Drug Dealers vs. Drug Addicts Vol. Who's Worse?

Mar 26, 2009
So, I was checking out that Rayful Edmond thread, and as I guessed...a good portion of the replies were condeming him for "destroying the community".There were a few posters from the D.C./Maryland area who said they lost family members, thanks to Rayful's Drugs... .

Now, I know this is going to sound effed up, but shouldn't their family members be considered the "true" villains? I mean, without the Demand,there would be no supply, right?

All throughout School...we're told over and over "Just Say No"...we're constantly forewarned of the aftermath thatDrug Use can result in...so if anything, shouldn't the Dope Boys be respected for having the discipline and common sense, to make money off selling it,instead of using it?

that's like saying all the people scammed by people like Madoff, Nigerian scammers, and Ponzi schemers are heroes, while the people that "gave"them money deserved to lose it.
if there were no addicts, thered be no drugs to deal..
people viewing addicts as victims makes me giggle
I don't know if its a two way street necessarily.

I see pushers more as predators than drug addicts as weak-willed or whatever. Practically anyone can become a drug addict whereas I don't see it the sameway for drug dealers.

Addiction of any kind turns one's quest to get high into a disease, be it psychological or physical dependency.
One gives it all he has up for something someone risking it all to get it all. Its a two way street of supply and demand
Originally Posted by verynecessary

that's like saying all the people scammed by people like Madoff, Nigerian scammers, and Ponzi schemers are heroes, while the people that "gave" them money deserved to lose it.
The difference is, the people who got scammed put their trust in people who they thought were "trustworthy", while drug addicts knowdamn well drug dealers are in it for the money, nothing else.
If I'm not mistaken this same thread was made a month or two ago.


Drug dealers don't own opium fields, they aint farming tons of bud, etc.

@ the drugs on war yet the gov't not manning up and targeting the countries that supply it in the first place.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

one can't exist without the other
you sir are a damn fool

this day and age its ALL on the duggie you know wat you gettin yo self into point blank
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

if there were no addicts, thered be no drugs to deal..
I would guess theres more recreational users than addicts.
not for the real money-making drugs... how many recreational heroin users do you know?
I sympathize with users, but I empathize with suppliers. It's real out there.
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