Drive by shooting, Please help

Cliffs. Im not reading 40 pgs
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Reminds me of this chick that pulled up on me at the gas station in a hoopty sayin her card was bein declines and she wanted to get back to Galveston. Over a hour away amd you cam tell she was commin down.

I saw her a month ago at walmart pullin the same stunt, she forgot my face.
Reminds me of this chick that pulled up on me at the gas station in a hoopty sayin her card was bein declines and she wanted to get back to Galveston. Over a hour away amd you cam tell she was commin down.

I saw her a month ago at walmart pullin the same stunt, she forgot my face.
When I was younger I used to work at Michael's Arts & Crafts.  When I would go on my lunch I would 
 in my car in the parking lot and hit up the pizza place in the shopping center.  One day I was packing a bowl and some lady comes up to my window and says "excuse me can I ask you a....oh you're smoking weed?".  I lie and tell her that I am, but I'm going home.  She gives me a sob story about how she's almost out of gas and has no money, and that she "wishes she could be smoking weed right now" because of how stressed she is.  She asks me for a few bucks for some gas money and I tell her I don't have it.  Unfortunately, I was an idiot and had my wallet out on my center console with a $5 bill sticking out of it.  She goes "well how about you give me that $5 or I'll go inside the store and tell your boss what you're doing in the parking lot."  

I hand over the $5 and she leaves.  I didn't even go get lunch or smoke weed after that.  I just spent the rest of my break thinking about how pissed I was that I played myself like that.  This is why this is my favorite video on the internet:

Haha wow that ******* sucks! ******* scumbags. People used to walk around my local mall like 7-8 years saying they ran outta gas n blah blah blah and id straight up be like "na get the **** outta here" and violate them right that second cuz i knew what they was up too. Then theyd bounce across to the other side of the mall to the traffic walking the opposite way for some more swindling.
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Those beggars are persistent too! I just happen to see the old white guy who would beg for dollars right next to the Carls Jr. drive through. He would stand there with an empty gas can and say his car ran out...well that was 13 years ago but I just saw him coming out of a 7-11 with the same damn gas can :wow: :lol:
I remember once i was at an atm withdrawing some cash and this dude starts yellin at me from across the street. It was dark so i couldnt tell what he looked like so i thought he was familiar or at least knew me since hes saying what up and stuff like that.
Dude gets closer and i realize i dunno and he says oh i didnt mean to scare u. I said u didnt scare me i thought i knew u, who are u? He starts with this story how hes hungry and he needs money so i said ok theres a mcdonalds down the way ill buy u a couple burgers. He said naw i dont want a burger. Offered him pizza he said naw. Then aska for $10... Then down to $5 all the way down to a buck. :lol: i told him to go **** himself.

There was another guy that used to always ask me for the most random amounts of change like 67 cents and ****. I used to have a paper cup with pennies in my car (id use the silver change for food/snacks/blunts). I gave him the cup and told him to remember my face cuz he better not ever ask me for ****.
I like the direction of this thread now.

All this reminds me when I was walking into a Cost plus World Market a few weeks back. This lady in a late 90s minivan with handicap plates and a walker in the front seat approaches me (i'm on foot walking in and shes in her van). She tells me that shes from a town 60 miles north and was traveling through my city when she went to get gas. She looked away for a split second and apparently someone stole her wallet from the center console. I wanted to see where this story would lead. I eventually thought she may have needed to borrow my phone to put a stop on her cards or call police.. Nope!. Instead she needed gas money. Why drive 3 blocks away from the "robbery" to this random parking lot to ask for gas money? Lady was probably in her 60s. There is nothing or no one off limits anymore fellas. The intersection of the "crime" is right off the interstate where she would be traveling, so it sort of added up. But I had to say no. I'll feed you or let you borrow my phone. But straight up gas money? :smh::rolleyes

Her walker was in plain sight. Her handicap tag clearly visible. I really feel bad but man, that did not add up. I said I had no change and she sorta just drove away. I was willing to call up the gas station or the police. But this lady was pretty quick to leave... I gotta say... She had quite the story. She wasted about 6 minutes of my time that late afternoon. I hope she made it back home without a license :smh:
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I gave this bummy lookin chick some quarters i had one time after she gave me a sob story about how her dude kicked her out the whip so she was gona ride the bus, 30 minutes later im koolin wit my potna and she walks up to the crack house next door smh.
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