Drug Dealing Music Discussion

Originally Posted by Halftime718

You really think most people sell drugs because they heard a rapper talking about it?
Originally Posted by RoddyRodPiper

Originally Posted by Halftime718

You really think most people sell drugs because they heard a rapper talking about it?

I wouldnt say most, but if you were conditioned from age 4 to think that selling dope is how to push benzes and acquire females, wouldn't you be influencedto turn to the dope game?
There's nothing wrong with "drug dealing" music or any other type of music for that matter. The problem is idiots who cant distinguish fact fromfiction.

it sounds good and people accept it, but like i said there's something thats going on, something that's deeper than music
20 years ago rap was considered a threat. It no longer is since they've figured out how to use it against us.
It's plenty of us rappers with content other than drug talk.... I hate when people let the radio, or BET get carried away. Turn that %%$% off and go findsomething better. It's out there.
Drug rap is so dead. The best drug music in the 90s.

Most of these kids now listening to watered down low quality whack drug raps.

I think from now on you shouldn't be allowed to rap about a drug unless you using it/used it.
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Originally Posted by RoddyRodPiper

Originally Posted by Halftime718

You really think most people sell drugs because they heard a rapper talking about it?

I wouldnt say most, but if you were conditioned from age 4 to think that selling dope is how to push benzes and acquire females, wouldn't you be influenced to turn to the dope game?

I think it's being broke and having no other options, or thinking you have no other options.
OP, rapping about kilo's is just a movie.

The rapper is painting a picture, to sell the "movie".

They just want to give to consumer action and excitement.

Could someone really be hype listening someone rapping about how good it was teaching a young kid that if they deal drugs they are going to go to jail.

Think about how WHACK that song would be.
I've made my point.
so its ok because its just entertainment
bs i wouldnt let my kids hear none of the crap they play on the radio
because its making it seem ok to live that type of life
and it aint coo
mostly everyone has been fooled and manipulated to act a certain way
and thats the generation we have been born into
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

OP, rapping about kilo's is just a movie.

The rapper is painting a picture, to sell the "movie".

They just want to give to consumer action and excitement.

Could someone really be hype listening someone rapping about how good it was teaching a young kid that if they deal drugs they are going to go to jail.

Think about how WHACK that song would be.
I've made my point.


Come on man...
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Why? Why do they let these kids listen to it, then make these rappers seem like "gods" all it's doing is messing with the youths minds man. Common sense would tell you that, most likely you'd get arrested if everyday you sell cocaine, then tell the world what you do?!?? In short all im saying is its messed up how folk get so much money when they claim to do all these illegal things and show the youth you can become very successful nowadays. White or Black race is not the issue its about the kids and the future. Its lyrical genocide for real. Talking about selling harmful drugs to each other and killing/shooting each other +@*!?! All im saying is at the end of the day music is music, i just hope yall THINK about that and focus on what should be important in your life.

the problem is, most of these kids are being raised by rappers, not teachers and parents.

real talk.

movies, music, internet....it's not evil...even if evil things are being discussed...

the context in which a person, expecially children, puts these things is the issue.....

as a kid, growing up, i knew the difference between a real dope dealer and a rapper...cause i lived across the street from a dope house...

i do feel what you're saying though, i just get tired of people blaming the MEDIUM or ARTIST, not the fact that CHILDREN are being exposed to it.

they have music for kids...in the kids section...

but they bumping Jeezy.

Jeezy isn't in the children's section, right?
Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Chill... it's just entertainment...

...great entertainment
co sign
Disagree.. it's entertaining, true... but it's art firstand foremost. WWE is just entertainment. Flavor of Love is justentertainment. Music is fine arts.
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Originally Posted by RoddyRodPiper

Halftime718 wrote:

You really think most people sell drugs because they heard a rapper talking about it?

I wouldnt say most, but if you were conditioned from age 4 to think that selling dope is how to push benzes and acquire females, wouldn't you be influenced to turn to the dope game?

That train of thought doesn't come from music...

It come from being around your enviorment

SEEING the dopeboys and drug dealers pushin the fly *!%%..dressin fresh, stacks of $$ in the pocket

SEEING is believing...

Dudes on the block hustlin influenced me more than a rapper..

That's where the conditioning comes from

Not music
It's just music, and since it's hip-hop music it's used as a scapegoat for all this @#$%. what about all these movies/TV shows that are constantlydisplaying the same @#$%? The parents who raise their children right teach them to distinguish between entertainment (which is obviously exaggerated) andreality, where 95% of the @#$% you see on TV and hear in music wouldn't fly
nah, the art is when the passion is there...

most music these days isn't fine art...

it's prepackaged BS for mass consumption...

dude's making singles, not to have a dope song, but to sell ringtones...



which is where a parent is supposed to step in...

LarryIndiana219 wrote:

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

OP, rapping about kilo's is just a movie.

The rapper is painting a picture, to sell the "movie".

They just want to give to consumer action and excitement.

Could someone really be hype listening someone rapping about how good it was teaching a young kid that if they deal drugs they are going to go to jail.

Think about how WHACK that song would be.
I've made my point.


Come on man...

i meant conscious rap... like no cussing and stuff
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

LarryIndiana219 wrote:

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

OP, rapping about kilo's is just a movie.

The rapper is painting a picture, to sell the "movie".

They just want to give to consumer action and excitement.

Could someone really be hype listening someone rapping about how good it was teaching a young kid that if they deal drugs they are going to go to jail.

Think about how WHACK that song would be.
I've made my point.


Come on man...

i meant conscious rap... like no cussing and stuff

Man... you sound stupid, real talk.
I believe the difference maker in this thread is "PARENTING".

Teachers in the classroom and the guardians in these childrens homes are soley responsible for feeding moral information.

These rappers/entertainers are not role models. However, the role models baggage comes along with being an entertainer because, you are a victim ofthe media.

Teachers and parents are to blame for childrens faults with being influenced by bad judgements.

I fortuneatly ( spellcheck for me NT
) have parents who have taught me the rights and wrongs of my early life.

Also i have went to private skool, so the teachers have been my guardians, and have taught me the rights and wrongs.
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