Driver in Calfornia tweets about "drifting corners" before crashing; killing 5

from the Houston area, famb. Just live in Dallas.
Don't know where there's a road going 85 in Houston... I never seen 85 in real life. It dont eem.get that high on I-20 in deep east Texas. 80 max.
And in Houston, yeah boys be swangin, but you swang slow...
Swangin fast might as well drift. Lol.
you can crank it up if you got da hemi, or a motorcycle, or a high end sports car.
Anything else is uncivilized...
(i'm talking out on the town when you flossin on the yambs... Not merging on 59 south heading to work)

The 85mph is a toll road section of 130, turns out it's down by Austin but other than that Texas has 520 miles of road where the speed limit is 80. I don't have any problem with it, it's most flat and straight on the interstates down here. Obviously, when your exit is coming up you slow down and the ramp speed limits are even slower, although people do love to merge from the furthest left lane directly across traffic into their ramp. I just hit them with the avatar look out the window and hope it shames them into becoming better drivers in the future.

This tired.gif.

I gotta friend who likes to smoke, and right after drive, and everyone looks at me like a little ***** when I tell them that **** not cool. ***** be swerving and hitting corners and ****.

He's still my boy, but after reading this, I'll walk before I continue to ride with the clown.

Yea I was like 16 and my homeboy who had just gotten his license, somebody let him borrow a yellow Corvette (who does that?) so we were out on the back hilly gravel roads and he was hitting like 80, which wouldn't be bad but at the time all those roads had no posted limits, lights, or even stop signs so when you came up to an intersection you just hoped nobody else was coming plus country bumpkins love driving straight down the center of them. He lost control a few times and donuted, obviously we made it out alive but like you I was getting clowned because I was telling him to stop, ridin shotgun like
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I hate driving through intersections at night.
what an A-hole.....reminds me of the 30 year old idiot who just got his 2012 Chrysler and took a bunch of kids on a joy ride one of them a 16 year old 7 month pregnant girl, ran the car straight into a concrete pillar by the junction of i87 and i95....all dead but one if i remember correctly, im sure Ninjahood knew the girl too..:smh:
Is it a stretch if I say "The same reason why we can't blame wayne and drake for this is why we can't blame nike when people die during their shoe releases?" Random thought.
Glad the only people that were killed and harmed were the people who were in the car. No way should you be in a car with someone driving under those bizzare conditions. However, anytime people die in such a tragic way, is saddening, at least to me. R.I. P. |I

you are reaching fam.
RIP to the passengers but no sympathy from me for the driver ESP. those tweets
Is it a stretch if I say "The same reason why we can't blame wayne and drake for this is why we can't blame nike when people die during their shoe releases?" Random thought.

Glad the only people that were killed and harmed were the people who were in the car. No way should you be in a car with someone driving under those bizzare conditions. However, anytime people die in such a tragic way, is saddening, at least to me. R.I. P. |I

are you serious ? your actually saying your glad someone died ? damn, no respect for a human life. YES the driver was wrong for driving and tweeting that crap but to be "GLAD" people died ? thats just wrong.. smh :smh:
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I feel like the title should be "tweets about driving drunk", seems like a weird choice to emphasize the drifting corners part...
These morons and complete imbeciles are a threat to our society. Any one of us could be walking down a street and get killed by a mindless drunk who runs a red light doing 60. Then you just become another statistic in the books of things that need to be fixed with our world. Sad stuff.
are you serious ? your actually saying your glad someone died ? damn, no respect for a human life. YES the driver was wrong for driving and tweeting that crap but to be "GLAD" people died ? thats just wrong.. smh :smh:


Fam use it in context man. I'm saying that when someone drunk is driving, there is a distinct possibility that people could die. Consequently, if someone is going to die, at least let it be people that deserve it, not some innocent bystander or some person(s) driving on the road. In essence, i'm saying thank goodness that the only casualties were the people who in this case, deserved it.
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Drifting in a sentra tho?

FWD sentra drifting...

I Feel sorry for those who made the idiotic decision to ride with this fool. RIP, to those 4. Driver, obviously didn't have any regard for his life or anyone else...he doesn't deserve a RIP.

haven't checked the dude's full twitter feed, but i imagine anyone who tweets like that is a bigger-than-average attention *****, and it should've been very apparent letting him drive would be a poor choice
:smh: whats up with this guy and YOLO he's a prime example why that YOLO garbage shouldnt even exist. dude took it to the next level taking other lives with him.
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