Driver in Calfornia tweets about "drifting corners" before crashing; killing 5

Oh, your the same one who made the Nike comparison to Drake and Lil wayne, clearly I should have known the level of intelligence I was addressing lol

Now do you know the situation? Do you know those that died? Do you know if those who died were just as drunk, and were sleeping in the back seat while the driver was driving? Maybe some were screaming at the driver to stop? IF you are DRUNK obviously you don't make the best decisions, and being impaired they probably got into the car, not knowing their friend was going to drive like a lunatic. And actually I have gotten into the car with someone who was drunk as hell, I was drunk as hell too, guess what.. I WAS YOUNG, the same age as these people (about 21) by the grace of god I'm still here now, and NO I WILL NEVER do it again. I learned my lesson..Unfortunately these kids won't learn their lesson. To say those kids deserved to die isn't right, they didn't..While yes it is a good thing no one else died, it doesn't make it right to say those in the car deserved to die.

I didn't make that comparison, I simply asked that question and even said that it wasn't meant to be taken serious. It was a joke :rolleyes

And do I know the situation? The person that was driving and 2 of the people in the car were very close to my mom's friend. Got the whole story from him. They all knew he was intoxicated and were "Living it up" as he told me.

Now, come at me...
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I didn't make that comparison, I simply asked that question and even said that it wasn't meant to be taken serious. It was a joke

And do I know the situation? The person that was driving and 2 of the people in the car were very close to my mom's friend. Got the whole story from him. They all knew he was intoxicated and were "Living it up" as he told me.
Now, come at me...
Ohhhhhhhhhh because you know the friend of the son's mom who knows the baby father of the other friends sister, you got the whole scoop?NOW back to my original question, WHERE YOU IN THE CAR AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? No? Oh OK, shut up
Ohhhhhhhhhh because you know the friend of the son's mom who knows the baby father of the other friends sister, you got the whole scoop?NOW back to my original question, WHERE YOU IN THE CAR AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? No? Oh OK, shut up >D

This ***** :lol: Whatever, i'm wasting my time with you. You win G :lol:
1 mile from where i live , on Haven you cant drive that fast or drift , its impossible youll be driving into peoples houses

Please yaw young people quit drinking and driving. Im begging you all it even worth it. Dude thought he was good and could drive and look what happen. I escaped a bad accident drinking and driving, went through the windshield and I was partially beheaded and my heart artery got cut so I was pumping out blood.

Im so lucky I was on back country roads late night by myself nobody was out, i passed out at the wheel..

Im patched up fined now , cant even tell, lots of vitatim c, neorosprin, and African coca butter. Im just grateful i didnt kill anyone body
our tweets are basically our eulogy tho, right?

when they bury me, I hope one of you just reads my tweets aloud:

"This milk tastes spoiled... #YOLO"
"Yamb-less once again tonight. Guess women don't like those pickup lines #NT threw me"
"Dedication 4 is warm garbage"

Kinda off topic... but I use to street race down in Ontario about 7 years ago, saw the worse of **** down there. Recorded tons of videos and threw it on my YouTube. I was young, dumb and having to much ******ed fun. I saw somebody nearly get killed and knew it was time to grow up :smh:
At least the people in this vehicle didn't kill anyone else. :smh: at anyone that still thinks it is cool to drink and drive.
more people should apply "yolo" to worthwhile things such as...





seeing the world,

actually LIVING life, how bout that? no?.....

WTF thats where I go to school, I drive on Haven everyday! Oh geez.. now we'll hear about it from our instructors..

Hopefully it isnt anyone I know from school :frown:
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"Driving tweeting sipping the cup **** yolo I'm

turning it up"

Oh, EVERYONE in the car DESERVED to die? Do I use that in context too? Dumb ***? :rolleyes

If they willing got into a car with a driver who was admittedly drunk, so much so that he broadcasted it on twitter, then yes, they are more deserving of death than a person on the sidewalk who may have gotten hit by the car as it was "drifting corners".
If they willing got into a car with a driver who was admittedly drunk, so much so that he broadcasted it on twitter, then yes, they are more deserving of death than a person on the sidewalk who may have gotten hit by the car as it was "drifting corners".
Once again, misconstruing my entire post. Read the whole back and forth on Page 4 homie lol
The end of the social network era begins.

The ignorance and negativity will only continue to grow IMO leaving a sour taste in people's mouths.

This story is truly disturbing. :smh:
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