One of my classmates got caught with a DUI last night. We were coming back from some club when my boy gets a call from an Officer Brown asking if someone cancome an pick up her car because she is being taken to jail. What saddens me is this girl had a bright future ahead of her, now she has a DUI criminalrecord.

That being said I called it the first time I hung out with her.

Don't do it NT, it's not worth it, they are really coming down on this across the country. There are random DUI checks everywhere.
It's still a misdemeanor, not a felony. Yes it's a very serious crime, but it's not the end of her life. Hopefully she learns from it anddoesn't get caught a couple more times to the point that it turns into a felony.
dam.. truth.. have ur friend hire a lawyer.. i got hit with a dui 2 months ago and got it reduced to a negligent driving with no hole punched in my licenses..i have since learned my lesson with that kinna stuff and wont ever try again.. totally not worth it.. cost me around 3k total which is def. on the cheap endcuz this is a lawyer my friend referred me to that he knew.. other lawyers be chargin upwards around 5k not including drug/alcohol eval, penalties, licensessuspension, possible probation, etc.. so ur prolly gonna cost u over 7k+ if ur not smart about it or your lawyer is !#%@@*..
I wouldn't say the Ultimate L. just a misdemeanor unless you kill someone or it's your third. you'll be minus a few hundreds for the court fine andinsurance increase. I got one and it hasn't been a problem for the most part in my recent job search.

it is however a big hassle and not worth the headache. DDs are your friend.
Originally Posted by wj4

It's still a misdemeanor, not a felony. Yes it's a very serious crime, but it's not the end of her life. Hopefully she learns from it and doesn't get caught a couple more times to the point that it turns into a felony.
This throws up some major red flags when it is time for her to apply for residencies and a medical license. Reckless, criminal, unethicalbehaviors are especially looked down upon in the medical field.
DUIs are serious. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that gets one. Picking up a phone to call a friend or a cab is all it takes to avoid that. Itsirresponsible and the potential for damage is immense.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by wj4

It's still a misdemeanor, not a felony. Yes it's a very serious crime, but it's not the end of her life. Hopefully she learns from it and doesn't get caught a couple more times to the point that it turns into a felony.
This throws up some major red flags when it is time for her to apply for residencies and a medical license. Reckless, criminal, unethical behaviors are especially looked down upon in the medical field.
While it may hinder her from being a doctor, I'm sure she can find another career (Worst case scenario). Or have her work out a deal with theD.A. when the time comes. At least that's what I did. I was caught street racing around my 2nd year in college (2004 or so). My attorney (Do NOT get apublic one) got it water down to a DUI and if I stay out of trouble, the file was to be expunged in 3 years. (He had me bring in everything I have that showsI'm a good student and doing something with my life and he showed it to the D.A.'s and the judge). Now, it's been fully expunged. I'm glad Igot caught though because I used to drive like a mad man. The downside was that my insurance was extremely high for the next 3 years ($7,000 a year undermom's name and with good student discount). Now since the case has been expunged, it's down to about $1,500 a year.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

DUIs are serious. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that gets one. Picking up a phone to call a friend or a cab is all it takes to avoid that. Its irresponsible and the potential for damage is immense.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by wj4

It's still a misdemeanor, not a felony. Yes it's a very serious crime, but it's not the end of her life. Hopefully she learns from it and doesn't get caught a couple more times to the point that it turns into a felony.
This throws up some major red flags when it is time for her to apply for residencies and a medical license. Reckless, criminal, unethical behaviors are especially looked down upon in the medical field.
While it may hinder her from being a doctor, I'm sure she can find another career (Worst case scenario). Or have her work out a deal with the D.A. when the time comes. At least that's what I did. I was caught street racing around my 2nd year in college (2004 or so). My attorney (Do NOT get a public one) got it water down to a DUI and if I stay out of trouble, the file was to be expunged in 3 years. (He had me bring in everything I have that shows I'm a good student and doing something with my life and he showed it to the D.A.'s and the judge). Now, it's been fully expunged. I'm glad I got caught though because I used to drive like a mad man. The downside was that my insurance was extremely high for the next 3 years ($7,000 a year under mom's name and with good student discount). Now since the case has been expunged, it's down to about $1,500 a year.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

DUIs are serious. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that gets one. Picking up a phone to call a friend or a cab is all it takes to avoid that. Its irresponsible and the potential for damage is immense.
Easier said than done. On Friday and Saturday nights from 12-4AM, I'm willing to bet at least 50% of the drivers on the road are under theinfluence of some sort. If you go to a bar or a club, just look at how many people leave walking all wobbly and such. I know some have a designated driver,but that person has to have extremely strong will not to give in at a point in the night.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

DUIs are serious. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that gets one. Picking up a phone to call a friend or a cab is all it takes to avoid that. Its irresponsible and the potential for damage is immense.
perhaps but this is usually easier said than done.

very few people are gonna come pick me up from the bar at 2am.

and taxis are expensive
yea i got a DUI back in 07, and im JUST beginning to recover from the financial raping that i had to go through.

I wont even sip a damn drink if i know im driving later... spending time in jail is not the way to go.... not being able to go outside when i felt like pissedme the %$#+ off.
and having to be on my super paranoid %%+*, cuz i was ready to kill the 1st person that tried me the wrong way in jail....

i never want to be in that situation again... so DUI = Major Fail
A misdemeanor DUI isn't the end of the world. They are MUCH more common than you think--believe me, I work in the justice system and I see them all thedamn time. A girl I used to work with got one right before she got hired to be a PROBATION OFFICER. And she's still a PO a few years later. While theydefinitely don't look good, one on your record as a young person isn't going to blacklist you from any career. People tend to overlook DUI's a bitsince drinking is America's #1 pastime. Now if you get one WHILE you're in a career, that's a different story.

That said, I wouldn't advise getting one or even driving drunk. For one, you could kill yourself, a passenger in your car or someone else. And as alreadymentioned they can end up being maaaad expensive and include stipulations like having to piss in a cup, do community service and be on house arrest. It justisn't worth it.
A misdemeanor DUI isn't the end of the world. They are MUCH more common than you think--believe me, I work in the justice system and I see them all the damn time.
Yes. All type of people in all financial situation get them. My friend, who works for Sterling's (owner of the Clippers) firm became a goferfor a while when he got his license suspended from a DUI.
^^ thats if you have multiple dui's and youre limited to where you drive. i have 5 friends with dui's. damn losers
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