Drive by shooting, Please help

This is now officially the scamming story thread.

About a year ago I was in a LDR and was driving ~5 hours every couple weeks to see this girl. I would always stop at the same rest stops off the highway to use the bathroom. One time I stop and before I go into bathroom there's young guy, completely normal looking, hanging out in the lobby where all the vending machines are outside the bathrooms. He tells me he locked his keys in his trunk on accident and was waiting for AAA to come assist him, could I spare a $1 or some change so he could get a snack from the vending machine while he wait. I tell him no.

Fast forward a couple weeks later I'm making same trip and see same guy at same rest stop. He asks me the same thing and I just smh at him tell him you already tried this on me.

Fast forward another couple weeks. See the guy AGAIN in the rest stop and and before he even says anything to me I say, "you still locking your keys in your trunk?" Dude hit me with the most fake confused look ever and said, "what are you talking about?" When I came out the bathroom that time he was nowhere to be seen.

Moral of the story. Don't give anyone you don't know any amount of money because scumbags are creative and will concoct these elaborate schemes to swindle good people.

I was thinking of all the people making long road trips who would never see him again and the amount of foot traffic in and out of those rest stops on the side of the highway dude was probably making a grip.
Local crackhead in me city came up to me and my ex with a neck brace on with this sob story. She said she just got released from the hospital and needed money to catch the bus to see her children Cuz she hasn't seen them and they don't know she was in the hospital. I remember her because the neck brace so it would be hard to forget. Told her I was broke and kept it moving. Fast forward me and my current girl were at the metro pcs store paying her mom's phone bill and this ***** tries the **** again. It's about a 4 year gap in between and the neck brace dirty as hell. I cut her off and said word for word "***** if u don't beat it, u tried this **** on me years ago" she just started running, like Usain bolt sprinting.
It's another dude that likes to walk up to people cars late at night, talking bout he just got out of prison and he trynna buy his kids some milk, let's just say he almost lost his life walking up to my window one night. Scared the **** out of me, literally touched me and my girl screamed. Only thing that saved him was the safety being on.
Those "i need money for gas" or "im hungry can you spare change" routines are the most common ive ran into. Ill NEVER give money to someone i dont know esp a street person. If u hungry i got no problem buying u a sandwich or a burger but u damn sure arent gonna take my hard earned money over to the dope house.
The best is when the "I'm hungry" holders pass up a meal when you offer them to buy food vs giving them cash.

Op a ***** made dude for faking this though.
I onky seen one dude actually buy food. He would wait inside popeyes and ask someone for 25¢ so he could get a special. He asked untill he got enough to get the special.

One morning before work, I stopped by the gas station to get some bottled water and whatnot for the day. On the way in, I was approached by this lady. She told me a sob story she ran out of a gas and didn't have any money. I gave 3 dollars out of good faith and thought nothing of it. In my mind, if shes lying karma will catch up to her. On the way out, some dude comes up to tell me the same story and mentions his girl. I tell him I already gave her 3 dollars, he turned around mad quick and ran off. I got got and lesson learned.

Another story was about 2 months after the first story. An entire family (Husband, wife and three kids between 5 - 13) pulled up a 7-11 and while me and my girl were leaving. Said he ran out of gas and they were going to the next town over. Knowing the area with recent construction and traffic, I can see how someone low on cash could run out of gas. Seeing the kids in the back somewhat validated his story since I don't know what type of man would go around public asking for money in front of his kids. We gave them the spare change we had which was about 4 dollars. He did reverse into the gas terminal but we drove off so it could have been for show.

One morning before work, I stopped by the gas station to get some bottled water and whatnot for the day. On the way in, I was approached by this lady. She told me a sob story she ran out of a gas and didn't have any money. I gave 3 dollars out of good faith and thought nothing of it. In my mind, if shes lying karma will catch up to her. On the way out, some dude comes up to tell me the same story and mentions his girl. I tell him I already gave her 3 dollars, he turned around mad quick and ran off. I got got and lesson learned.

Another story was about 2 months after the first story. An entire family (Husband, wife and three kids between 5 - 13) pulled up a 7-11 and while me and my girl were leaving. Said he ran out of gas and they were going to the next town over. Knowing the area with recent construction and traffic, I can see how someone low on cash could run out of gas. Seeing the kids in the back somewhat validated his story since I don't know what type of man would go around public asking for money in front of his kids. We gave them the spare change we had which was about 4 dollars. He did reverse into the gas terminal but we drove off so it could have been for show.
Damn you're soft, papá.
Theres always this family that bounces between the front entrance of these 2 different wal marts here. Dude has a idgaf grin on his face while his wife has her head down and kids are playin wit the grass. Never botheted to read the sign i just cabt beleive dude hasnt at least robbed a gas station instead of puttin his family on blaat like that. Im robbin before i do somethin lkke that.
One time on Black Friday I was coming out of target with my wife when I noticed an older Lincoln Navigator driving through the packed parking lot.
Dude slows to a snail's pace as he approached me. I thought he was gonna ask for my parking spot.
Hits me with " Hey do you think you could spare some money, I'm trying to get some presents for my kids"
There was like 4 kids in the back, and his chick or whatever sitting shotgun.
Just straight stone faced him. My wife literally LOL'd

How does someone even think that's going to work?
The best is when the "I'm hungry" holders pass up a meal when you offer them to buy food vs giving them cash.

Op a ***** made dude for faking this though.
dawn, my own uncle used to scam me for beer money :smh:
We're talking about a lifelong alcoholic/druggie here, the type to not have a lot of money at all and the little bit of money that he would get from doing little side jobs would go sharing to his addiction, so I kind of always felt bad for him and tried to help him out here and there. It got annoying over time though, since he would ask for change more often, and I caught on over time.
One time he was hung TF over and was asking me for some money so he could buy some electrolyte drink to feel better, I told him I'd go to the store and buy it for him, but he insisted that I'd give him the money instead :smh:
Went straight to the store and got him the drink. Got the drink to him and he reluctantly took it :lol:
Needless to say, he stopped asking me for change as much after that
The best is when the "I'm hungry" holders pass up a meal when you offer them to buy food vs giving them cash.

Op a ***** made dude for faking this though.

:lol: right. I had bought a bag of chips when some guy asked me for change to get something to eat. I offered the bag of chips i hadnt even opened yet. He said "i dont want that ****". I actually lol'ed at that one and kept jt moving.
These two Italian guys tried to get me and my dad a few years back. Rolled up on us in a parking log as we were walking to lunch. Said they had a flight to catch, but couldn't fit all their leather coats in their luggage, so they'd sell them to us at a discount. :lol: One of the dudes gave us a business card that said he was the guy who installed the leather seats in the cars for Ferrari. The whole thing was comical. We laughed in their faces and they drove off...
I was at a drive in atm in Houston taking out some cash and some dude walked up to my passenger door and knocked on my window. I was reluctant to roll down my window but I cracked it enough to hear what dude had to say. Dude asked me if I could deposit his check in my account and he'll give me money for depositing his check. I told him negroe get out of here, grabbed my cash and atm card and dipped.
had a dude with a BMW Z4 ask me for gas money at a station a while ago. :lol:
Told him to kick rocks and take his car to the dealer if he needed $
I was at a drive in atm in Houston taking out some cash and some dude walked up to my passenger door and knocked on my window. I was reluctant to roll down my window but I cracked it enough to hear what dude had to say. Dude asked me if I could deposit his check in my account and he'll give me money for depositing his check. I told him negroe get out of here, grabbed my cash and atm card and dipped.
sounds like op got the check from gfm and is trying to cover his tracks

dudes in the bmw asking for money reminds of that scene where a dreaded dude is on the sidewalk collecting change then takes off off his bummy ppncho to reveal a nice suit then proceeds to hop into a mercedes/lexus/bmw

think the movie was, dont be menace 
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sounds like op got the check from gfm and is trying to cover his tracks

dudes in the bmw asking for money reminds of that scene where a dreaded dude is on the sidewalk collecting change then takes off off his bummy ppncho to reveal a nice suit then proceeds to hop into a mercedes/lexus/bmw

think the movie was, dont be menace 
while drinking your juice in the hood.

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