Drinking @ work :hat

I worked at Whole Foods when I was 18 and used to drink the Wednesday before Thanksgiving because it was a sh*tshow of a rush.

I'd also take a couple shots if I had to make presentations in college because of social anxiety.

Slippery slope. I don't do that anymore. I don't even like medication.
It's more common than a lot of people think. There's a difference between having a drink and getting drunk. Any restaurant with a bar around my way is packed at lunchtime.
In my younger days i use to have a beer or two before my shift when i was working nights and the swing shifts.

at one point of time in the military you were allowed to have 3 beers for lunch but people took advantage and lost that privilege for everyone :lol:
:lol: 3 beers!? 3 IPAs would have me good and buzzed, and I'm a big guy. I could only imagine.
This came up in another thread recently.

I remember 5+ years ago, there were multiple times I'd go out for lunch and drink to the point where I'd just go home after.

It was fun at the time and I could get away with it (without it really costing me any $) but in hindsight obviously that's ridiculous.
me and this shorty at my old location use to drink on lunch and sometimes leave the office for a couple hours and hit up a bar a few blocks away...

got bent off some whiskey with shorty on a friday at work when 90 percent of the office was out, got some brain in the IT closet....

good times
Sounds like folks drink during work to make the work tolerable.

It's not really that hard to follow bruh.

Your job sucks that much? Dude wait till after work , happy hour prices, no more work stress,
Might be the only one that doesn’t enjoy this lol. Can’t drink enoguh to let loose and truly have fun...but just enoguh that I gotta pee and the head feels funny. It’s a no win situation.
I work as a Registered Nurse in an ER, so drinking on the clock is very much out of the question.

However, if you work in a field where your motor skills and decision-making abilities regarding the well-being of other people aren't issues then more power to you if you can have a drink or two at lunch. I used to work in kitchens at various health care facilities where being under the influence at work was swept under the rug. I miss those days. :lol:
If you are drinking on lunch you have issues, I used to do it all the time.

I still struggle, I almost grabbed a brew on my lunch last week with my mexican food but I am glad I didnt because I saw other people come in from my office.
You sound like you got alcoholism problems b :lol:

Ain't nothing wrong with a glass of some rum or whiskey along with your steak/burger & fries.

Not that serious.
You mad :lol:
Do you drink? I don't mean, "a long island at club" drink?

Yes, but my job is one where even one drink wouldnt work out. I just dont se e the point to droink during wok like come on just relaxx
Yes, but my job is one where even one drink wouldnt work out. I just dont se e the point to droink during wok like come on just relaxx

Thats why you don't understand it. I work in the financial sector, it's EXTREMELY common.
Your job sucks that much? Dude wait till after work , happy hour prices, no more work stress,

Yes my job sucks. No I don't drink during work. I don't drink much period. The only time I drink is when I'm trying to catch a buzz. That's maybe once every couple of months.
I work as a Registered Nurse in an ER, so drinking on the clock is very much out of the question.

However, if you work in a field where your motor skills and decision-making abilities regarding the well-being of other people aren't issues then more power to you if you can have a drink or two at lunch. I used to work in kitchens at various health care facilities where being under the influence at work was swept under the rug. I miss those days. :lol:
Used to work in the kitchen at my hospital and some dudes be getting sauced in the locker rooms. Hell, a couple were brazen enough to carry a cup around the kitchen. Holidays and some weekends :smh: :lol:.

I'll have a beer on lunch break very rarely now. Back then, I'd sometimes have a couple hours lunch so I'd get a little beer buzz then finish up the shift strong.
Used to work in the kitchen at my hospital and some dudes be getting sauced in the locker rooms. Hell, a couple were brazen enough to carry a cup around the kitchen. Holidays and some weekends :smh: :lol:.

I'll have a beer on lunch break very rarely now. Back then, I'd sometimes have a couple hours lunch so I'd get a little beer buzz then finish up the shift strong.
I had a dude at my first kitchen job that would always have a 32 oz. cup of cranberry juice near him at all times. He was super loud/boisterous and would talk about sex the entire shift. I was still in high school so it took me about 6 months before I found out what he was all about. :rofl:
Yes my job sucks. No I don't drink during work. I don't drink much period. The only time I drink is when I'm trying to catch a buzz. That's maybe once every couple of months.

lmao wso why you goin back and forur with mi
Last job me and a group of 3-6 would go out for lunch and drink a couple tall cans and if it was a short day we would chill at a spot 5 mins from work and perk for a few hours. No one ever got caught even tho it was a driving job but we used to come in a few mins late from lunch
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