Dressing better

Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

I'm renting a tuxedo for prom...

I want a white jacket with black pants like:

difference would be the jacket has a black trim to it.

now the question is... can i add color to this to match a dress?
all my boys n there dates will be matching n girlfriend wants me to match. We don't know her dress color yet.

Where could i add color? tie? vest? nowhere?

and the shoes can be either white or black right?

first time getting a tux.

I do not condone this look because about 95% of the time, it isn't pulled off right.
if you really want to match a color with your date, match the pocket square and nothing else.
That suit with a red pocket square would look great!
Matching with your date is overrated.
There's also too much sheen on the pants on that pic, almost like he is wearing dark jeans.
That will look nice with a red bowtie and no vest. I would suggest a white vest if anything you would not want to do TOO many colors in a tux. You already havea lot of black, a lot of white, and to add say... a big blue vest and tie to match the dress, it will not look as classy. Getting a white vest and abowtie/pocket square to match the dress is probably your best bet to minimize the extra colors. But it will probably look best as is with a white vest andblack tie. Suggest your girl wear white, black or red. Tell her she looks beautiful in it.
i was coming inhere to defend sandals, but then i saw the pic and his choice pair and had to fall back

I have no problem with wearing a pair ofreefs with shorts though. or even a more casual pair of denim.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by c0nf0cal

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

^^^You're fooling yourself. i'm an engineer at a fortune 500 biotech company and i wear whatever i want. shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, baseball hats. we have no dress code. the only people who have a dress code are upper management. some middle managers also depending on what areas they're managing.

so many ways to reply. I will chose this one:

Touche...you win I guess.
I know where you wanna go with this...and I say you do....

btw, you're gonna be stuck in level 1 for a looooooong time with that attitude kid

It's always dudes that aint really nowhere, aint been nowhere that take this approach.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

dude you guys can never get past the different styles that people have on here. dude is wearing jeans with sandals. who cares. in so cal that is common as hell if you DONT live in the hood. i used to live near the beach and guess what, people wore sandals with jeans all the time. its not preventing anyone from pulling #%% unless you are strictly going after hoodrats who always wear jordans except when they go out to eat at red lobster for special occasions.
Word, I'm in Burbank. I'm not surprised though, this sandal topic has been discussed on NT before and it's gone many pages.
It's nothing new to me for 2 reasons...1. like you said..it's common as hell in SoCal. And 2. I'm Asian.

I was really taken back by that image. I live in Oakland and please believe chicks are not diggint that look. PERIOD.
I doubt any woman on NT would think that is a good look.
I'm not really trying to pull any of the 5 girls on NT. I dress this way to impress myself, not anyone else. Speaking of girls not diggingthe look, an older chick (28) actually complimented how I was dressed today while studying at Starbucks. I'm 23 BTW. And yes, we are going to hang out.
I was wearing that same pair of sandals with a light weight sweater and shorts..get this, they sit just right above the knee caps!
Originally Posted by Nako XL

i was coming inhere to defend sandals, but then i saw the pic and his choice pair and had to fall back

I have no problem with wearing a pair ofreefs with shorts though. or even a more casual pair of denim.
I just found that pair of Kenneth Cole to be extremely comfy and I like the look. I also have a pair of Rainbows that I wear to thepool/spa and a pair of regular Nike's that I wear to ball/gym.
Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

I'm renting a tuxedo for prom...

I want a white jacket with black pants like:

difference would be the jacket has a black trim to it.

now the question is... can i add color to this to match a dress?
all my boys n there dates will be matching n girlfriend wants me to match. We don't know her dress color yet.

Where could i add color? tie? vest? nowhere?

and the shoes can be either white or black right?

first time getting a tux.

Yeah, this style looks best when fit properly. And absolutely not can you wear white shoes with this. If you really want to match some color, a pocket squareis about the only place to do it. DO NOT GET A COLORED BOWTIE!!!!!!!!! only black will do. As far as a vest goes, I don't like the look ofone with the two-toned look. I'd say just go with no vest, but for god's sake don't get a cumberbund... I wonder if tux shops even offer thoseanymore.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Nako XL

i was coming inhere to defend sandals, but then i saw the pic and his choice pair and had to fall back

I have no problem with wearing a pair ofreefs with shorts though. or even a more casual pair of denim.
I just found that pair of Kenneth Cole to be extremely comfy and I like the look. I also have a pair of Rainbows that I wear to the pool/spa and a pair of regular Nike's that I wear to ball/gym.

"I'm rockin' sandals with jeans, I'm rockin' sandals with jeans! open toe chancletas! open toe chancletas!!"

No i completely understand man. I used to rock sandals with designer jeans (sevens).

niketalk just has a bias against everything "yuppie"
just because it is common in socal it does not make it a good look

I don't like the look and it is acceptable sometimes but some people OD on the sandals
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

And to the person who had a professor who wore Hollister and shorts to class, I would lose all respect for him after that.

exactly.. what college is that? that damned sure wouldn't happen at my school.

please, I had a professor who had a lip ring, wore blazers with blown-out-knee jeans, and he was a damn good teacher.

cant always judge a book by its cover...
just because George Burns lived to 100 years of age, doesnt mean smoking isnt bad for your health

sn00pee wrote:

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

And to the person who had a professor who wore Hollister and shorts to class, I would lose all respect for him after that.

exactly.. what college is that? that damned sure wouldn't happen at my school.

please, I had a professor who had a lip ring, wore blazers with blown-out-knee jeans, and he was a damn good teacher.

cant always judge a book by its cover...
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

And to the person who had a professor who wore Hollister and shorts to class, I would lose all respect for him after that.

exactly.. what college is that? that damned sure wouldn't happen at my school.

please, I had a professor who had a lip ring, wore blazers with blown-out-knee jeans, and he was a damn good teacher.

cant always judge a book by its cover...

We are all judge by how we look.
We know it shouldn't be that way, in the perfect world but that is not reality.
See how much grief and argument ensues over some sandals in this thread?
It was for the simple fact that we judge people. Plus, keep in mind that you only get one chance to make a great first impression.

Plus what is a good teacher? Seriously, everyone in high school loved the kick back teacher that gave everyone good grades and thought he was a good teacher.
When in reality, those exact same students attend college and fail because they learned nothing.
That is a whole new discussion though so we really shouldn't get into it in this thread.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

And to the person who had a professor who wore Hollister and shorts to class, I would lose all respect for him after that.

exactly.. what college is that? that damned sure wouldn't happen at my school.

please, I had a professor who had a lip ring, wore blazers with blown-out-knee jeans, and he was a damn good teacher.

cant always judge a book by its cover...

We are all judge by how we look.
We know it shouldn't be that way, in the perfect world but that is not reality.
See how much grief and argument ensues over some sandals in this thread?
It was for the simple fact that we judge people. Plus, keep in mind that you only get one chance to make a great first impression.

Plus what is a good teacher? Seriously, everyone in high school loved the kick back teacher that gave everyone good grades and thought he was a good teacher.
When in reality, those exact same students attend college and fail because they learned nothing.
That is a whole new discussion though so we really shouldn't get into it in this thread.
true. but you still have opportunities to make a even greater impression by the showing how capable, intelligent and dedicated you are regardlessof how you dress.

i'm not saying you don't want to look presentable....but even in an imperfect world, the way you dress doesn't determine you ability to besuccessful. i just don't want young people in here to think that just because you dress well, you're gonna succeed. regardless of you how you dress,there are far more important factors.
^^ No argument there but if you are in a job interview, especially fresh out of college, you have to take all you can to have that advantage because youwon't have the chance to prove yourself on the spot.
Dressing for the profession helps but it is not the determining factor in success. The ability to back it up is essential.

In the end though, I think we are saying the same thing.
i just don't want young people in here to think that just because you dress well, you're gonna succeed. regardless of you how you dress, there are far more important factors.
+1. The way you dress gives a good first impression that may open the door. The way you carry yourself, ie your attitude and work ethic, keepthe opened door from slamming shut in your face.
I have several experiences with this situation actually.
Our maintenance guy at work, when he applied for a job, he came in a suit.
My employer asked him why he was wearing a suit and he said that exact same thing, "you only get one chance to make a great first impression."
He got the job, most likely not due to him wearing the suit but he definitely stood out from the rest.
Now, all he really wears is work appropriate work pants and maintenance shirt.

Another experience I had is also dealing with the way I dress and my age.
Every time I go to a watch store, I am always ignored.
No one would tend to me or even greet me.
However, when an older person who dresses in dress pants and tie comes in, they are all over him and offers him drinks and shows him around.
It was just not fair, however one time when taking a lunch break from work, I went to the store in a suit and was treated like a king.

I experienced both the negative and positive sides and the world really shouldn't be that way but alas, it is.
^^^glad we're all the same page here because some of the responses previously were you you have to dress well to succeed. if you don't, you'regonna be stuck in level 1.

i wore a suit to my first job interviews right before graduating college. I got a job not because I wore a suit but because i was articulate, gave goodresponses to the questions and the hiring manager thought I had potential. first day on the job, i wore jeans and an untucked collar shirt. in the followingyears, i've been wearing tshirts, jeans/shorts and sneakers...sometimes a baseball cap if my hair is long and messy. if the situation called for it, iwore chinos/khaki's and a tucked in collar or polo shirt....usually meetings with upper upper management (never with middle managers), customers orsuppliers. every 2 years (policy is usually every 3 years) i moved up a level and received bonuses greater than the colleagues in my department. after beinghere 9 years, just last week i was promoted to manager, managing 4 engineers.

so message to the young dudes in here....be dedicated, motivated, articulate, result oriented and make decisions that benefit the company, and you'llsucceed regardless of how you dress. just use your judgement on when and when not to look presentable (which can be in many different forms, not just the fitsand recommendations you see in this thread)
any advice on shoes. i just got my first real job out of college. dress code is slacks/dress shirt/tie...(no coat). what style of shoes would be good? alsosomething that would be comfortable would be ideal, b/c i may be on my feet alot.
Originally Posted by CJ003

any advice on shoes. i just got my first real job out of college. dress code is slacks/dress shirt/tie...(no coat). what style of shoes would be good? also something that would be comfortable would be ideal, b/c i may be on my feet alot.
How strict are they? Here's a picture of the outfit I wore today for my 2nd internship interview for the summer. They are Clark Desertboots. $90 for a pair and very comfy.

It's funny what RFX said, when I got to the place and was being interviewed by the supervisor, he said that he was glad I was dressed for success. He toldme they considered 3 potential interns, and the person that they interviewed last week showed in 'regular' clothes so he was automatically out ofconsideration. It's now between myself and another candidate they're going to interview in a couple of days...hopefully I get this gig because Imurked all 4 interviews today.

(For those wondering, yes I buttoned up that last button on the collar and straightened out the tie before getting out of the car.
Also J. Crew changed their policy. You can only get the college student discount on full priced items now.
Originally Posted by wj4

Also J. Crew changed their policy. You can only get the college student discount on full priced items now.
full priced or promotional items...picked up some pastel yellow 9" chino shorts tonight (on sale for $39.99) using my college studentdiscount.

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