do you guys know if it's possible to fight an underage DUI in cali? My friends sis got one, she was under the legal limit but underage so they took her in.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

DUIs are serious. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that gets one. Picking up a phone to call a friend or a cab is all it takes to avoid that. Its irresponsible and the potential for damage is immense.
Don't do it NT, it's not worth it, they are really coming down on this across the country. There are random DUI checks everywhere.

PREACH! i've never gotten one and hope i never do. but many a night driving from downtown portland to beaverton using back roads and not remembering thedrive, FTL.

i'm new to arizona but i hear the consequence for a DUI out here (phoenix) is AUTOMATIC 45 days in jail, no ?'s asked. our sheriff arpaio is a redneckcowboy anyway, but i'd hate to be in jail for 45 days.

on a side note, did any of you know AAA provides a FREE tow service for drunk people at the bar? a AAA service will tow you AND your car, up to 10 miles, fromthe bar you're at. this goes for BOTH members and non-members.
my friend just got one. he parked his car in the middle of the street and passed out in the back
i have a bunch of friends who have gotten these......*+@$*# way to end a night but definitely not the end of the world.
Originally Posted by socluis90

do you guys know if it's possible to fight an underage DUI in cali? My friends sis got one, she was under the legal limit but underage so they took her in.
she could charged with underage consumption and/or possession.

I will never put myself in that position, especially living in virginia. they do not play when it comes to drinking and driving in VA.
Originally Posted by khadafi252

on a side note, did any of you know AAA provides a FREE tow service for drunk people at the bar? a AAA service will tow you AND your car, up to 10 miles, from the bar you're at. this goes for BOTH members and non-members.


between 18-20 i drove drunk and felt untouchable....i figured my luck was bound to run out and i couldnt afford a DUI, soo i calmed down, have someone elsedrive or have a DD...there are times that i still find myself driving after a few drinks, but those are rare and in between.
What about people that pass sobriety tests (as in the physical things) but fail a breathalyzer?

What about DWI's? Those are automatic felonies right?
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by khadafi252

on a side note, did any of you know AAA provides a FREE tow service for drunk people at the bar? a AAA service will tow you AND your car, up to 10 miles, from the bar you're at. this goes for BOTH members and non-members.

i believe that is on the major drinking holidays
My neighbor bought a beat up Trans Am for $500 and got a DUI the FIRST night he had it. He has two, if not three DUI's by now. What a knucklehead.
Yea on San Antonio news, last night(saturday) this 28 year old lady, hit this old mexican homeless lady(she died R.I.P.) She got a dui and manslauther, she infor life.
Originally Posted by youngmoney

my friend just got one. he parked his car in the middle of the street and passed out in the back

I ran into the back of a parked truck in my neighborhood, cop let me go homeeven though i was clearly drunk, then they even took my car to mazda collision center instead of impounding it(true story). My mothers prayers really workedout. I def took a lesson out of that.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

I drive better drunk anyway

I can't front here it's possible. One of my boys is great driving drunk.

You may drive drunk but if you make a mistake like speeding, you're done. Most of the DUI's are probably found out from a regular traffic violation.It's never worth it. Just sleep in the whip
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by youngmoney

my friend just got one. he parked his car in the middle of the street and passed out in the back

I ran into the back of a parked truck in my neighborhood, cop let me go home even though i was clearly drunk, then they even took my car to mazda collision center instead of impounding it(true story). My mothers prayers really worked out. I def took a lesson out of that.

that just sounds too unbelievable to believe.
Originally Posted by King Beef

It's never worth it. Just sleep in the whip

... With your keys in the trunk. If the keys are anywhere within arms reach you can get hit with a DUI, or so I've been told by alcohol counselors.
Cops are cracking down on all kinds of motor vehicle infractions where I live. It's rare that I don't see someone pulled over on my drive to and fromschool. Add to that random road blocks and it's getting crazy. I guess they're just trying to raise money for the government...
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by King Beef

It's never worth it. Just sleep in the whip

... With your keys in the trunk. If the keys are anywhere within arms reach you can get hit with a DUI, or so I've been told by alcohol counselors.
QFT...I used to do this in NYC tho. Just don't put ur keys anywhere within reach, pull ur seat back and sleep.
Originally Posted by backyardrsx

^^ thats if you have multiple dui's and youre limited to where you drive. i have 5 friends with dui's. damn losers

sounds like your crew knows how to party.

hit me up for the next bash (pause?
It's not the end of the world, but it is a huge hassle.

In the end it's just not worth it.
got one at the start of this year, def. not appreciated, still sorta dealing with it right now and i still gotta pay a 895$ fine next month on top of 750$ dmvassessment fee which i can pay over 3 years good thing, on top of that DDP classes so i can drive with a conditional= 200-300$, plus if u got a lawyer which idid for not that much (2500) but he didnt help that much since i didnt use him for the dmv hearing cause i refused a blood test(i should have), all in allDUI=EXPENSIVE learned my lesson for the most part
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by youngmoney

my friend just got one. he parked his car in the middle of the street and passed out in the back

I ran into the back of a parked truck in my neighborhood, cop let me go home even though i was clearly drunk, then they even took my car to mazda collision center instead of impounding it(true story). My mothers prayers really worked out. I def took a lesson out of that.

that just sounds too unbelievable to believe.
Thats why i said a mothers prayer actually work. I promise on everything(not proud of it, but it did). I was at a house party and they took mykeys from me, i had this girl go find em for me because i told her i didnt want anyone stealing my car. She got them them gave them to me, i snuck out, i wentto jack n the box grabbed some food, got into my neighboorhood. After that i woke up crashed into the back of a truck, head hit the sterring wheel(it must ofknocked me out), got out threw up on the curb. Neighor whos truck i hit brought me some water called the cops. Cop came, i told what happened as straight as icould then he told me to call someone to pick me up, sister came, i got into her car. Cop said: Either he feel asleep driving, he was inebriated, or he fellasleep while inebrated, whatever the case atleast he didnt drive off of a bridge or kill anybody. I was like 18 when this happened, i felt so bad. Never didthat again, im glad duriong the time i was doing it i didnt harm one person. i was the exception, im taking life very serious.
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