Driver in Calfornia tweets about "drifting corners" before crashing; killing 5

Please yaw young people quit drinking and driving. Im begging you all it even worth it. Dude thought he was good and could drive and look what happen. I escaped a bad accident drinking and driving, went through the windshield and I was partially beheaded and my heart artery got cut so I was pumping out blood.

Im so lucky I was on back country roads late night by myself nobody was out, i passed out at the wheel..

Im patched up fined now , cant even tell, lots of vitatim c, neorosprin, and African coca butter. Im just grateful i didnt kill anyone body
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Please yaw young people quit drinking and driving. Im begging you all it even worth it. Dude thought he was good and could drive and look what happen. I escaped a bad accident drinking and driving, went through the windshield and I was partially beheaded and my heart artery got cut so I was pumping out blood.
Im so lucky I was on back country roads late night by myself nobody was out, i passed out at the wheel..
Im patched up fined now , cant even tell, lots of vitatim c, neorosprin, and African coca butter. Im just grateful i didnt kill anyone body

What an idiot. This is bad to say, but I'm glad those who died were not innocent people, they were the other idiots in the car
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laughed at this can you feel sorry for him....120 in a sentra while drunk? comedy
I get that he's YOLO'ing, but do the other people he killed get another chance?.....

Fam use it in context man. I'm saying that when someone drunk is driving, there is a distinct possibility that people could die. Consequently, if someone is going to die, at least let it be people that deserve it, not some innocent bystander or some person(s) driving on the road. In essence, i'm saying thank goodness that the only casualties were the people who in this case, deserved it.
Oh, EVERYONE in the car DESERVED to die? Do I use that in context too? Dumb ***?
Good thing he didn't hit any other drivers or god forbid pedestrians. I will never forgive the driver who ran over me. 

I think Bubba will be quite happy to have some company in jail.
Oh, EVERYONE in the car DESERVED to die? Do I use that in context too? Dumb ***?
They were foolish enough to be in the car with him so they're probably his friends. People without values tend to hang out with other people without values. They didn't deserve it but better them than someone else. Come at me.
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Oh, EVERYONE in the car DESERVED to die? Do I use that in context too? Dumb ***? :rolleyes
They were foolish enough to be in the car with him so they're probably his friends. People without values tend to hang out with other people without values. They didn't deserve it but better them than someone else. Come at me.
You don't know them and you never will. No one deserves a split second death at the hands of an idiot, who's probably done this before. They might deserve it more than if someone unrelated or connected to that car would've died, but that's about it.

You're saying all those kids had nothing more to offer the world than deceased passenger #1, #2...? You're telling me you've never ended up in a bad situation outside of your control or been naive enough to trust the wrong person, who you might've known for a long time?

That's dead *** to chalk it up to Darwin on the people who got pulled to the grave with him, even if 1 or 2 of them might've been just as stupid and in on it as he was.
Oh, EVERYONE in the car DESERVED to die? Do I use that in context too? Dumb ***? :rolleyes

you dumb***, would you ride in a whip late at night with someone who's drunk as hell?

Idiot :rolleyes

One of the things life is about is making decisions. You decide to ride in a whip where the driver is recklessly driving, drunk at that...what do you expect is going to happen?

If i'm playing russian roulette and I end up dieing because of it, I deserved to die. You acknowledge certain possibilities when you make certain decisions.
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Damb ... cats are saying that they should die just cuz they were riding?

That's cold blooded famb... :smh: :smh:
RIP but im :rofl: @ dudes tweets... 120 driftin thru the corner in a fwd car w/4 ppl?! kid knows nothing about drifting. :smh: this is ******g sad.
you dumb***, would you ride in a whip late at night with someone who's drunk as hell?

One of the things life is about is making decisions. You decide to ride in a whip where the driver is recklessly driving, drunk at that...what do you expect is going to happen?
If i'm playing russian roulette and I end up dieing because of it, I deserved to die. You acknowledge certain possibilities when you make certain decisions.
Oh, your the same one who made the Nike comparison to Drake and Lil wayne, clearly I should have known the level of intelligence I was addressing lol

Now do you know the situation? Do you know those that died? Do you know if those who died were just as drunk, and were sleeping in the back seat while the driver was driving? Maybe some were screaming at the driver to stop? IF you are DRUNK obviously you don't make the best decisions, and being impaired they probably got into the car, not knowing their friend was going to drive like a lunatic. And actually I have gotten into the car with someone who was drunk as hell, I was drunk as hell too, guess what.. I WAS YOUNG, the same age as these people (about 21) by the grace of god I'm still here now, and NO I WILL NEVER do it again. I learned my lesson..Unfortunately these kids won't learn their lesson. To say those kids deserved to die isn't right, they didn't..While yes it is a good thing no one else died, it doesn't make it right to say those in the car deserved to die.
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