dropping out of college

May 1, 2011
I'm deciding to drop out of USC tomorrow. My parents won't cosign any of my loans and if I do find someone to cosign a private loan, I'll be looking at around 135k debt. Should I stay at USC? What are my options? What do you guys think?
135k in the hole for a piece of paper
It's my first semester here. Talked to the financial officer and she told me if I pass the half way mark, I have to pay for the entire semester. Thus, I need to make a choice.
damn if i knew i could have gone to college for FREE for 2 months i would have
drop out playboy
Originally Posted by Humble Pedant

Alright, you go and do that... "playboy"

Well really, whos gonna cosign your loan? your only reasonable option at this point is to dropout and head to a community college and go that route, ma.

i dont understand why you didnt know whether or not you would be able to pay for your tuition  all summer though, i assume youre a freshman?
USC offers the presidential and national scholarship for full tuition and half tuition off. They usually have good financial aid and scholarship support. Could you apply for scholarships? Or graduate a few semesters early to save some money? Work/study program? Hopefully you can afford staying in school because USC is a great school and it will open up a lot of opportunities for you later on.
I'm a sophomore transfer so I have 3 more years to go. Tuition is 45k a year. So my question is: " Is a Business Admin. Degree from Marshall worth 135k ? "
USC tuition is no joke. i got a 50 grand loan for CSUN and i think thats a lot. imagining 135K smh.
Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

135k in the hole for a piece of paper
It's not worth it. Take some time off until you figure out how to pay for school. If you're a freshman go to a community college first and see if you can get some scholarships. No need to get that much debt so early on 
why dont you transfer to cal state universities? its 6k a year so with that 45k you pay every year, you can pay your whole 3 years in college AND buy a car
Transfer to a local community college.
You'll probably have to wait til next term to start there since this one's been going on.
Get a job. You can save up money that, if need be, can help pay for tuition when the time comes.
Finish out your sophomore year there and get an AA degree (with the best grades possible), saving tens of thousands of dollars right there.
While you're at that CC, look into scholarships and grants, talk to financial aid people, academic advisers, whoever, about saving as much money as possible.
Since you're at a CC local to USC, it should be set up to transfer you right back into USC with that associates.
Transfer back into USC, or whatever school you want to.
Get out of there.. man you need that CUNY life.. like 2700 a semester for good education.. find an alternative route.. is debt really something you wanna be in, during times like this?
i was goin 2 say 13.5? you nuts forget about 13.5 man but damn 135 buy a revolver blow yourself back its easier
 thats some serious cash for an education.
Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

i was gone say 13.5? you nut forget about 13.5 man but damn 135 but a revolver its easier haha


english? Do you speak it?
Originally Posted by Cap29

Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

i was gone say 13.5? you nut forget about 13.5 man but damn 135 but a revolver its easier haha


english? Do you speak it?
 im tired i give no +!%* im that guy on here that got people trippin over my english or punction its always something. Proud to be an unamerican


If you can't get scholarships or any thing to knock down that bill DO NOT DO IT.

Take it from some one with around 100k in debt working a good job barely able to get by.  You will be better served to attend a cheaper school.  Or just work a year or two save up some money and attend an online university.  I do believe a college education is important in the working world.  But it is not worth paying back the rest of your life.  I wish i would have went the community college route and transferred to an in state school.  Instead of going to a private university out of state and being in massive debt.

I would say stay in school for now.

Research scholarships and apply.

If you have to, take a year off and work to save up to pay down your debt.

Or just transfer to a CSU.
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