, baseball hats. we have no dress code. the only people who have a dress code are upper management. some middle managers also depending on what areas they're managing.

so many ways to reply. I will chose this one:

Touche...you win I guess.
I know where you wanna go with this...and I say you do....

btw, you're gonna be stuck in level 1 for a looooooong time with that attitude kid
Check Target and Daffy's. I copped a pinstripe blazers and pants (both blk), and I bought a Sean John shirt and tie (lavender), and voila. A decent suit,that got a lot of compliments.
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

^^^You're fooling yourself. i'm an engineer at a fortune 500 biotech company and i wear whatever i want. shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, baseball hats. we have no dress code. the only people who have a dress code are upper management. some middle managers also depending on what areas they're managing.

regardless you still can't look like a bum. I think a lot of people take "presentable" to mean the wrong thing...
I'm glad this thread came to fruition. I been wanting to upgrade my wardrobe for a while. I don't dress like a thug or anything, but I haven't worna suit, since 1996, and that's terrible on my part. So I took the iniative to spend time/money in places like Macy's, Gap, Old Navy, Daffy's, andupgrade. Read mags like GQ, Source, Maxim, to get an idea. It's paying dividends for me thus far. I'm 25, and it's time to upgrade.

As usual, I'm late.
Originally Posted by Defyant 1

Russ the G?
Not likely. you should change your name to Teva Russ for even backing up a dude choice to go out in public wearing mandals.
Wj4- If wearing sandal is your thing...more power to you.

I dont know how yous twos can even bring yourself to defend this or even feel like a man out in public w/ sandals on.
What are you guys, 45 year old black men w/ mathcing shirt/short combos from Oxford street..

I dont care who you are, but if I see you out in a non-beach environment wearing sandals you loose. PERIOD! what if you get a flat tire, or are being chased by a dog? How you going to run with straps b/w your toes? Pure unadulterated nonsense!
I wish a clown would look at me sideway and try some turf talk w/ some mandals on. I will stomp your baby toes nails off and grind them sh.i.ts until they look like pastrami. - know this -

Funiest thing i have heard on NT in a minute

at mandals
The hell is going on in here.

I haven't checked this thread in a while and all of a sudden some argument ensues about mandals?

And to the person who had a professor who wore Hollister and shorts to class, I would lose all respect for him after that.
I never had a professor dress that way, the most casual any of my professor wore were a tucked in polo and jeans, no way in hell will I attend a class wherethe teacher looks like he will go surfing afterwards.
I will literally ask for a refund if my professor dressed that way.

See, people say dress how you want and not worry about others and that is fine and well in casual occasions or jsut relaxing or fetching milk at the grocerystore or going to the mall but at work, you have to dress the part or at least try.
sandals arent my thing unless im at home, the beach, or just goin to the store to pick something up but sandals with pants are extremely tacky
Honestly, RFX It depends on the place you work and the department in which you work. What exactly it is you do. Whether marketing, IT, Management, etc.

This has been my experience, and I would say the company I've been working for over the last 3 yrs is pretty big.

Dang, RFX that's kinda harsh.
One of my professors, the most respected one in the department that actually taught some of the younger professors, wearbeat up Saucony sneakers, Levi's and random sports team t shirt daily. I'm sure he's the most well off financially too, and from a quick glance youwould never thought he'd be a teacher because of the way he's dressed. I remember about 2 yrs ago he was talking about a big stain on his white jeansfrom working on one of his cars...fast forward to last week, the stain is still there.
And to the person who had a professor who wore Hollister and shorts to class, I would lose all respect for him after that.

exactly.. what college is that? that damned sure wouldn't happen at my school.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Honestly, RFX It depends on the place you work and the department in which you work. What exactly it is you do. Whether marketing, IT, Management, etc.

This has been my experience, and I would say the company I've been working for over the last 3 yrs is pretty big.


I agree, I am not saying dress up all the time but wear clothes for the job. If you are not dealing with clients or potential investors and your work allowsit, sure no suits and no tie.
But to blatantly wear cargo shorts and tee to a job is ridiculous. Even if the person does work in the basement with cockroaches, if there isn't a uniformto be worn, at least wear some dark jeans and polo so it doesn't look like you just woke up and went to work.

WJ4, yah, it was a bit harsh but I just can't take a professor who would wear clothes as if they are about to go to spring break too seriously.
I can let jeans and polo go but I think a sport jersey or even a sport tee is a bit much.
The same with shorts and sandals, no hate on those but professors have to dress for the profession.
In high school, it is more acceptable (actually, even shorts and sandals aren't appropriate for a teacher in high school too) but I just can't imagineit in a university.
It's not too hard to put on some chinos or dark jeans and a s/s button up, a little effort goes a long way. Again, thats just me.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by dreClark

Honestly, RFX It depends on the place you work and the department in which you work. What exactly it is you do. Whether marketing, IT, Management, etc.

This has been my experience, and I would say the company I've been working for over the last 3 yrs is pretty big.


I agree, I am not saying dress up all the time but wear clothes for the job. If you are not dealing with clients or potential investors and your work allows it, sure no suits and no tie.
But to blatantly wear cargo shorts and tee to a job is ridiculous. Even if the person does work in the basement with cockroaches, if there isn't a uniform to be worn, at least wear some dark jeans and polo so it doesn't look like you just woke up and went to work.
No doubt.

It just seemed like you were saying that you have to dress up regardless of the workplace.
I wasnt tryig to hijack the thread, I actually appreciate it as a young professional working in S.F.; but my man came in here wearing some demin tights andconvertable scuba flippers.
. How can you not say something?
I was really taken back by that image. I live in Oakland and please believe chicks are not diggint that look. PERIOD.
I doubt any woman on NT would think that is a good look.

WJ4 - you are correct, in the going to the movies w/ your homeboy post I did in fact state that life is too short to worry ab how people view you; I stand bythat statement. However, that was in reference to prejudice which is a more serious issue than you posting a pic of your toe knuckles.

To the character who said sandlas are good for slapping people like me- you played yourself. Thats like saying rollerblades are the perfect way to get to theplayboy mansion. You loose.

Sn00pee- you live in Japan where they sell starbusrts and panties out the same machine. Your opinion is invalid.

and to the clown who mentioned Texas gun laws as sandal protection?? do you even listen to yourself?? pure comedy. I wear sandlas but I got a gun? you canteven go to the shooting range w/o real shoes on.

The argument that when its hot outside I want my feet to be cool and confortable is not logical. Ive been in 110 degree Arizona weather and never thought tomy self " ya know, I am bruning up, if only 83% of my feet were exposed" Ive seen cops on the beat in said weather, and guess what they are wearing - shoes!!! Because you cant do anything productive or man-like in mandals. - know this -
Originally Posted by Defyant 1

I wasnt tryig to hijack the thread, I actually appreciate it as a young professional working in S.F.; but my man came in here wearing some demin tights and convertable scuba flippers.
. How can you not say something?
I was really taken back by that image. I live in Oakland and please believe chicks are not diggint that look. PERIOD.
I doubt any woman on NT would think that is a good look.

WJ4 - you are correct, in the going to the movies w/ your homeboy post I did in fact state that life is too short to worry ab how people view you; I stand by that statement. However, that was in reference to prejudice which is a more serious issue than you posting a pic of your toe knuckles.

To the character who said sandlas are good for slapping people like me- you played yourself. Thats like saying rollerblades are the perfect way to get to the playboy mansion. You loose.

Sn00pee- you live in Japan where they sell starbusrts and panties out the same machine. Your opinion is invalid.

and to the clown who mentioned Texas gun laws as sandal protection?? do you even listen to yourself?? pure comedy. I wear sandlas but I got a gun? you cant even go to the shooting range w/o real shoes on.

The argument that when its hot outside I want my feet to be cool and confortable is not logical. Ive been in 110 degree Arizona weather and never thought to my self " ya know, I am bruning up, if only 83% of my feet were exposed" Ive seen cops on the beat in said weather, and guess what they are wearing - shoes!!! Because you cant do anything productive or man-like in mandals. - know this -

Homey you are the funniest dude on NT.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by c0nf0cal

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

^^^You're fooling yourself. i'm an engineer at a fortune 500 biotech company and i wear whatever i want. shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, baseball hats. we have no dress code. the only people who have a dress code are upper management. some middle managers also depending on what areas they're managing.

so many ways to reply. I will chose this one:

Touche...you win I guess.
I know where you wanna go with this...and I say you do....

btw, you're gonna be stuck in level 1 for a looooooong time with that attitude kid
btw...I'm 32. I'm a level 7. I manage level 3-6engineers. I was just responding to your generalization that to all professionals should be dressed a certain way. NOT ALL do. I started out a level 3 nineyears ago, wearing jeans, t-shirts and nike's to work. I play ball with the VP of the company. I made a good impression by proving that I'm capableof doing my job well and can communicate and make good decisions for the company. Thats how you move up in the world....not necessarily how you dress. Youcan look presentable in many different ways.
The argument that when its hot outside I want my feet to be cool and confortable is not logical.

Yes, it is. The majority of heat escapes your body through your head and your feet.
Originally Posted by Defyant 1

I wasnt tryig to hijack the thread, I actually appreciate it as a young professional working in S.F.; but my man came in here wearing some demin tights and convertable scuba flippers.
. How can you not say something?
I was really taken back by that image. I live in Oakland and please believe chicks are not diggint that look. PERIOD.
I doubt any woman on NT would think that is a good look.

WJ4 - you are correct, in the going to the movies w/ your homeboy post I did in fact state that life is too short to worry ab how people view you; I stand by that statement. However, that was in reference to prejudice which is a more serious issue than you posting a pic of your toe knuckles.

To the character who said sandlas are good for slapping people like me- you played yourself. Thats like saying rollerblades are the perfect way to get to the playboy mansion. You loose.

Sn00pee- you live in Japan where they sell starbusrts and panties out the same machine. Your opinion is invalid.

and to the clown who mentioned Texas gun laws as sandal protection?? do you even listen to yourself?? pure comedy. I wear sandlas but I got a gun? you cant even go to the shooting range w/o real shoes on.

The argument that when its hot outside I want my feet to be cool and confortable is not logical. Ive been in 110 degree Arizona weather and never thought to my self " ya know, I am bruning up, if only 83% of my feet were exposed" Ive seen cops on the beat in said weather, and guess what they are wearing - shoes!!! Because you cant do anything productive or man-like in mandals. - know this -

However politically incorrect that was, it just made me laugh out loud at work. But seriously, you sound way too hung up on this whole manly man thing. Andkinda insecure in your masculinity. You mean to tell me that you are more of a man because you have on sneakers, and the next man has on sandals?

Now tight jeans and sandals is not a good look IMO, but dude was shoppin for a suit, not perusing the mall tryna pick up chicks. Maybe he was comfortable. Being comfortable takes precedence over what other people may think of me any day. If im running to the store, hoop shorts and sandals it is. I would even goto the mall and shop for a minute in this outfit. I am not concerned with putting on jeans and sneakers because of what someone may think of me, or how manlyit will make me look. However, when it is time to look nice, or If the objective is to pick up girls, I will throw on something a little nicer. But pleasebelieve me, I have picked up plenty of girls with sandals on. Personality is key.

btw...Police have to wear shoes. They are at work. And did you ever stop to think that maybe dude wasnt really thinkin what chicks will be diggin him while heis shoppin for a suit? I get dressed for me, and it seems to work fine when it comes to girls.

Also, learn to embrace individuality and diversity. Everyone is not the same
dude you guys can never get past the different styles that people have on here. dude is wearing jeans with sandals. who cares. in so cal that is common as hellif you DONT live in the hood. i used to live near the beach and guess what, people wore sandals with jeans all the time. its not preventing anyone from pulling#%% unless you are strictly going after hoodrats who always wear jordans except when they go out to eat at red lobster for special occasions.
I'm renting a tuxedo for prom...

I want a white jacket with black pants like:

difference would be the jacket has a black trim to it.

now the question is... can i add color to this to match a dress?
all my boys n there dates will be matching n girlfriend wants me to match. We don't know her dress color yet.

Where could i add color? tie? vest? nowhere?

and the shoes can be either white or black right?

first time getting a tux.
Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

I'm renting a tuxedo for prom...

I want a white jacket with black pants like:

difference would be the jacket has a black trim to it.

now the question is... can i add color to this to match a dress?
all my boys n there dates will be matching n girlfriend wants me to match. We don't know her dress color yet.

Where could i add color? tie? vest? nowhere?

and the shoes can be either white or black right?

first time getting a tux.
i wore a tux like that for prom. your vest will add color. by the way the tux you rent wont look anything like that one. it will be boxy as hell
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